Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent ffa083c1b5
commit f06623c070

@ -73,19 +73,23 @@
(() ((listof var?) (listof constraint?)) . ->* . csp?)
(csp vars consts))
(define/contract (make-var name [vals null])
((name?) ((listof any/c)) . ->* . var?)
(var name vals))
(define/contract (add-vars! prob names-or-procedure [vals-or-procedure empty])
((csp? (or/c (listof name?) procedure?)) ((or/c (listof any/c) procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
(for/fold ([vrs (vars prob)]
#:result (set-csp-vars! prob vrs))
#:result (set-csp-vars! prob (reverse vrs)))
([name (in-list (match names-or-procedure
[(? procedure? proc) (proc)]
[names names]))])
(when (memq name (map var-name vrs))
(raise-argument-error 'add-vars! "var that doesn't already exist" name))
(append vrs (list (var name
(if (procedure? vals-or-procedure)
(cons (make-var name
(match vals-or-procedure
[(? procedure? proc) (proc)]
[vals vals])) vrs)))
(define/contract (add-var! prob name [vals-or-procedure empty])
((csp? name?) ((or/c (listof any/c) procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
@ -206,33 +210,34 @@
(define/contract (assign-val prob name val)
(csp? name? any/c . -> . csp?)
(when-debug (set! nassns (add1 nassns)))
(for/list ([vr (in-vars prob)])
(if (eq? name (var-name vr))
(assigned-var name (list val))
(constraints prob)))
(define/contract (assigned-vars prob)
(csp? . -> . (listof var?))
(filter assigned-var? (vars prob)))
(for/list ([vr (in-vars prob)])
(if (eq? name (var-name vr))
(assigned-var name (list val))
(constraints prob))
(when-debug (set! nassns (add1 nassns)))))
(define/contract (assigned-vars prob [invert? #f])
((csp?) (any/c) . ->* . (listof var?))
((if invert? filter-not filter) assigned-var? (vars prob)))
(define/contract (unassigned-vars prob)
(csp? . -> . (listof var?))
(filter-not assigned-var? (vars prob)))
(assigned-vars prob 'invert))
(define/contract (first-unassigned-variable csp)
(csp? . -> . (or/c #false (and/c var? (not/c assigned-var?))))
(match (unassigned-vars csp)
[(? empty?) #false]
[(== empty) #false]
[xs (first xs)]))
(define/contract (argmin* proc xs [max-style? #f])
((procedure? (listof any/c)) (any/c) . ->* . (listof any/c))
;; return all elements that have min value.
(match xs
[(? empty?) xs]
[(== empty) xs]
[(list x) xs]
(define vals (map proc xs))
@ -250,13 +255,13 @@
(define/contract (minimum-remaining-values prob)
(csp? . -> . (or/c #false (and/c var? (not/c assigned-var?))))
(match (unassigned-vars prob)
[(? empty?) #false]
[(== empty) #false]
[uvars (random-pick (argmin* domain-length uvars))]))
(define/contract (max-degree prob)
(csp? . -> . (or/c #false (and/c var? (not/c assigned-var?))))
(match (unassigned-vars prob)
[(? empty?) #false]
[(== empty) #false]
[uvars (random-pick (argmax* (λ (var) (var-degree prob var)) uvars))]))
(define mrv minimum-remaining-values)
@ -279,7 +284,7 @@
(define/contract (mrv-degree-hybrid prob)
(csp? . -> . (or/c #f var?))
(match (unassigned-vars prob)
[(? empty?) #false]
[(== empty) #false]
(max-degree (make-csp (argmin* domain-length uvars) (constraints prob)))]))
@ -326,9 +331,9 @@
[(assigned-var? vr) vr]
[(eq? name (var-name vr))
(var name (match (filter satisfies-arc? (domain vr))
[(? empty?) (backtrack!)]
[vals vals]))]
(make-var name (match (filter satisfies-arc? (domain vr))
[(? empty?) (backtrack!)]
