#lang debug br (require "quad.rkt" "param.rkt" fontland) (provide (all-defined-out)) (define pt-x first) (define pt-y second) (define (pt x y) (list x y)) (define (pt+ . pts) (apply map + pts)) (define (pt- . pts) (apply map - pts)) (define (sum-base qs which) (for/sum ([q (in-list qs)]) (which (size q)))) (define (sum-y qs) (sum-base qs pt-y)) (define (sum-x qs) (sum-base qs pt-x)) (define valid-anchors '(nw n ne w c e sw s se bi bo)) (define (coerce-int x) (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x)) (define font-cache (make-hash)) (define (get-font font-name) (hash-ref! font-cache font-name (λ () (open-font font-name)))) (define font-path-key 'font-path) (define ascender-cache (make-hash)) (define (ascender q) (define font-key-val (quad-ref q font-path-key)) (unless font-key-val (error 'ascender-no-font-key)) (hash-ref! ascender-cache font-key-val (λ () (font-ascent (get-font font-key-val))))) (define units-cache (make-hash)) (define (units-per-em q) (define font-key-val (quad-ref q font-path-key)) (unless font-key-val (error 'units-per-em-no-font-key)) (hash-ref! units-cache font-key-val (λ () (font-units-per-em (get-font font-key-val))))) (define (fontsize q) (define val (quad-ref q 'font-size current-default-font-size)) ((if (number? val) values string->number) val)) (define (vertical-baseline-offset q [fallback-val 0]) (cond [(quad-ref q font-path-key) (* (/ (ascender q) (units-per-em q) 1.0) (fontsize q))] [else fallback-val])) (define (anchor->local-point q anchor) ;; calculate the location of the anchor on the bounding box relative to '(0 0) (aka "locally") (match-define (list x-fac y-fac) (case anchor [(nw) '(0 0 )] [(n) '(0.5 0 )] [(ne) '(1 0 )] [( w) '(0 0.5)] [(c) '(0.5 0.5)] [( e) '(1 0.5)] [(sw) '(0 1 )] [(s) '(0.5 1 )] [(se) '(1 1 )] [(baseline-in bi) '(0 0 )] [(baseline-out bo) '(1 0 )] [else (raise-argument-error 'anchor->local-point (format "anchor value in ~v" valid-anchors) anchor)])) (match-define (list x y) (size q)) (pt (coerce-int (* x x-fac)) (coerce-int (+ (* y y-fac) (match anchor [(or 'bi 'bo 'baseline-in 'baseline-out) ;; if no font available, match baseline to south edge by passing y as fallback value (vertical-baseline-offset q y)] [_ 0]))))) (define (to-point q) ;; calculate absolute location ;; based on current origin and point type. ;; don't include offset, so location is on bounding box (anchor->global-point q (quad-to q))) (define (from-point q) ;; calculate absolute location ;; based on current origin and point type. ;; don't include offset, so location is on bounding box (anchor->global-point q (quad-from q))) (define (anchor->global-point q anchor) ;; don't include shift here: it should be baked into origin calculation (pt+ (anchor->local-point q anchor) (quad-origin q))) (define (position q-or-qs [ref-src #f]) (define-values (arg post-proc) (match q-or-qs [(? quad? q) (values q values)] [(list (? quad? qs) ...) (values (make-quad #:elems qs) quad-elems)])) (post-proc (position-one arg ref-src))) (define (position-one q ref-src) ;; recursively calculates coordinates for quad & subquads ;; need to position before recurring, so subquads have accurate reference point (define positioned-q (quad-copy q [origin (let* ([ref-pt (cond [(quad? ref-src) (anchor->global-point ref-src (or (quad-from-parent q) (quad-from q)))] [ref-src] ; for passing explicit points in testing [else (pt 0 0)])] [this-origin (pt- ref-pt (to-point q))] [shifted-origin (pt+ this-origin (quad-shift q))]) shifted-origin)] ;; set shift to zero because it's baked into new origin value [shift (pt 0 0)])) (define positioned-elems ;; for purposes of positioning the elements, we want to also bake in the `shift-elements` value ;; but we don't want this origin to be permanent on the parent. ;; akin to `push` a graphics state and then `pop` afterwards. (let ([parent-q (quad-copy positioned-q [origin (pt+ (quad-origin positioned-q) (quad-shift-elems positioned-q))] [shift-elems (pt 0 0)])]) ;; can't use for/list here because previous quads provide context for later ones (let loop ([prev-elems null] [elems (quad-elems parent-q)]) (match elems [(? null?) (reverse prev-elems)] [(cons (? quad? this-q) rest) (define ref-q (if (or (quad-from-parent this-q) (null? prev-elems)) parent-q (car prev-elems))) (loop (cons (position-one this-q ref-q) prev-elems) rest)] [(cons x rest) (loop (cons x prev-elems) rest)])))) (quad-update! positioned-q [elems positioned-elems])) (define (distance q) (match (pt- (from-point q) (to-point q)) [(list-no-order 0 val) val] [(list ∆x ∆y) (sqrt (+ (expt ∆x 2) (expt ∆y 2)))])) (define (flatten-quad q) (cons (quad-copy q [elems null]) (apply append (map flatten-quad (quad-elems q))))) (define (bounding-box . qs-in) ;; size of box that holds q and all subqs, based on reported origin and size ;; does not know anything about drawing (which may go outside the box) (define qs (flatten-quad (make-quad #:elems qs-in))) (define (outer-pt q) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (quad-size q))) (define max-outer-pt (apply map max (cons '(0 0) (map outer-pt qs)))) (define min-origin (apply map min (cons '(0 0) (map quad-origin qs)))) (append min-origin max-outer-pt)) (define (attach-to from-q from-pt to-q to-pt) (quad-update! to-q [from-parent from-pt] [to