# tiny-inflate This is a port of Joergen Ibsen's [tiny inflate](https://bitbucket.org/jibsen/tinf) to JavaScript. Minified it is about 3KB, or 1.3KB gzipped. While being very small, it is also reasonably fast (about 30% - 50% slower than [pako](https://github.com/nodeca/pako) on average), and should be good enough for many applications. If you need the absolute best performance, however, you'll need to use a larger library such as pako that contains additional optimizations. ## Installation npm install tiny-inflate ## Example To use tiny-inflate, you need two things: a buffer of data compressed with deflate, and the decompressed size (often stored in a file header) to allocate your output buffer. Input and output buffers can be either node `Buffer`s, or `Uint8Array`s. ```javascript var inflate = require('tiny-inflate'); var compressedBuffer = new Bufer([ ... ]); var decompressedSize = ...; var outputBuffer = new Buffer(decompressedSize); inflate(compressedBuffer, outputBuffer); ``` ## License MIT