#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/contract racket/match racket/list racket/generator) (require sugar/container sugar/debug) (require "helpers.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;; Adapted from work by Gustavo Niemeyer #| # Copyright (c) 2005-2014 - Gustavo Niemeyer # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. |# (provide (all-defined-out)) ;(provide Problem Variable Domain Unassigned Solver BacktrackingSolver RecursiveBacktrackingSolver MinConflictsSolver Constraint FunctionConstraint AllDifferentConstraint AllEqualConstraint MaxSumConstraint ExactSumConstraint MinSumConstraint InSetConstraint NotInSetConstraint SomeInSetConstraint SomeNotInSetConstraint) ;(define Problem/c (λ(x) (is-a x Problem))) (define/contract Problem ;; Class used to define a problem and retrieve solutions (class/c [reset (->m void?)] ;; todo: tighten `object?` contracts [setSolver (object? . ->m . void?)] [getSolver (->m object?)] ;; todo: tighten `object?` contract [addVariable (any/c (or/c list? object?) . ->m . void?)] [getSolutions (->m list?)]) (class* object% (printable<%>) (super-new) (init-field [solver #f]) (field [_solver (or solver (new BacktrackingSolver))] [_constraints null] [_variables (make-hash)]) (define (repr) (format "" _variables)) (define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out)) (define/public (reset) ;; Reset the current problem definition (set! _constraints null) (hash-clear! _variables)) (define/public (setSolver solver) ;; Change the problem solver currently in use (set! _solver solver)) (define/public (getSolver) ;; Obtain the problem solver currently in use _solver) (define/public (addVariable variable domain) ;; Add a variable to the problem (when (variable . in? . _variables) (error 'addVariable (format "Tried to insert duplicated variable ~a" variable))) (cond [(list? domain) (set! domain (new Domain [set domain]))] ;; todo: test for `instance-of-Domain?` ; how to copy domain? [(object? domain) (set! domain '(copy.copy domain))] [else (error 'addVariable "Domains must be instances of subclasses of Domain")]) (when (not (object? domain)) (error 'fudge)) (when (not domain) ; todo: check this test (error 'addVariable "Domain is empty")) (hash-set! _variables variable domain)) (define/public (addVariables variables domain) ;; Add one or more variables to the problem (for-each (λ(var) (addVariable var domain)) variables)) (define/public (addConstraint constraint [variables null]) ;; Add a constraint to the problem (when (not (Constraint? constraint)) (if (procedure? constraint) (set! constraint (new FunctionConstraint [func constraint])) (error 'addConstraint "Constraints must be instances of class Constraint"))) (py-append! _constraints (cons constraint variables))) (define/public (getSolution) ;; Find and return a solution to the problem (define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (_getArgs)) (if (not domains) null (send _solver getSolution domains constraints vconstraints))) (define/public (getSolutions) ;; Find and return all solutions to the problem (define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (_getArgs)) (if (not domains) null (send _solver getSolutions domains constraints vconstraints))) (define/public (_getArgs) (define domains (hash-copy _variables)) (define allvariables (hash-keys domains)) (define constraints null) (for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list _constraints)]) (match-define (cons constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair) (when (not variables) (set! variables allvariables)) (set! constraints (append constraints (list (cons constraint variables))))) (define vconstraints (make-hash)) (for ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)]) (hash-set! vconstraints variable null)) (for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list constraints)]) (match-define (cons constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair) (for ([variable (in-list variables)]) (hash-update! vconstraints variable (λ(val) (append val (list (cons constraint variables))))))) (for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list constraints)]) (match-define (cons constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair) (send constraint preProcess variables domains constraints vconstraints)) (define result #f) (let/ec done (for ([domain (in-list (hash-values domains))]) (send domain resetState) (when (not domain) (set! result (list null null null)) (done))) (set! result (list domains constraints vconstraints))) (apply values result)) )) (module+ test (check-equal? (get-field _solver (new Problem [solver 'solver-in])) 'solver-in) (check-equal? (get-field _constraints (new Problem)) null) (check-equal? (get-field _variables (new Problem)) (make-hash)) (define problem (new Problem)) ;; test from line 125 (send problem addVariable "a" '(1)) (check-equal? (get-field _list (hash-ref (get-field _variables problem) "a")) '(1)) (send problem reset) (check-equal? (get-field _variables problem) (make-hash)) (send problem addVariables '("a" "b") '(1 2 3)) (check-equal? (get-field _list (hash-ref (get-field _variables problem) "a")) '(1 2 3)) (check-equal? (get-field _list (hash-ref (get-field _variables problem) "b")) '(1 