to-pt])) (module+ test (require rackunit) (test-case "bounding boxes" (define q10 (make-quad #:size '(10 10))) (define q20 (make-quad #:size '(20 20))) (check-equal? (bounding-box q10) '(0 0 10 10)) (check-equal? (bounding-box (position (make-quad #:elems (list q10 q10)))) '(0 0 20 10)) (check-equal? (bounding-box q20) '(0 0 20 20)) (check-equal? (bounding-box (position (make-quad #:elems (list q10 q20)))) '(0 0 30 20)) (check-equal? (bounding-box (position (make-quad #:elems (list q10 q20 q20)))) '(0 0 50 20))) (test-case "origins" (define size (pt 10 10)) (define orig (pt 5 5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'nw #:size size) orig)) (pt 5 5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'n #:size size) orig)) (pt 0 5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'ne #:size size) orig)) (pt -5 5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'e #:size size) orig)) (pt -5 0)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'se #:size size) orig)) (pt -5 -5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 's #:size size) orig)) (pt 0 -5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'sw #:size size) orig)) (pt 5 -5)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'w #:size size) orig)) (pt 5 0))) (test-case "origins with shifts" (define size (pt 10 10)) (define orig (pt 5 5)) (define shift (pt 3 3)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'nw #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt 5 5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'n #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt 0 5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'ne #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt -5 5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'e #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt -5 0) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'se #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt -5 -5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 's #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt 0 -5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'sw #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt 5 -5) shift)) (check-equal? (quad-origin (position (q #:to 'w #:size size #:shift shift) orig)) (pt+ (pt 5 0) shift))) (test-case "in points" (define size '(10 10)) (define pos '(5 5)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'nw #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 5)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'n #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 5)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'ne #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 5)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'w #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 10)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'c #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 10)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'e #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 10)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'sw #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 15)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 's #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 15)) (check-equal? (to-point (q #:to 'se #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 15))) (test-case "out points" (define size (pt 10 10)) (define pos (pt 5 5)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'nw #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 5)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'n #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 5)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'ne #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 5)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'w #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 10)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'c #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 10)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'e #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 10)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'sw #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 5 15)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 's #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 10 15)) (check-equal? (from-point (q #:from 'se #:size size #:origin pos)) (pt 15 15))) ) #;(module+ test (require racket/runtime-path fontland/font) (define-runtime-path fira "fira.ttf") (define q1 (q (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) font-path-key fira 'fontsize 12))) (define q2 (q (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) font-path-key fira 'fontsize 24))) (define q3 (q (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) font-path-key fira 'fontsize 6))) #;(position (q #f q1 q2 q3))) #;(module+ test (require rackunit) (define q (q (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) font-path-key fira 'fontsize 12))) (check-equal? (ascender q) 935) (check-equal? (units-per-em q) 1000) (define ascender-scaled (* (/ (ascender q) (units-per-em q)) (quad-ref q 'fontsize) 1.0)) (check-equal? (in-point q) (list 0 ascender-scaled)) (check-equal? (out-point q) (list 10 ascender-scaled)))