Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 71491efc45
commit ff864752bd

@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
(define wrapped-lines (if gets-hyphenation?
(wrap-quads (split-quad (cast ((if world:allow-hyphenated-last-word-in-paragraph
hyphenate-quad-except-last-word) (merge-adjacent-within b)) Quad)))
hyphenate-quad-except-last-word) (merge-adjacent-within b)) Quad)))
(when gets-hyphenation? (log-quad-debug* (log-debug-lines wrapped-lines)))
@ -107,20 +107,24 @@
(require racket/class)
(require/typed csp
[problem% (Class (init-field)
(get-solution (-> HashTableTop)))])
(reset (-> Void))
(get-solution (-> HashTableTop))
(get-solutions (-> (Listof (HashTable String Integer))))
(add-variable (Any (Listof Any) . -> . Void))
(add-constraint (Procedure (Listof Any) . -> . Void)))])
(define/typed+provide (lines->columns lines)
((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad)) ; (lines? . -> . columns?)
(define prob (new problem%))
#;(define max-column-lines world:default-lines-per-column)
(define max-column-lines world:default-lines-per-column)
(define-values (columns ignored-return-value)
(for/fold ([columns : (Listof Quad) empty][lines-remaining : (Listof Quad) lines])
([col-idx : Nonnegative-Integer (stop-before (in-naturals) (λ(x) (empty? lines-remaining)))])
#;(log-quad-info "making column ~a" (add1 col-idx))
(log-quad-info "making column ~a" (add1 col-idx))
;; domain constraint is best way to simplify csp, because it limits the search space.
;; search from largest possible value to smallest.
;; largest possible is the minimum of the max column lines, or
;; the number of lines left (modulo minimum page lines) ...
#;(define viable-column-range
(define viable-column-range
(range (min max-column-lines (max
(length lines-remaining)
(- (length lines-remaining) world:minimum-lines-per-column)))
@ -128,52 +132,55 @@
;; (sub1 insures that range is inclusive of last value.)
(sub1 (min 1 world:minimum-lines-per-column)) -1))
#;(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines for this column to start =\n~a" viable-column-range)
#;(send prob add-variable "column-lines" viable-column-range)
(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines for this column to start =\n~a" viable-column-range)
(send prob add-variable "column-lines" viable-column-range)
;; greediness constraint: leave enough lines for next page, or take all
#;(define (greediness-constraint pl)
(define/typed (greediness-constraint pl)
(Index . -> . Boolean)
(define leftover (- (length lines-remaining) pl))
(or (= leftover 0) (>= leftover world:minimum-lines-per-column)))
#;(send prob add-constraint greediness-constraint '("column-lines"))
(send prob add-constraint greediness-constraint '("column-lines"))
#;(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after greediness constraint =\n~a" (map (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after greediness constraint =\n~a" ((inst map Integer (HashTable String Integer)) (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
;; last lines constraint: don't take page that will end with too few lines of last paragraph.
#;(define (last-lines-constraint pl)
(define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl)))
(define lines-in-this-paragraph (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key))
(define line-index-of-last-line (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key))
(define/typed (last-lines-constraint pl)
(Index . -> . Boolean)
(define last-line-of-page ((inst list-ref Quad) lines-remaining (sub1 pl)))
(define lines-in-this-paragraph (cast (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) Index))
(define line-index-of-last-line (cast (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) Index))
(define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?)
(< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-last-lines))
(or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?)
(>= (add1 line-index-of-last-line) world:min-last-lines)))
#;(send prob add-constraint last-lines-constraint '("column-lines"))
(send prob add-constraint last-lines-constraint '("column-lines"))
#;(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after last-lines constraint =\n~a" (map (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after last-lines constraint =\n~a" ((inst map Integer (HashTable String Integer)) (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
;; first lines constraint: don't take page that will leave too few lines at top of next page
#;(define (first-lines-constraint pl lines-remaining)
(define/typed (first-lines-constraint pl lines-remaining)
(Index (Listof Quad) . -> . Boolean)
(define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl)))
(define lines-in-this-paragraph (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key))
(define line-index-of-last-line (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key))
(define lines-in-this-paragraph (cast (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) Integer))
(define line-index-of-last-line (cast (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) Integer))
(define lines-that-will-remain (- lines-in-this-paragraph (add1 line-index-of-last-line)))
(define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?)
(< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-first-lines))
(or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?)
(= 0 lines-that-will-remain) ; ok to use all lines ...
(>= lines-that-will-remain world:min-first-lines))) ; but if any remain, must be minimum number.
#;(send prob add-constraint (λ(x) (first-lines-constraint x lines-remaining)) '("column-lines"))
(send prob add-constraint (λ(x) (first-lines-constraint (cast x Index) lines-remaining)) '("column-lines"))
#;(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after first-lines constraint =\n~a" (map (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
(log-quad-debug "viable number of lines after first-lines constraint =\n~a" ((inst map Integer (HashTable String Integer)) (λ(x) (hash-ref x "column-lines")) (send prob get-solutions)))
(define s (send prob get-solution))
(define how-many-lines-to-take (cast (hash-ref s "column-lines") Positive-Index))
(define-values (lines-to-take lines-to-leave) (split-at lines-remaining how-many-lines-to-take))
#;(log-quad-debug "taking ~a lines for column ~a:" how-many-lines-to-take (add1 col-idx))
#;(map (λ(idx line) (log-quad-debug "~a:~a ~v" (add1 col-idx) (add1 idx) (quad->string line))) (range how-many-lines-to-take) lines-to-take)
#;(send prob reset)
(log-quad-debug "taking ~a lines for column ~a:" how-many-lines-to-take (add1 col-idx))
(map (λ([idx : Number] [line : Quad]) (log-quad-debug "~a:~a ~v" (add1 col-idx) (add1 idx) (quad->string line))) (range how-many-lines-to-take) lines-to-take)
(send prob reset)
(values (cons (quad-attr-set (quads->column lines-to-take) world:column-index-key col-idx) columns) lines-to-leave)))
(reverse columns))