2 3))) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Domains ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (define Domain ;; Class used to control possible values for variables ;; When list or tuples are used as domains, they are automatically ;; converted to an instance of that class. (class* object% (printable<%>) (super-new) (init-field set) (field [_list set][_hidden null][_states null]) (define (repr) (format "" _list)) (define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out)) (define/public (resetState) ;; Reset to the original domain state, including all possible values (py-extend! _list _hidden) (set! _hidden null) (set! _states null)) (define/public (pushState) ;; Save current domain state ;; Variables hidden after that call are restored when that state ;; is popped from the stack. (py-append! _states (length _list))) (define/public (popState) ;; Restore domain state from the top of the stack ;; Variables hidden since the last popped state are then available ;; again. (define diff (- (py-pop! _states) (length _list))) (when (not (= 0 diff)) (py-extend! _list (take-right _hidden diff)) (set! _hidden (take _hidden (- (length _hidden) diff))))) (define/public (hideValue value) ;; Hide the given value from the domain ;; After that call the given value won't be seen as a possible value ;; on that domain anymore. The hidden value will be restored when the ;; previous saved state is popped. (set! _list (remove value _list)) (py-append! _hidden value)) (define/public (domain-pop!) (py-pop! _list)) (define/public (copy) (define copied-domain (new Domain [set _list])) (set-field! _hidden copied-domain _hidden) (set-field! _states copied-domain _states) copied-domain) )) (define Domain? (is-a?/c Domain)) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Constraints ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (define Constraint (class object% (super-new) (define/public (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f]) ;; Perform the constraint checking ;; If the forwardcheck parameter is not false, besides telling if ;; the constraint is currently broken or not, the constraint ;; implementation may choose to hide values from the domains of ;; unassigned variables to prevent them from being used, and thus ;; prune the search space. #t) (define/public (preProcess variables domains constraints vconstraints) ;; Preprocess variable domains ;; This method is called before starting to look for solutions, ;; and is used to prune domains with specific constraint logic ;; when possible. For instance, any constraints with a single ;; variable may be applied on all possible values and removed, ;; since they may act on individual values even without further ;; knowledge about other assignments. (when (= (length variables) 1) (define variable (list-ref variables 0)) (define domain (hash-ref domains variable)) (for ([value (in-list domain)]) (when (not (call variables domains (make-hash (list (cons variable value))))) (set! domain (remove value domain)))) (set! constraints (remove (cons this variables) constraints)) (hash-remove! vconstraints variable (cons this variables)))) (define/public (forwardCheck variables domains assignments [_unassigned Unassigned]) ;; Helper method for generic forward checking ;; Currently, this method acts only when there's a single ;; unassigned variable. (define return-result #t) (define unassignedvariable _unassigned) (report assignments) (let/ec break (for ([variable (in-list (report variables))]) (when (not (variable . in? . assignments)) (if (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned) (begin (displayln "boom") (set! unassignedvariable variable)) (break)))) (when (not (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned)) ;; Remove from the unassigned variable domain's all ;; values which break our variable's constraints. (define domain (hash-ref domains unassignedvariable)) (report domain domain-fc) (when (not (null? (get-field _list domain))) (for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))]) (hash-set! assignments unassignedvariable value) (when (not (send this call variables domains assignments)) (send domain hideValue value))) (hash-remove! assignments unassignedvariable)) (when (null? (get-field _list domain)) (set! return-result #f) (break)))) return-result) )) (define Constraint? (is-a?/c Constraint)) (define FunctionConstraint (class Constraint (super-new) (init-field func [assigned #t]) (field [_func func][_assigned assigned]) (inherit forwardCheck) (define/override (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f] [_unassigned Unassigned]) (displayln "in call") (report assignments assignments-before) (define parms (for/list ([x (in-list variables)]) (if (hash-has-key? assignments x) (hash-ref assignments x) _unassigned))) (report assignments assignments-after) (define missing (length (filter (λ(v) (equal? v _unassigned)) parms))) (displayln "dang") (if (> missing 0) (begin (report missing) (report _assigned) (report parms) (report (apply _func parms)) (report forwardcheck) (report assignments assignments-to-fc) (and (or _assigned (apply _func parms)) (or (not forwardcheck) (not (= missing 1)) (forwardCheck variables domains assignments)))) (apply _func parms))) )) (define FunctionConstraint? (is-a?