# unicode-trie A data structure for fast Unicode character metadata lookup, ported from ICU ## Background When implementing many Unicode algorithms such as text segmentation, normalization, bidi processing, etc., fast access to character metadata is crucial to good performance. There over a million code points in the Unicode standard, many of which produce the same result when looked up, so an array or hash table is not appropriate - those data structures are fast but would require a lot of memory. The data is generally grouped in ranges, so you could do a binary search, but that is not fast enough for some applications. The [International Components for Unicode](http://site.icu-project.org) (ICU) project came up with a data structure based on a [Trie](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie) that provides fast access to Unicode metadata. The range data is precompiled to a serialized and flattened trie, which is then used at runtime to lookup the necessary data. According to my own tests, this is generally at least 50% faster than binary search, with not too much additional memory required. ## Installation npm install unicode-trie ## Building a Trie Unicode Tries are generally precompiled from data in the Unicode database for faster runtime performance. To build a Unicode Trie, use the `UnicodeTrieBuilder` class. ```coffeescript UnicodeTrieBuilder = require 'unicode-trie/builder' # create a trie t = new UnicodeTrieBuilder # optional parameters for default value, and error value # if not provided, both are set to 0 t = new UnicodeTrieBuilder 10, 999 # set individual values and ranges t.set 0x4567, 99 t.setRange 0x40, 0xe7, 0x1234 # you can lookup a value if you like t.get 0x4567 # => 99 # get a compiled trie (returns a UnicodeTrie object) trie = t.freeze() # write compressed trie to a binary file fs.writeFile 'data.trie', t.toBuffer() ``` ## Using a precompiled Trie Once you've built a precompiled trie, you can load it into the `UnicodeTrie` class, which is a readonly representation of the trie. From there, you can lookup values. ```coffeescript UnicodeTrie = require 'unicode-trie' fs = require 'fs' # load serialized trie from binary file data = fs.readFileSync 'data.trie' trie = new UnicodeTrie data # lookup a value trie.get 0x4567 # => 99 ``` ## License MIT