# Brotli.js Brotli.js is port of the [Brotli](http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-alakuijala-brotli-01) compression algorithm (as used in the [WOFF2](http://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF2/) font format) to JavaScript. The decompressor is hand ported, and the compressor is ported with Emscripten. The original C++ source code can be found [here](http://github.com/google/brotli). ## Installation and usage Install using npm. npm install brotli If you want to use brotli in the browser, you should use [Browserify](http://browserify.org/) to build it. In node, or in browserify, you can load brotli in the standard way: ```javascript var brotli = require('brotli'); ``` You can also require just the `decompress` function or just the `compress` function, which is useful for browserify builds. For example, here's how you'd require just the `decompress` function. ```javascript var decompress = require('brotli/decompress'); ``` ## API ### brotli.decompress(buffer, [outSize]) Decompresses the given buffer to produce the original input to the compressor. The `outSize` parameter is optional, and will be computed by the decompressor if not provided. Inside a WOFF2 file, this can be computed from the WOFF2 directory. ```javascript // decode a buffer where the output size is known brotli.decompress(compressedData, uncompressedLength); // decode a buffer where the output size is not known brotli.decompress(fs.readFileSync('compressed.bin')); ``` ### brotli.compress(buffer, isText = false) Compresses the given buffer. Pass optional parameters as the second argument. ```javascript // encode a buffer of binary data brotli.compress(fs.readFileSync('myfile.bin')); // encode some data with options (default options shown) brotli.compress(fs.readFileSync('myfile.bin'), { mode: 0, // 0 = generic, 1 = text, 2 = font (WOFF2) quality: 11, // 0 - 11 lgwin: 22 // window size }); ``` ## License MIT