#lang debug racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax) racket/match txexpr/base racket/contract racket/file racket/string racket/sequence racket/list pitfall quad hyphenate pollen/unstable/typography pollen/decode sugar/coerce sugar/debug sugar/list "attrs.rkt" "param.rkt" "font.rkt" "layout.rkt" "log.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg) (define fallback-path (build-path (find-system-path 'temp-dir) "quadwriter-temp.pdf")) (path->complete-path (simplify-path (expand-user-path (->path (or pdf-path-arg fallback-path)))))) (define-syntax (define-break-types stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ ALL-BREAKS-ID . TYPES) (with-syntax ([((TYPE-BREAK TYPE-STR Q:TYPE-BREAK) ...) (for/list ([type (in-list (syntax->list #'TYPES))]) (list (format-id #'TYPES "~a-break" type) (symbol->string (syntax->datum type)) (format-id #'TYPES "q:~a-break" type)))]) #'(begin (define TYPE-BREAK '(q ((break TYPE-STR)))) ... (define ALL-BREAKS-ID (list (cons TYPE-BREAK Q:TYPE-BREAK) ...))))])) (define-break-types all-breaks para line page column hr section) (define (replace-breaks x) (map-elements (λ (el) (cond [(assoc el all-breaks) => cdr] [else el])) x)) (define (handle-hyphenate qs) ;; find quads that want hyphenation and split them into smaller pieces ;; do this before ->string-quad so that it can handle the sizing promises (apply append (for/list ([q (in-list qs)]) (match (quad-ref q :hyphenate) [#true #:when (and (pair? (quad-elems q)) (andmap string? (quad-elems q))) (for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))] [hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)] [hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char #:min-left-length 3 #:min-right-length 3))] [substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))]) (quad-copy q [elems (list substr)]))] [_ (list q)])))) (define (string->feature-list str) (for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 (string-split str))]) (cons (string->bytes/utf-8 (first kv)) (string->number (second kv))))) (define (parse-font-features! attrs) (cond [(match (hash-ref attrs :font-features-adjust #f) [(? string? str) ;; override any existing features (define parsed-features (string->feature-list str)) (hash-update! attrs :font-features (λ (fs) (remove-duplicates (append parsed-features fs) equal? #:key car))) ;; adjustment is incorporated, so delete it (hash-set! attrs :font-features-adjust #false)] [_ #false])] [else (match (hash-ref attrs :font-features #f) [(? string? str) (define parsed-features (string->feature-list str)) (hash-set! attrs :font-features parsed-features)] [_ #false])])) (define (parse-dimension-strings! attrs) (for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)] #:when (takes-dimension-string? k)) (hash-update! attrs k parse-dimension)) attrs) (define (complete-every-path! attrs) ;; relies on `current-directory` being parameterized to source file's dir (for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)] #:when (takes-path? k)) (hash-update! attrs k (compose1 path->string path->complete-path))) attrs) (define (handle-cascading-attrs attrs) (parse-dimension-strings! attrs) (complete-every-path! attrs) (resolve-font-path! attrs) (resolve-font-size! attrs) (parse-font-features! attrs)) (define default-line-height-multiplier 1.42) (define (setup-qs qx-arg pdf-path) (define qexpr (decode qx-arg #:string-proc (λ (str) (smart-ellipses (smart-dashes str))) #:txexpr-proc smart-quotes)) (define super-qexpr (replace-breaks qexpr)) (define the-quad (qexpr->quad (list 'q (list->attrs :font-family default-font-family :font-size (number->string default-font-size) :line-height (number->string (floor (* default-line-height-multiplier default-font-size)))) super-qexpr))) (setup-font-path-table! pdf-path) (define atomized-qs (atomize the-quad #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs #:missing-glyph-action 'fallback #:fallback "fallback" #:emoji "fallback-emoji" #:math "fallback-math" #:font-path-resolver resolve-font-path!)) (define hyphenated-qs (time-log hyphenate (handle-hyphenate atomized-qs))) (define typed-quads (map generic->typed-quad hyphenated-qs)) (define indented-qs (insert-first-line-indents typed-quads)) indented-qs) (define (setup-margins qs page-width page-height) ;; if only left or right margin is provided, copy other value in preference to default margin (define q (car qs)) (define default-side-margin (min (* 72 1.5) (floor (* .20 page-width)))) (define default-top-margin (min 72 (floor (* .10 page-height)))) (define left (cond [(debug-x-margin)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-left)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-right)] [else default-side-margin])) (define right (cond [(debug-x-margin)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-right)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-left)] [else default-side-margin])) (define top (cond [(debug-y-margin)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-top)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-bottom)] [else default-top-margin])) (define bottom (cond [(debug-y-margin)] [(quad-ref q :page-margin-bottom)] [else (define vert-optical-adjustment 10) (+ vert-optical-adjustment (cond [(quad-ref q :page-margin-top)] [else (* default-top-margin 1.4)]))])) (list left top right bottom)) (define default-column-count 1) (define (setup-column-count qs) (define cc (or (debug-column-count) (quad-ref (car qs) :column-count default-column-count))) (unless (exact-nonnegative-integer? cc) (raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "positive integer" cc)) cc) (define default-column-gap 36) (define (setup-column-gap qs) (or (debug-column-gap) (quad-ref (car qs) :column-gap default-column-gap))) (define/contract (render-pdf qx-arg pdf-path-arg [base-dir-arg #false] #:replace [replace-existing-file? #t] #:compress [compress? #t]) ((qexpr? (or/c #false path? path-string?)) ((or/c #false path? path-string?) #:replace any/c #:compress any/c) . ->* . (or/c void? bytes?)) (define base-dir (match base-dir-arg [#false (current-directory)] [path (define-values (dir name _) (split-path path)) dir])) (define pdf-path (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg)) (unless replace-existing-file? (when (file-exists? pdf-path) (raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "path that doesn't exist" pdf-path))) (define the-pdf (make-pdf #:compress compress? #:auto-first-page #false #:output-path pdf-path)) (parameterize ([current-pdf the-pdf] ;; set `current-directory` so that ops like `path->complete-path` ;; will be handled relative to the original directory [current-directory base-dir] [section-pages-used 0] [verbose-quad-printing? #false]) (define qs (time-log setup-qs (setup-qs qx-arg pdf-path))) (define sections (for/fold ([sections-acc null] #:result (reverse sections-acc)) ([qs (in-list (filter-split qs section-break-quad?))]) (match-define (list page-width page-height) (parse-page-size (and (pair? qs) (car qs)))) (match-define (list left-margin top-margin right-margin bottom-margin) (setup-margins qs page-width page-height)) (define gutter-margin (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) :page-margin-gutter 0))) (define printable-width (- page-width left-margin right-margin gutter-margin)) (define printable-height (- page-height top-margin bottom-margin)) (define column-count (setup-column-count qs)) (define column-gap (setup-column-gap qs)) (define line-wrap-size (/ (- printable-width (* (sub1 column-count) column-gap)) column-count)) (define line-qs (time-log line-wrap (apply-keeps (line-wrap qs line-wrap-size)))) (define col-quad-prototype (quad-copy q:column [size (pt line-wrap-size printable-height)])) (define column-qs (time-log column-wrap (column-wrap line-qs printable-height column-gap col-quad-prototype))) (define page-quad-prototype (λ (page-count) (define left-shift (+ left-margin (if (odd? page-count) gutter-margin 0))) (quad-copy q:page [shift (pt left-shift top-margin)] [size (pt line-wrap-size printable-height)]))) (define section-starting-side (string->symbol (quad-ref (car qs) :page-side-start "right"))) (define insert-blank-page? (and (pair? qs) ;; if we need a 'left page and will get 'right (or vice versa) then insert page (let ([next-page-side (if (even? (add1 (section-pages-used))) 'left 'right)]) (not (eq? section-starting-side next-page-side))))) ;; update page count before starting page wrap (when insert-blank-page? (section-pages-used (add1 (section-pages-used)))) (define section-pages (time-log page-wrap (page-wrap column-qs printable-width page-quad-prototype))) (define (section-empty? section-pages) (zero? (length section-pages))) (begin0 (cond ;; ignore empty section [(section-empty? section-pages) sections-acc] [insert-blank-page? (match section-starting-side ['left ;; blank page goes at beginning of current section (define page-from-current-section (car section-pages)) (define blank-page (quad-copy page-from-current-section [elems null])) (define new-section (quad-copy q:section [elems (cons blank-page section-pages)])) (cons new-section sections-acc)] [_ ;; must be 'right ;; blank page goes at end of previous section (if it exists) (define new-section (quad-copy q:section [elems section-pages])) (match sections-acc [(cons previous-section other-sections) (define previous-section-pages (quad-elems previous-section)) ;; we know previous section has pages because we ignore empty sections (define page-from-previous-section (car previous-section-pages)) (define blank-page (quad-copy page-from-previous-section [elems null])) (define revised-previous-section (quad-copy previous-section [elems (append previous-section-pages (list blank-page))])) (list* new-section revised-previous-section other-sections)] [_ (list new-section)])])] [else (define new-section (quad-copy q:section [elems section-pages]) ) (cons new-section sections-acc)]) (section-pages-used (+ (section-pages-used) (length section-pages)))))) (define doc (quad-copy q:doc [elems sections])) ;; correct lines with inner / outer alignment (for* ([(page page-idx) (in-indexed (for*/list ([section (in-list (quad-elems doc))] [page (in-list (quad-elems section))]) page))] [col (in-list (quad-elems page))] [block (in-list (quad-elems col))] [line (in-list (quad-elems block))]) ;; all inner / outer lines are initially filled as if they were right-aligned (define zero-filler-side (if (odd? (add1 page-idx)) "inner" "outer")) (when (equal? zero-filler-side (quad-ref line :line-align)) (match (quad-elems line) [(cons (? filler-quad? fq) _) (set-quad-size! fq (pt 0 0))] [_ (void)]))) (define positioned-doc (time-log position (position doc))) (time-log draw (draw positioned-doc (current-pdf)))) (if pdf-path-arg (log-quadwriter-info (format "wrote PDF to ~a" pdf-path)) (begin0 (file->bytes pdf-path) (delete-file pdf-path))))