Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 4f6c89df11
commit fb15212ce5

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang quad/tty
(page (line (char "a") (char " ") (char "b")) (line (char "c") (char "d")))
(page (line (char "e") (char "f")) (line (char "g") (char " ") (char "h"))))

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#lang debug br/quicklang
(require racket/contract "qexpr.rkt")
(provide (except-out (all-from-out br/quicklang) #%module-begin)
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define/contract (render-tty qexpr)
(qexpr? . -> . string?)
(define page 0) (define row 0) (define col 0)
(define (increment-page!) (set! page (add1 page)) page)
(define (increment-row!) (set! row (add1 row)) row)
(define (increment-col!) (set! col (add1 col)) col)
(define strs
(let loop ([x qexpr])
(match x
[`(char ,x) (list (format "move to col ~a" (increment-col!)) (format "draw char ~a" (char->integer (car (string->list x)))))]
[`(line ,@xs) (list (format "move to row ~a" (increment-row!)) (map loop xs) (begin (set! col 0) #f) )]
[`(page ,@xs) (list (format "move to page ~a" (increment-page!)) (map loop xs) (begin (set! row 0) #f))]
[`(doc ,@xs) (map loop xs)])))
(string-join (map string-downcase (filter values (flatten strs))) "\n"))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define q '(doc
(page (line (char "a") (char " ") (char "b")) (line (char "c") (char "d")))
(page (line (char "e") (char "f")) (line (char "g") (char " ") (char "h")))))
(check-equal? (render-tty q)
"move to page 1
move to row 1
move to col 1
draw char 97
move to col 2
draw char 32
move to col 3
draw char 98
move to row 2
move to col 1
draw char 99
move to col 2
draw char 100
move to page 2
move to row 1
move to col 1
draw char 101
move to col 2
draw char 102
move to row 2
move to col 1
draw char 103
move to col 2
draw char 32
move to col 3
draw char 104"))
(define-macro (mb ARG)
(display (render-tty ARG))))
(module reader syntax/module-reader
#:read read
#:read-syntax read-syntax
(require racket/base))