@ -233,14 +233,28 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/TTFFont.js
TTFGlyph) glyph characters this))
(define current-layout-caching (make-parameter #false))
(define layout-cache (make-hash))
;; Returns a GlyphRun object, which includes an array of Glyphs and GlyphPositions for the given string.
(define/contract (layout this string [userFeatures #f] [script #f] [language #f])
((string?) ((option/c (listof symbol?)) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?)) . ->*m . GlyphRun?)
(unless (· this _layoutEngine)
(set-field! _layoutEngine this (+LayoutEngine this)))
#;(report*/file 'in-layout (· this _layoutEngine))
(send (· this _layoutEngine) layout string userFeatures script language))
(define (get-layout string)
(define key (list string (and userFeatures (sort userFeatures symbol<?)) script language))
(hash-ref! layout-cache key (λ () (send (· this _layoutEngine) layout . key))))
;; work on substrs to reuse cached pieces
;; caveat: no shaping / positioning that involve word spaces
;; todo: why does caching produce slightly different results in test files
;; theory: because word space is not included in shaping
(define substrs (for/list ([substr (in-list (regexp-match* " " string #:gap-select? #t))]
#:when (positive? (string-length substr)))
(apply append-glyphruns (map get-layout substrs))]
[else (get-layout string)]))
;; Returns an array of Glyph objects for the given string.