PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit' tiger = require './assets/tiger' fs = require 'fs' make = (doc) -> doc.translate(220, 300) # Render each path that makes up the tiger image for part in tiger doc.path(part.path) # render an SVG path if part['stroke-width'] doc.lineWidth part['stroke-width'] if part.fill isnt 'none' and part.stroke isnt 'none' doc.fillAndStroke(part.fill, part.stroke) else unless part.fill is 'none' doc.fill(part.fill) unless part.stroke is 'none' doc.stroke(part.stroke) doc.end() doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes}) doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test10c.pdf')) make doc doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no}) doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test10.pdf')) make doc