
Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent 7e9d4f53d8
commit f153c4e775

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Next, on the REPL enter this:
You will see the actual input to Quadwriter, which is called a @tech{Q-expression}:
'(q () (q ((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "default-serif") (line-height "17")) (q ((keep-first-lines "2") (keep-last-lines "3") (font-size-adjust "100%") (character-tracking "0") (hyphenate "true") (display "g49598")) "Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce.")))
'(q () (q ((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "text") (line-height "17")) (q ((keep-first-lines "2") (keep-last-lines "3") (font-size-adjust "100%") (character-tracking "0") (hyphenate "true") (display "g49598")) "Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce.")))
In the demos that follow, the input language will change slightly. But the PDF will be rendered the same way (by running the source file) and you can always look at @racket[doc] or use @racket[view-result].
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ To see this:
((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "default-serif") (line-height "17"))
((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "text") (line-height "17"))
(q ((break "para")))
(q ((font-family "default-heading") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size "20") (line-height "24.0") (border-width-top "0.5") (border-inset-top "9") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true") (id "did-you-know")) "Did you know?")
(q ((font-family "heading") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size "20") (line-height "24.0") (border-width-top "0.5") (border-inset-top "9") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true") (id "did-you-know")) "Did you know?")
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce.
In the REPL, the @racket[doc] was this Q-expression:
'(q () (q ((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "default-serif") (line-height "17")) "Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce."))
'(q () (q ((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80") (page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "text") (line-height "17")) "Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce."))
Let's copy this Q-expression and use it as our new source code. This time, however, we'll switch to plain @code{#lang quadwriter} (instead of the @racket[markup] or @racket[markdown] dialects):
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ Let's copy this Q-expression and use it as our new source code. This time, howev
#lang quadwriter
'(q () (q ((page-margin-left "120") (page-margin-top "80")
(page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "default-serif")
(page-margin-bottom "120") (font-family "text")
(line-height "17")) "Brennan and Dale like fancy sauce."))

@ -686,9 +686,9 @@
(setup-font-path-table! pdf-path)
(parameterize ([current-missing-glyph-action 'fallback])
(time-name atomize (atomize qx #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs
#:fallback "default-fallback"
#:emoji "default-emoji"
#:math "default-math"
#:fallback "fallback"
#:emoji "emoji"
#:math "math"
#:font-path-resolver resolve-font-path)))))
;; page size can be specified by name, or measurements.

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(define-runtime-path quadwriter-fonts-dir "fonts")
(define-runtime-path default-font-face "fonts/default/SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf")
(define default-font-family "default-serif")
(define default-font-family "text")
(define default-font-size 12)
(define default-line-height 16)
(define default-font-color "black")

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
(first-line-indent "0")
(background-color "#eee")
(clip "true")
(font-family "default-sans") (font-size "10") (line-height "14")
(font-family "blockquote") (font-size "10") (line-height "14")
(border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8")
(border-width-left "3") (border-color-left "gray") (border-inset-left "20")
(border-width-bottom "0.5") (border-color-bottom "gray") (border-inset-bottom "-2")
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(define-syntax-rule (attr-list . attrs) 'attrs)
(define (heading-base font-size attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append `((font-family "default-heading") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size ,(number->string font-size))(line-height ,(number->string (* 1.2 font-size))) (border-width-top "0.5")(border-inset-top "9") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append `((font-family "heading") (first-line-indent "0") (display "block") (font-size ,(number->string font-size))(line-height ,(number->string (* 1.2 font-size))) (border-width-top "0.5")(border-inset-top "9") (inset-bottom "-3") (inset-top "6") (keep-with-next "true")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (h1 attrs exprs)
(heading-base 20 (append '() attrs) exprs))
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(define h6 h3)
(define-tag-function (code attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append '((font-family "default-mono")#;(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((font-family "code")#;(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (pre attrs exprs)
;; pre needs to convert white space to equivalent layout elements
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
(qexpr (list* '(display "block") '(background-color "aliceblue")
'(first-line-indent "0")
'(clip "true")
'(font-family "default-mono") '(font-size "11") '(line-height "14")
'(font-family "code") '(font-size "11") '(line-height "14")
'(border-inset-top "10")
'(border-width-left "2") '(border-color-left "#669") '(border-inset-left "0")
'(border-inset-bottom "-4")
