LineWrapper = require '../line_wrapper' {number} = require '../object' module.exports = initText: -> # Current coordinates @x = 0 @y = 0 @_lineGap = 0 lineGap: (@_lineGap) -> return this moveDown: (lines = 1) -> @y += @currentLineHeight(true) * lines + @_lineGap return this moveUp: (lines = 1) -> @y -= @currentLineHeight(true) * lines + @_lineGap return this _text: (text, x, y, options, lineCallback) -> options = @_initOptions(x, y, options) # Convert text to a string text = '' + text # if the wordSpacing option is specified, remove multiple consecutive spaces if options.wordSpacing text = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') # word wrapping #console.log("options.width=" + options.width) if options.width wrapper = @_wrapper unless wrapper wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options) wrapper.on 'line', lineCallback @_wrapper = if options.continued then wrapper else null @_textOptions = if options.continued then options else null wrapper.wrap text, options # render paragraphs as single lines else #console.log("line callback!") lineCallback line, options for line in text.split '\n' return this text: (text, x, y, options) -> @_text text, x, y, options, @_line.bind(this) widthOfString: (string, options = {}) -> @_font.widthOfString(string, @_fontSize, options.features) + (options.characterSpacing or 0) * (string.length - 1) heightOfString: (text, options = {}) -> {x,y} = this options = @_initOptions(options) options.height = Infinity # don't break pages lineGap = options.lineGap or @_lineGap or 0 @_text text, @x, @y, options, (line, options) => @y += @currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap height = @y - y @x = x @y = y return height list: (list, x, y, options, wrapper) -> options = @_initOptions(x, y, options) midLine = Math.round (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize) / 2 r = options.bulletRadius or Math.round (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize) / 3 indent = options.textIndent or r * 5 itemIndent = options.bulletIndent or r * 8 level = 1 items = [] levels = [] flatten = (list) -> for item, i in list if Array.isArray(item) level++ flatten(item) level-- else items.push(item) levels.push(level) flatten(list) wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options) wrapper.on 'line', @_line.bind(this) level = 1 i = 0 wrapper.on 'firstLine', => if (l = levels[i++]) isnt level diff = itemIndent * (l - level) @x += diff wrapper.lineWidth -= diff level = l @circle @x - indent + r, @y + midLine, r @fill() wrapper.on 'sectionStart', => pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1) @x += pos wrapper.lineWidth -= pos wrapper.on 'sectionEnd', => pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1) @x -= pos wrapper.lineWidth += pos wrapper.wrap items.join('\n'), options return this _initOptions: (x = {}, y, options = {}) -> if typeof x is 'object' options = x x = null # clone options object options = do -> opts = {} opts[k] = v for k, v of options return opts # extend options with previous values for continued text if @_textOptions for key, val of @_textOptions when key isnt 'continued' options[key] ?= val # Update the current position if x? @x = x if y? @y = y # wrap to margins if no x or y position passed unless options.lineBreak is false margins = @page.margins options.width ?= @page.width - @x - margins.right options.columns ||= 0 options.columnGap ?= 18 # 1/4 inch return options _line: (text, options = {}, wrapper) -> #console.log("in _line!") @_fragment text, @x, @y, options lineGap = options.lineGap or @_lineGap or 0 if not wrapper @x += @widthOfString text else @y += @currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap _fragment: (text, x, y, options) -> text = ('' + text).replace(/\n/g, '') return if text.length is 0 # handle options align = options.align or 'left' wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing or 0 characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing or 0 # text alignments if options.width switch align when 'right' textWidth = @widthOfString text.replace(/\s+$/, ''), options x += options.lineWidth - textWidth when 'center' x += options.lineWidth / 2 - options.textWidth / 2 when 'justify' # calculate the word spacing value words = text.trim().split(/\s+/) textWidth = @widthOfString(text.replace(/\s+/g, ''), options) spaceWidth = @widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing wordSpacing = Math.max 0, (options.lineWidth - textWidth) / Math.max(1, words.length - 1) - spaceWidth #console.log("momo me" + options.textWidth) # calculate the actual rendered width of the string after word and character spacing renderedWidth = (options.textWidth || @widthOfString(text, options)) + (wordSpacing * ((options.wordCount || 0) - 1)) + (characterSpacing * (text.length - 1)) # create link annotations if the link option is given if @link x, y, renderedWidth, @currentLineHeight(), #console.log("mama me") # create underline or strikethrough line if options.underline or options.strike #console.log("enter underline") @save() @strokeColor @_fillColor... unless options.stroke lineWidth = if @_fontSize < 10 then 0.5 else Math.floor(@_fontSize / 10) @lineWidth lineWidth #console.log("lineWidth" + lineWidth) d = if options.underline then 1 else 2 lineY = y + @currentLineHeight() / d lineY -= lineWidth if options.underline @moveTo x, lineY @lineTo x + renderedWidth, lineY @stroke() @restore() # flip coordinate system @save() @transform 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, @page.height y = @page.height - y - (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize) # add current font to page if necessary @page.fonts[] ?= @_font.ref() #console.log("mercy me") # begin the text object @addContent "BT" # text position @addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x)} #{number(y)} Tm" # font and font size @addContent "/#{} #{number(@_fontSize)} Tf" # rendering mode mode = if options.fill and options.stroke then 2 else if options.stroke then 1 else 0 @addContent "#{mode} Tr" if mode # Character spacing @addContent "#{number(characterSpacing)} Tc" if characterSpacing # Add the actual text # If we have a word spacing value, we need to encode each word separately # since the normal Tw operator only works on character code 32, which isn't # used for embedded fonts. #console.log("wordSpacing="+wordSpacing) if wordSpacing words = text.trim().split(/\s+/) wordSpacing += @widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing wordSpacing *= 1000 / @_fontSize encoded = [] positions = [] for word in words [encodedWord, positionsWord] = @_font.encode(word, options.features) encoded.push encodedWord... positions.push positionsWord... # add the word spacing to the end of the word positions[positions.length - 1].xAdvance += wordSpacing else [encoded, positions] = @_font.encode(text, options.features) scale = @_fontSize / 1000 commands = [] last = 0 hadOffset = no # Adds a segment of text to the TJ command buffer addSegment = (cur) => if last < cur hex = encoded.slice(last, cur).join '' advance = positions[cur - 1].xAdvance - positions[cur - 1].advanceWidth commands.push "<#{hex}> #{number(-advance)}" last = cur # Flushes the current TJ commands to the output stream flush = (i) => addSegment i if commands.length > 0 @addContent "[#{commands.join ' '}] TJ" commands.length = 0 for pos, i in positions # If we have an x or y offset, we have to break out of the current TJ command # so we can move the text position. #console.log("pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset=" + (pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset)) if pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset # Flush the current buffer flush i # Move the text position and flush just the current character @addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x + pos.xOffset * scale)} #{number(y + pos.yOffset * scale)} Tm" flush i + 1 hadOffset = yes else # If the last character had an offset, reset the text position if hadOffset @addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x)} #{number(y)} Tm" hadOffset = no # Group segments that don't have any advance adjustments unless pos.xAdvance - pos.advanceWidth is 0 addSegment i + 1 x += pos.xAdvance * scale # Flush any remaining commands flush i # end the text object @addContent "ET" # restore flipped coordinate system @restore()