#lang debug racket/base (require "core.rkt" racket/class racket/match racket/format racket/dict sugar/unstable/dict "annotation.rkt" "reference.rkt" "object.rkt" "page.rkt" "vector.rkt" "font.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (store-ref doc ref) (set-pdf-refs! doc (cons ref (pdf-refs doc)))) (define (make-pdf #:output-path [output-path #f] #:compress [compress? (current-compress-streams)] #:auto-first-page [auto-first-page? (current-auto-first-page)] #:size [size "letter"] #:orientation [orientation "portrait"] #:width [width-arg #f] #:height [height-arg #f]) (match-define (list parsed-width parsed-height) (sort (hash-ref page-sizes (string-upcase size) (λ () (hash-ref page-sizes "LETTER"))) ;; for portrait, shorter edge is width (if (member orientation '("portrait" "tall")) < >))) (define width (or width-arg parsed-width)) (define height (or height-arg parsed-height)) ;; initial values (define pages null) (define refs null) (define info (mhasheq 'Producer "PITFALL" 'Creator "PITFALL" 'CreationDate (current-seconds))) (define opacity-registry (make-hash)) (define current-fill-color '("black" 1)) (define ctm default-ctm-value) (define ctm-stack null) (define font-families (make-hash)) (define current-font-features null) (define current-font-size 12) (define current-font #false) (define registered-fonts (make-hash)) (define font-count 0) (define line-gap 0) (define x 0) (define y 0) (define image-registry (make-hash)) (define new-doc (pdf width height pages refs 'dummy-root-value-that-will-be-replaced-below info opacity-registry current-fill-color ctm ctm-stack font-families current-font-features current-font-size current-font registered-fonts font-count line-gap x y image-registry output-path)) (set-current-ref-id! 1) (reset-annotations-cache!) (register-ref-listener (λ (ref) (store-ref new-doc ref))) (set-pdf-root! new-doc (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Catalog 'Pages (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Pages))))) ;; initialize params (current-compress-streams compress?) (current-auto-first-page auto-first-page?) (when (current-auto-first-page) (add-page new-doc)) (when (current-auto-helvetica) (font new-doc "Helvetica")) new-doc) (define (add-page doc [width (pdf-width doc)] [height (pdf-height doc)]) ;; create a page object (define page-parent (dict-ref (pdf-root doc) 'Pages)) (set-pdf-pages! doc (cons (make-page #:parent page-parent #:width width #:height height) (pdf-pages doc))) (when (test-mode) ;; default values for tests (set-pdf-x! doc 72) (set-pdf-y! doc 72)) ;; flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in ;; the top left rather than the bottom left (set-pdf-ctm! doc default-ctm-value) (transform doc 1 0 0 -1 0 ($page-height (current-page doc))) doc) (define last-output-port #f) (define (start-doc doc) (define output-port (match (pdf-output-path doc) [(? path-string? ps) (open-output-file ps #:exists 'replace)] [(? output-port? op) op] [#false (current-output-port)])) (set! last-output-port (current-output-port)) (current-output-port output-port) (write-bytes-out (format "%PDF-~a" (current-pdf-version))) (write-bytes-out "%ÿÿÿÿ")) (define (end-doc doc) (for-each page-end (pdf-pages doc)) (define doc-info (make-ref (pdf-info doc))) (ref-end doc-info) (for-each font-end (sort (hash-values (pdf-font-families doc)) string