/c FunctionConstraint)) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Variables ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (define Variable (class* object% (printable<%>) (super-new) (define (repr) (format "" _name)) (define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out)) (define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out)) (init-field name) (field [_name name]))) (define Variable? (is-a?/c Variable)) (define Unassigned (new Variable [name "Unassigned"])) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Solvers ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (define Solver ;; Abstract base class for solvers (class object% (super-new) (abstract getSolution) (abstract getSolutions) (abstract getSolutionIter))) (define BacktrackingSolver ;; Problem solver with backtracking capabilities (class Solver (super-new) (init-field [forwardcheck #t]) (field [_forwardcheck forwardcheck]) (define/override (getSolutionIter domains constraints vconstraints) (define forwardcheck _forwardcheck) (define assignments (make-hash)) (define queue null) (define values null) (define pushdomains null) (define variable #f) (define lst null) (define want-to-return #f) (define return-k #f) (let/ec break-loop1 (set! return-k break-loop1) (let loop1 () (displayln "starting while loop 1") ;; Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics (set! lst (sort (for/list ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)]) (list (* -1 (length (hash-ref vconstraints variable))) (length (get-field _list (hash-ref domains variable))) variable)) list-comparator)) (report lst) (let/ec break-for-loop (for ([item (in-list lst)]) (when (not ((last item) . in? . assignments)) ; Found unassigned variable (set! variable (last item)) (report variable unassigned-variable) (set! values (send (hash-ref domains variable) copy)) (set! pushdomains (if forwardcheck (for/list ([x (in-hash-keys domains)] #:when (and (not (x . in? . assignments)) (not (x . equal? . variable)))) (hash-ref domains x)) null)) (break-for-loop))) ;; if it makes it through the loop without breaking, then there are ;; No unassigned variables. We've got a solution. Go back ;; to last variable, if there's one. (yield (hash-copy assignments)) (when (null? queue) (begin (set! want-to-return #t) (return-k))) (define variable-values-pushdomains (py-pop! queue)) (set! variable (first variable-values-pushdomains)) (set-field! _list values (second variable-values-pushdomains)) (set! pushdomains (third variable-values-pushdomains)) (for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)]) (send domain popState))) (report variable variable-preloop-2) (report assignments assignments-preloop-2) (let/ec break-loop2 (let loop2 () (displayln "starting while loop 2") ;; We have a variable. Do we have any values left? (report values values-tested) (when (null? (get-field _list values)) ;; No. Go back to last variable, if there's one. (hash-remove! assignments variable) (let/ec break-loop3 (let loop3 () (if (not (null? queue)) (let () (define variable-values-pushdomains (py-pop! queue)) (set! variable (first variable-values-pushdomains)) (set-field! _list values (second variable-values-pushdomains)) (set! pushdomains (third variable-values-pushdomains)) (when (not (null? pushdomains)) (for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)]) (send domain popState))) (when (not (null? (get-field _list values))) (break-loop3)) (hash-remove! assignments variable) (loop3)) (begin (set! want-to-return #t) (return-k)))))) ;; Got a value. Check it. (hash-set! assignments variable (send values domain-pop!)) (for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)]) (send domain pushState)) (report pushdomains pushdomains1) (report domains domains1) (let/ec break-for-loop (for ([cvpair (in-list (hash-ref vconstraints variable))]) (match-define (cons constraint variables) cvpair) (define the_result (send constraint call variables domains assignments pushdomains)) (report pushdomains pushdomains2) (report domains domains2) (report the_result) (when (not the_result) ;; Value is not good. (break-for-loop))) (begin (displayln "now breaking loop 2") (break-loop2))) (for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)]) (send domain popState)) (loop2))) ;; Push state before looking for next variable. (py-append! queue (list variable (get-field _list (send values copy)) pushdomains)) (report queue new-queue) (loop1))) (if want-to-return (void) (error 'getSolutionIter "Whoops, broken solver"))) (define (call-solution-generator domains constraints vconstraints #:first-only [first-only #f]) (for/list ([solution (in-generator (getSolutionIter domains constraints vconstraints))] #:final first-only) solution)) (define/override (getSolution . args) (apply call-solution-generator #:first-only #t args)) (define/override (getSolutions . args) (apply call-solution-generator args)) )) (module+ main (define problem (new Problem)) (send problem addVariables '("a" "b") '(1 2 3 4)) (define (func a b) (cond [(and (real? b) (real? a)) (> b a)] [(Variable? b) #t] [else #f])) (send problem addConstraint func '("a" "b")) (displayln (format "The solution to ~a is ~a" problem (send problem getSolutions))) )