#lang racket/base (require quad/qexpr pollen/tag quadwriter/core racket/string racket/list racket/dict racket/match txexpr/base "font.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (root attrs exprs) (qexpr (append `(#;(first-line-indent "12") #;(line-align "center") #;(line-wrap "kp") (page-margin-left "120") ; by default, is mirrored to right #;(page-margin-right "200") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "default-serif") (line-height "17") #;(line-align-last "center")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (p attrs exprs) ;; no font-family so that it adopts whatever the surrounding family is (qexpr (append `((keep-first-lines "2")(keep-last-lines "3") (font-size-adjust "100%") (character-tracking "0") (hyphenate "true") (display ,(symbol->string (gensym)))) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (hr attrs exprs) hrbr) (define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs) (qexpr (append '((display "block") (first-line-indent "0") (background-color "#eee") (font-family "default-sans") (font-size "10") (line-height "14") (border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8") (border-width-left "3") (border-color-left "gray") (border-inset-left "20") (border-width-bottom "0.5") (border-color-bottom "gray") (border-inset-bottom "-2") (border-width-right "0.5") (border-color-right "gray") (border-inset-right "20") (inset-top "10") (inset-bottom "8") (inset-left "30") (inset-right "30") (keep-all "yes")) attrs) exprs)) (define id (default-tag-function 'id)) (define class (default-tag-function 'class)) (define-tag-function (strong attrs exprs) (qexpr (list* '(font-bold "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs)) (define b strong) (define-tag-function (a attrs exprs) (qexpr `((link ,(cadr (assoc 'href attrs)))(font-color "MediumVioletRed")) exprs)) (define-tag-function (em attrs exprs) (qexpr (list* '(font-italic "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs)) (define i em) (define-syntax-rule (attr-list . attrs) 'attrs) (define (heading-base font-size attrs exprs) (qexpr (append `((font-family "default-heading") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size ,(number->string font-size))(line-height ,(number->string (* 1.2 font-size))) (border-width-top "0.5")(border-inset-top "9") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (h1 attrs exprs) (heading-base 20 (append '() attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (h2 attrs exprs) (heading-base 16 attrs exprs)) (define-tag-function (h3 attrs exprs) (heading-base 14 attrs exprs)) (define h4 h3) (define h5 h3) (define h6 h3) (define-tag-function (code attrs exprs) (qexpr (append '((font-family "default-mono")#;(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs)) (define-tag-function (pre attrs exprs) ;; pre needs to convert white space to equivalent layout elements (define new-exprs (add-between (for*/list ([expr (in-list exprs)] [str (in-list (string-split (string-join (get-elements expr) "") "\n"))]) `(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,(string-replace str " " " "))) line-break)) (qexpr (list* '(display "block") '(background-color "aliceblue") '(first-line-indent "0") '(font-family "default-mono") '(font-size "11") '(line-height "14") '(border-inset-top "10") '(border-width-left "2") '(border-color-left "#669") '(border-inset-left "0") '(border-inset-bottom "-4") '(inset-left "12") '(inset-top "12") '(inset-bottom "8") attrs) new-exprs)) (define (list-base attrs exprs [bullet-val #f]) (define bullet-space-factor 2.5) (define em (dict-ref attrs 'font-size default-font-size)) (define bullet-indent (* bullet-space-factor em)) (qexpr (list* `(inset-left ,(number->string bullet-indent)) attrs) (add-between (for/list ([(expr idx) (in-indexed exprs)] #:when (txexpr? expr)) (list* (get-tag expr) (cons (list 'list-index (or bullet-val (format "~a" (add1 idx)))) (get-attrs expr)) (get-elements expr))) para-break))) (define-tag-function (ol attrs exprs) (list-base attrs exprs)) (define-tag-function (ul attrs exprs) (list-base attrs exprs "•")) (define-tag-function (li attrs exprs) (qexpr attrs (cons bullet-quad exprs)))