doc versioned dict

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 3d15b505f4
commit fe45fdd3d8

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket/base racket/class racket/file xenomorph))
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket/base racket/class racket/file racket/dict xenomorph))
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require xenomorph))
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:fixed%].
[size-arg (or/c exact-positive-integer? #false) #false]
[#:size size-kw exact-positive-integer? 2]
[#:endian endian endian-value? system-endian]
[#:fracbits fracbits (or/c exact-positive-integer? #false) #false]
[#:fracbits fracbits (or/c exact-positive-integer? #false) (/ (* _size 8) 2)]
[#:pre-encode pre-encode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:post-decode post-decode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:fixed%)) x:fixed%]
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:fixed%].
Generate an instance of @racket[x:fixed%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:fixed%]) with certain optional attributes.
@racket[size-arg] or @racket[size-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[size-arg] takes precedence) controls the encoded size.
@racket[size-arg] or @racket[size-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[size-arg] takes precedence) controls the encoded size. Defaults to @racket[2].
@racket[endian] controls the byte-ordering convention.
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:string%].
[len-arg (or/c length-resolvable? #false) #false]
[enc-arg (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) #false]
[#:length len-kw (or/c length-resolvable? #false) #false]
[#:encoding enc-kw (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) #false]
[#:encoding enc-kw (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) 'utf8]
[#:pre-encode pre-encode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:post-decode post-decode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:string%)) x:string%]
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:symbol%].
[len-arg (or/c length-resolvable? #false) #false]
[enc-arg (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) #false]
[#:length len-kw (or/c length-resolvable? #false) #false]
[#:encoding enc-kw (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) #false]
[#:encoding enc-kw (or/c procedure? supported-encoding? #false) 'utf8]
[#:pre-encode pre-encode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:post-decode post-decode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:symbol%)) x:symbol%]
@ -827,13 +827,12 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:vector%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:vector%])
@defclass[x:dict% x:base% ()]{
Base class for struct formats. Use @racket[x:dict] to conveniently instantiate new struct formats.
Base class for dict formats. Use @racket[x:dict] to conveniently instantiate new dict formats.
([fields dict?])]{
Create class instance that represents a struct format with @racket[fields] as a dictionary holding the keyvalue pairs that define the struct format. Each key must be a @racket[symbol?] and each value must be a @racket[xenomorphic?] type.
Create class instance that represents a dict format with @racket[fields] as a dictionary holding the keyvalue pairs that define the dict format. Each key must be a @racket[symbol?] and each value must be a @racket[xenomorphic?] type.
@ -842,7 +841,7 @@ Create class instance that represents a struct format with @racket[fields] as a
[input-port input-port?]
[parent (or/c xenomorphic? #false)])
Returns a @tech{hash-eq?} whose keys are the same as the keys in @racket[_fields].
Returns a @racket[hasheq] whose keys are the same as the keys in @racket[_fields].
@ -876,7 +875,7 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:dict%].
Generate an instance of @racket[x:dict%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:dict%]) with certain optional attributes.
The rest arguments determine the keys and value types of the struct. These arguments can either be alternating keys and value-type arguments (similar to the calling pattern for @racket[hasheq]) or @tech{association lists}.
The rest arguments determine the keys and value types of the dict. These arguments can either be alternating keys and value-type arguments (similar to the calling pattern for @racket[hasheq]) or @tech{association lists}.
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decodeing procedures, respectively.
@ -890,6 +889,81 @@ The rest arguments determine the keys and value types of the struct. These argum
The versioned dict is a format derived from @racket[x:dict%] that contains multiple possible dict encodings. It also carries a version field to select among them. This version is stored with the encoded data, of course, so on decode, the correct version will be chosen.
[x any/c])
Whether @racket[x] can be used as the version type of a versioned dict. Valid types are @racket[integer?], @racket[procedure?], @racket[xenomorphic?], or @racket[symbol?].
@defclass[x:versioned-dict% x:dict% ()]{
Base class for versioned dict formats. Use @racket[x:versioned-dict] to conveniently instantiate new dict formats.
([type version-type?]
[versions dict?]
[fields #false])]{
Create class instance that represents a versioned dict format with @racket[type] as the encoded type of the version value, and @racket[versions] as a dictionary holding the keyvalue pairs that define the versioned dict. Each key of @racket[versions] must be a value consistent with @racket[type], and each value must either be a @racket[dict?] or @racket[x:dict?].
