#lang debug racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax syntax/strip-context) racket/match racket/sequence racket/string) (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (list->attrs . kvs) (for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 kvs)]) kv)) (define (cm->in x) (/ x 2.54)) (define (in->pts x) (* 72 x)) (define (mm->cm x) (/ x 10)) (define (parse-dimension x [round? #f]) (define val (match x [(? number?) x] [(? string? x) (match (cdr (regexp-match #rx"^(-?[0-9\\.]+)([a-z]+)$" (string-downcase x))) [(list num-string unit) ((match unit [(regexp #rx"in(ch(es)?)?$") in->pts] [(regexp #rx"cm$") (compose1 in->pts cm->in)] [(regexp #rx"mm$") (compose1 in->pts cm->in mm->cm)] [_ (raise-argument-error 'parse-dimension "dimension string" x)]) (string->number num-string))])])) (if round? (inexact->exact (floor val)) val)) (define (copy-block-attrs source-hash dest-hash) (define new-hash (make-hasheq)) (for ([(k v) (in-hash dest-hash)]) (hash-set! new-hash k v)) (for* ([k (in-list block-attrs)] [v (in-value (hash-ref source-hash k #f))] #:when v) (hash-set! new-hash k v)) new-hash) (define-syntax (define-attrs stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ (ATTR-NAME ...)) (with-syntax ([(ATTR-ID ...) (for/list ([attr-id (in-list (syntax->list #'(ATTR-NAME ...)))]) (format-id stx ":~a" (syntax-e attr-id)))]) #'(begin (define ATTR-ID 'ATTR-NAME) ...))] [(_ ID (ATTR-NAME ...)) (replace-context stx #'(begin (define ID (list 'ATTR-NAME ...)) (define-attrs (ATTR-NAME ...))))])) #| Naming guidelines + shorter is better + general to specific: border-color-left, not border-left-color or left-border-color + don't refer to specific output format, e.g. PDF or HTML + consistency with CSS style property names is OK if the concept is mostly the same, but usually it's not + default value for any missing attr is #false + measurement units are points by default |# (define-attrs (font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-color font-features font-italic font-bold font-tracking bg link href line-height hyphenate list-index no-colbr no-pbr page-number doc-title)) (define-attrs block-attrs (display ;; inset values increase the layout size of the quad. ;; they are relative to the natural layout box. inset-top inset-bottom inset-left inset-right ;; border-inset values do not increase the layout size of the quad. ;; they are relative to the layout size of the quad, with inset values included. ;; this is different from CSS, where margin + padding increase the size of the layout. ;; one has to be dependent on the other, so a choice must be made. ;; I find this approach more sensible because ;; borders are a styling element, not a layout element. ;; this means that changing the inset values will change the position of the border. ;; but this is preferable to the CSS model, where moving the border changes the layout. ;; principle: minimize the number of values that affect the layout, ;; so it's easier to reason about programmatically. border-inset-top border-inset-bottom border-inset-left border-inset-right border-width-left border-width-right border-width-top border-width-bottom border-color-left border-color-right border-color-top border-color-bottom background-color block-clip ; whether box boundary clips its contents space-after ; space after a block, like a paragraph space-before column-count column-gap keep-first-lines keep-last-lines keep-all-lines keep-with-next line-align line-align-last first-line-indent line-wrap image-data image-alt page-width page-height page-size ; e.g., "letter" page-orientation ; only applies to page-size dimensions page-number-start ; 1 page-margin-top page-margin-bottom page-margin-left page-margin-right footer-display))