[vals vals]))]
[else vr]))
(constraints prob)))
@ -472,10 +477,10 @@
(for/list ([vr (in-vars prob)])
(match-define (var name vals) vr)
(define name-constraints (filter (λ (const) (constraint-relates? const name)) unary-constraints))
(var name (for/list ([val (in-list vals)]
#:when (for/and ([const (in-list name-constraints)])
((constraint-proc const) val)))
(make-var name (for/list ([val (in-list vals)]
#:when (for/and ([const (in-list name-constraints)])
((constraint-proc const) val)))
(define ((make-hist-proc assocs) . xs)
@ -494,32 +499,32 @@
(generator ()
(define reduce-arity-proc (if (current-arity-reduction) reduce-constraint-arity values))
(let loop ([prob ((if (current-node-consistency) make-nodes-consistent values) prob)])
(match (select-unassigned-variable prob)
[#false (yield prob)]
[(var name domain)
(define (wants-backtrack? exn)
(and (backtrack? exn) (or (let ([bths (backtrack-histories exn)])
(or (empty? bths) (for*/or ([bth bths]
[rec bth])
(eq? name (car rec))))))))
(for/fold ([conflicts null]
#:result (void))
([val (in-list (order-domain-values domain))])
(with-handlers ([wants-backtrack?
(λ (bt)
(define bths (backtrack-histories bt))
(append conflicts (remq name (remove-duplicates
(for*/list ([bth bths]
[rec bth])
(car rec)) eq?))))])
(let* ([prob (assign-val prob name val)]
;; reduce constraints before inference,
;; to create more forward-checkable (binary) constraints
[prob (reduce-arity-proc prob)]
[prob (inference prob name)]
[prob (check-constraints prob)])
(loop prob)))
(match (select-unassigned-variable prob)
[#false (yield prob)]
[(var name domain)
(define (wants-backtrack? exn)
(and (backtrack? exn) (or (let ([bths (backtrack-histories exn)])
(or (empty? bths) (for*/or ([bth bths]
[rec bth])
(eq? name (car rec))))))))
(for/fold ([conflicts null]
#:result (void))
([val (in-list (order-domain-values domain))])
(with-handlers ([wants-backtrack?
(λ (bt)
(define bths (backtrack-histories bt))
(append conflicts (remq name (remove-duplicates
(for*/list ([bth bths]
[rec bth])
(car rec)) eq?))))])
(let* ([prob (assign-val prob name val)]
;; reduce constraints before inference,
;; to create more forward-checkable (binary) constraints
[prob (reduce-arity-proc prob)]
[prob (inference prob name)]
[prob (check-constraints prob)])
(loop prob)))
(define/contract (random-pick xs)
((non-empty-listof any/c) . -> . any/c)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/match
@ -25,43 +25,18 @@
(= (cell-y l) (cell-y r)))
;; a grid is a list of cells
(define hrule "-----------")
;; board : string ... -> grid
(define (board . ss)
(list r1 r2 r3 (== hrule)
r4 r5 r6 (== hrule)
r7 r8 r9)
(define rs
(list r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9))
(for/list ([r (in-list rs)]
[y (in-naturals)])
(parse-row y r))))
(for*/fold ([cells null]
#:result (reverse cells))
([str (in-list ss)]
[c (in-port read-char (open-input-string str))]
#:unless (memv c '(#\- #\|)))
(define-values (row col) (quotient/remainder (length cells) 9))
(cons (cell col row (cond
[(string->number (string c)) => seteq]
[else anything])) cells)))
(define (parse-row y r)
(for/list ([c (in-string r)]
[i (in-naturals)])
[(or (= i 3) (= i 7))
(if (char=? c #\|)
(error 'parse-row))]
(define x
(cond [(< i 3) (- i 0)]
[(< i 7) (- i 1)]
[ else (- i 2)]))
(parse-cell y x c)])))
(define (parse-cell y x c)
(cell x y
(if (char=? #\space c)
(seteq (string->number (string c))))))
(define (propagate-one top cs)
(let/ec return
@ -69,7 +44,7 @@
(when (cell-solved? top)
(define-values (changed? ncs)
(for/fold ([changed? #f] [ncs empty])
([c (in-list cs)])
([c (in-list cs)])
[(neighbor-of? top c)
(define before
@ -78,12 +53,12 @@
(set-subtract before (cell-can-be top)))
(if (= (set-count before)
(set-count after))
(values changed?
(cons c ncs))
(values #t
(cons (struct-copy cell c
[can-be after])
(values changed?
