# Graphics and GUIs Racket provides many libraries for graphics and graphical user interfaces \(GUIs\): * The `racket/draw` library provides basic drawing tools, including drawing contexts such as bitmaps and PostScript files. See \[missing\] for more information. * The `racket/gui` library provides GUI widgets such as windows, buttons, checkboxes, and text fields. The library also includes a sophisticated and extensible text editor. See \[missing\] for more information. * The `pict` library provides a more functional abstraction layer over `racket/draw`. This layer is especially useful for creating slide presentations with Slideshow, but it is also useful for creating images for Scribble documents or other drawing tasks. Pictures created with the `pict` library can be rendered to any drawing context. See \[missing\] for more information. * The `2htdp/image` library is similar to `pict`. It is more streamlined for pedagogical use, but also slightly more specific to screen and bitmap drawing. See `2htdp/image` for more information. * The `sgl` library provides OpenGL for 3-D graphics. The context for rendering OpenGL can be a window or bitmap created with `racket/gui`. See the SGL documentation for more information.