#:mode extend
[input-port input-port?]
[parent (or/c xenomorphic? #false)])
Returns a @racket[hasheq] whose keys are the same as the keys in @racket[_fields].
#:mode extend
[kvs dict?]
[input-port input-port?]
[parent (or/c xenomorphic? #false)])
Take the keys and values in @racket[kvs] and encode them as a @tech{byte string}.
[x any/c])
Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:versioned-dict%].
[type-arg (or/c version-type? #false)]
[versions-arg (or/c dict? #false)]
[#:type type-kw (or/c version-type? #false)]
[#:versions versions-kw (or/c dict? #false)]
[#:pre-encode pre-encode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:post-decode post-decode-proc (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false) #false]
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:versioned-dict%)) x:versioned-dict%]
Generate an instance of @racket[x:versioned-dict%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:versioned-dict%]) with certain optional attributes.
@racket[type-arg] or @racket[type-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[type-arg] takes precedence) determines the type of the version value that is used to select from among available dicts.
@racket[versions-arg] or @racket[versions-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[versions-arg] takes precedence) is a dictionary holding the keyvalue pairs that define the versioned dict. Each key of @racket[versions] must be a value consistent with @racket[type], and each value must either be a @racket[dict?] or @racket[x:dict?].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decodeing procedures, respectively.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require "base.rkt" "dict.rkt"
(require "base.rkt"
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -11,13 +13,16 @@ approximates
(define (version-type? x)
(for/or ([proc (list integer? procedure? xenomorphic? symbol?)])
(proc x)))
(define x:versioned-dict%
(class x:dict%
(init-field [(@type type)] [(@versions versions)])
(unless (for/or ([proc (list integer? procedure? xenomorphic-type? symbol?)])
(proc @type))
(unless (version-type? @type)
(raise-argument-error 'x:versioned-dict "integer, procedure, symbol, or xenomorphic" @type))
(unless (and (dict? @versions) (andmap (λ (v) (or (dict? v) (x:dict? v))) (dict-values @versions)))
(raise-argument-error 'x:versioned-dict "dict of dicts or structish" @versions))
@ -66,13 +71,13 @@
(unless (or (symbol? @type) (procedure? @type))
(send @type x:encode (dict-ref field-data x:version-key #f) port parent))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict (dict-ref @versions 'header null))])
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(define fields (select-field-set field-data))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (dict-keys field-data))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'x:versioned-dict-encode (format "hash that contains superset of xversioned-dict keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (dict-keys field-data)))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(let loop ([i 0])
(when (< i (length (dict-ref parent x:pointers-key)))
(define ptr (list-ref (dict-ref parent x:pointers-key) i))
@ -94,20 +99,39 @@
(define header-size
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict (dict-ref @versions 'header null))])
(send type x:size (and val (dict-ref val key)) parent)))
(send type x:size (and val (dict-ref val key)) parent)))
(define fields-size
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict (select-field-set val))])
(send type x:size (and val (dict-ref val key)) parent)))
(send type x:size (and val (dict-ref val key)) parent)))
(define pointer-size (if include-pointers (dict-ref parent x:pointer-size-key) 0))
(+ version-size header-size fields-size pointer-size))))
(define (x:versioned-dict? x) (is-a? x x:versioned-dict%))
(define (x:versioned-dict type
[versions (dictify)]
#:pre-encode [pre-proc #f]
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:versioned-dict%])
(define/contract (x:versioned-dict
[type-arg #false]
[versions-arg #false]
#:type [type-kw #false]
#:versions [versions-kw #false]
#:pre-encode [pre-proc #f]
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:versioned-dict%])
((or/c version-type? #false)
(or/c dict? #false)
#:type (or/c version-type? #false)
#:versions (or/c dict? #false)
#:pre-encode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:post-decode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:versioned-dict%)))
. ->* .
(define type (or type-arg type-kw))
(unless (version-type? type)
(raise-argument-error 'x:versioned-dict "version-type?" type))
(define versions (or versions-arg versions-kw))
(unless (dict? versions)
(raise-argument-error 'x:versioned-dict "dict" versions))
(new (generate-subclass base-class pre-proc post-proc)
[type type]
[versions versions]