(cons c ncs))
(values #t
(cons (struct-copy cell c
[can-be after])
(values changed? (cons c ncs))])))
(return changed? top ncs))
@ -94,10 +69,10 @@
(define before (cell-can-be top))
(define after
(for/fold ([before before])
([c (in-list cs)])
([c (in-list cs)])
(if (same-x? top c)
(set-subtract before (cell-can-be c))
(set-subtract before (cell-can-be c))
(when (= (set-count after) 1)
(return #t
(struct-copy cell top
@ -153,8 +128,8 @@
(define-values (changed? ntop nmore)
(f top (append tried more)))
(if changed?
(values #t (cons ntop nmore))
(loop (cons top tried) more))])))
(values #t (cons ntop nmore))
(loop (cons top tried) more))])))
(define (propagate g)
(find-pivot propagate-one g))
@ -162,12 +137,12 @@
(define (until-fixed-point f o bad? end-f)
(define-values (changed? no) (f o))
(if changed?
(if (bad? no)
(end-f no)
(until-fixed-point f no bad? end-f)))
(end-f o)))
(if (bad? no)
(end-f no)
(until-fixed-point f no bad? end-f)))
(end-f o)))
(define (solved? g)
(andmap (λ (c) (= (set-count (cell-can-be c)) 1)) g))
@ -178,10 +153,10 @@
;; solve-it : grid -> (listof grid)
(define (solve-it g)
(let solve-loop
([g g]
(λ (i)
(error 'solve-it "Failed!"))])
([g g]
(λ (i)
(error 'solve-it "Failed!"))])
(define (done? g)
[(solved? g)
@ -236,14 +211,14 @@
(define (draw-can-be can-be)
(define (figi i)
(if (set-member? can-be i)
(fig (number->string i))
(fig " ")))
(fig (number->string i))
(fig " ")))
(if (= 1 (set-count can-be))
(scale 3 (fig (number->string (set-first can-be))))
(above (beside (figi 1) (figi 2) (figi 3))
(beside (figi 4) (figi 5) (figi 6))
(beside (figi 7) (figi 8) (figi 9))))
(scale 3 (fig (number->string (set-first can-be))))
(above (beside (figi 1) (figi 2) (figi 3))
(beside (figi 4) (figi 5) (figi 6))
(beside (figi 7) (figi 8) (figi 9))))
0 0
"left" "top"
(rectangle CELL-W CELL-H
@ -254,7 +229,7 @@
(for/fold ([i
(empty-scene (* CELL-W 11)
(* CELL-H 11))])
([c (in-list g)])
([c (in-list g)])
(match-define (cell x y can-be) c)
(draw-can-be can-be)
@ -269,60 +244,58 @@
"left" "top"
(big-bang (draw-state 0 empty gs)
(on-tick move-right 1/8)
(on-draw draw-draw-state)))
(on-tick move-right 1/8)
(on-draw draw-draw-state)))
;; Wikipedia Example
(define b1
"53 | 7 | "
"6 |195| "
" 98| | 6 "
"8 | 6 | 3"
"4 |8 3| 1"
"7 | 2 | 6"
" 6 | |28 "
" |419| 5"
" | 8 | 79"))
(define b1
"53 | 7 | "
"6 |195| "
" 98| | 6 "
"8 | 6 | 3"
"4 |8 3| 1"
"7 | 2 | 6"
" 6 | |28 "
" |419| 5"
" | 8 | 79"))
;; "Hard" example
(define b2
" 7 | 2 | 5"
" 9| 87| 3"
" 6 | | 4 "
" | 6 | 17"
"9 4| |8 6"
"71 | 5 | "
" 9 | | 8 "
"5 |21 |4 "
"4 | 9 | 6 "))
;; "Hard" example
(define b2
" 7 | 2 | 5"
" 9| 87| 3"
" 6 | | 4 "
" | 6 | 17"
"9 4| |8 6"
"71 | 5 | "
" 9 | | 8 "
"5 |21 |4 "
"4 | 9 | 6 "))
;; "Evil" example
(define b3
" 8| | 45"
" | 8 |9 "
" 2|4 | "
"5 | 1|76 "
" 1 | 7 | 8 "
" 79|5 | 1"
" | 7|4 "
" 7| 6 | "
"65 | |3 "))
;; "Evil" example
(define b3
" 8| | 45"
" | 8 |9 "
" 2|4 | "
"5 | 1|76 "
" 1 | 7 | 8 "
" 79|5 | 1"
" | 7|4 "
" 7| 6 | "
"65 | |3 "))
(require sugar/debug)
(time-avg 10 (void (solve-it b1)))
(time-avg 10 (void (solve-it b2)))
