PDFFont = require '../font' module.exports = initFonts: -> # Lookup table for embedded fonts @_fontFamilies = {} @_fontCount = 0 # Font state @_fontSize = 12 @_font = null @_registeredFonts = {} # Set the default font @font 'Helvetica' font: (src, family, size) -> if typeof family is 'number' size = family family = null # check registered fonts if src is a string if typeof src is 'string' and @_registeredFonts[src] cacheKey = src {src, family} = @_registeredFonts[src] else cacheKey = family or src cacheKey = null unless typeof cacheKey is 'string' @fontSize size if size? # fast path: check if the font is already in the PDF if font = @_fontFamilies[cacheKey] @_font = font return this # load the font id = 'F' + (++@_fontCount) #console.log("src=" + src) #console.log("family=" + family) @_font = PDFFont.open(this, src, family, id) # check for existing font familes with the same name already in the PDF # useful if the font was passed as a buffer if font = @_fontFamilies[@_font.name] @_font = font return this # save the font for reuse later if cacheKey @_fontFamilies[cacheKey] = @_font @_fontFamilies[@_font.name] = @_font return this fontSize: (@_fontSize) -> return this currentLineHeight: (includeGap = false) -> @_font.lineHeight @_fontSize, includeGap registerFont: (name, src, family) -> #console.log(" " + name + " " + src + " " + family) @_registeredFonts[name] = src: src family: family return this