@ -386,8 +386,8 @@
(scale doc (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1) (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1)))
(define (draw-page-footer q doc)
(define top-margin #R (pt-y (quad-offset q)))
(define bottom-margin (- #R (pdf-height doc) #R top-margin))
(define top-margin (pt-y (quad-offset q)))
(define bottom-margin (- (pdf-height doc) top-margin))
(font-size doc (* .8 default-font-size))
(font doc default-font-face)
(fill-color doc "black")
@ -409,6 +409,8 @@
(define ((block-draw-start first-line) q doc)
;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset
(verbose-quad-printing? #t)
#R q
(match-define (list bil bit bir bib)
(for/list ([k (in-list '(border-inset-left border-inset-top border-inset-right border-inset-bottom))])
(quad-ref first-line k 0)))
@ -561,20 +563,20 @@
(when (and (not replace?) (file-exists? pdf-path))
(raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "path that doesn't exist" pdf-path))
(define qx (let* ([qx qx-arg]
(define qs (let* ([qx qx-arg]
[qx (replace-para-breaks qx)]
[qx (qexpr->quad `(q ((font-family ,default-font-family)
(font-size ,(number->string default-font-size))) ,qx))])
(setup-font-path-table! pdf-path)
(atomize qx #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs)))
#R qx
;; page size can be specified by name, or measurements.
;; explicit measurements from page-height and page-width supersede those from page-size.
(define pdf
(let ()
(match-define (list page-width page-height)
(for/list ([k '(page-width page-height)])
(match (quad-ref (car qx) k)
(match (quad-ref (car qs) k)
[#false #false]
[val (parse-points val 'round)])))
;; `make-pdf` will sort out conflicts among page dimensions
@ -583,30 +585,30 @@
#:output-path pdf-path
#:width page-width
#:height page-height
#:size (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-size default-page-size)
#:orientation (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-orientation default-page-orientation))))
#:size (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-size default-page-size)
#:orientation (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-orientation default-page-orientation))))
(define default-x-margin (min 72 (floor (* .10 (pdf-width pdf)))))
(define default-x-margin (min (* 72 1.5) (floor (* .10 (pdf-width pdf)))))
(define default-y-margin (min 72 (floor (* .10 (pdf-width pdf)))))
(parameterize ([current-pdf pdf]
[verbose-quad-printing? #false])
(let* ([qx (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate qx))]
[qx (map ->string-quad qx)]
[qx (insert-first-line-indents qx)]
(let* ([qs (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate qs))]
[qs (map ->string-quad qs)]
[qs (insert-first-line-indents qs)]
;; if only left or right margin is provided, copy other value in preference to default margin
[left-margin (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-left (λ () (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-right default-x-margin)))]
[right-margin (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-right (λ () (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-left default-y-margin)))]
[line-wrap-size (- (pdf-width pdf) left-margin right-margin)]
[qx (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap qx line-wrap-size))]
[qx (apply-keeps qx)]
[left-margin (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-left (λ () (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-right default-x-margin)))]
[right-margin (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-right (λ () (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-left default-y-margin)))]
[line-wrap-size (- (pdf-width pdf) #R left-margin #R right-margin)]
[qs (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap qs line-wrap-size))]
[qs (apply-keeps qs)]
;; if only top or bottom margin is provided, copy other value in preference to default margin
[top-margin (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-top (λ () (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-bottom default-y-margin)))]
[bottom-margin (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-bottom (λ () (quad-ref (car qx) 'page-margin-top default-y-margin)))]
[top-margin (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-top (λ () (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-bottom default-y-margin)))]
[bottom-margin (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-bottom (λ () (quad-ref (car qs) 'page-margin-top default-y-margin)))]
[page-wrap-size (- (pdf-height pdf) top-margin bottom-margin)]
[page-quad (struct-copy quad q:page
[shift #R (pt left-margin top-margin)]
[shift (pt left-margin top-margin)]
[size (pt line-wrap-size page-wrap-size)])]
[qx (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap qx page-wrap-size page-quad))]
[qx (time-name position (position (struct-copy quad q:doc [elems qx])))])
(time-name draw (draw qx pdf))
[qs (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap qs page-wrap-size page-quad))]
[qs (time-name position (position (struct-copy quad q:doc [elems qs])))])
(time-name draw (draw qs pdf))
(displayln (format "wrote PDF to ~a" pdf-path)))))