'(q((column-count"2")(font-size"18")(line-height"2em"))"The lines in both columns should be vertically aligned. The column on the left is font size 18pt with line height 2em, or 36pt. The right column is font size 50%, or 9pt, with line height 4em, or 36pt."
(q((font-size"50%")(line-height"4em"))"The lines in both columns should be vertically aligned. The column on the left is font size 18pt with line height 2em, or 36pt. The right column is font size 50%, or 9pt, with line height 4em, or 36pt."))
In the demos that follow, the input language will change slightly. But the PDF will be rendered the same way (by running the source file) and you can always look at @racket[doc] or use @racket[view-output].
@ -625,9 +625,8 @@ Specify a quad with an image (either @racket{.png} or @racket{.jpeg}). @racket[i
Sets the display type. Value is a string. Supply @racket["block"] as a value of this attribute to make the quad behave as a block-level element.
Two ways of setting the point size for text. @racket[font-size] takes a @tech{dimension string}. @racket[font-size-adjust] takes a string representing a percentage (like @racket["120%"]) and sets the font size to the size of the parent, multiplied by the percentage.
@defthing[#:kind "attribute" font-size symbol?]{
Sets the point size for text. Value is a @tech{dimension string}, a string representing a percentage (like @racket["120%"]), or an em size (like @racket["1.2em"]). If a percentage or em size is provided, the font size is the size of the parent multiplied by the percentage (or em).
@ -666,9 +665,9 @@ Vertical offset of font baseline (positive values move the baseline up, negative
Case transformation of string. Possibilities are @racket["uppercase"], @racket["lowercase"], or @racket["capitalize"] (= first letter of each word is uppercase, the rest is lowercase).
Two ways of setting the distance between baselines. @racket[line-height] takes a @tech{dimension string}. @racket[line-height-adjust] takes a string representing a percentage (like @racket["120%"]) and sets the line height to the line height of the parent, multiplied by the percentage.
Sets the distance between baselines. Value is a @tech{dimension string}, a string representing a percentage (like @racket["120%"]), or an em size (like @racket["1.2em"]). If a percentage or em size is provided, the line height is the current font size multiplied by the percentage (or em).