@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
(require racket/contract
(for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax)
@ -15,18 +18,36 @@
(define current-wrap-width (make-parameter 5))
(define current-page-size (make-parameter ($size 10 10)))
(define (list-of proc) (λ (x) (and (list? x) (andmap proc x))))
(struct quad (tag attrs elems posn) #:transparent #:mutable
#:constructor-name quad-constructor
#:guard (λ (tag attrs elems posn name)
(unless (match (list tag attrs elems)
[(list (? quad-tag?)
(? quad-attrs?)
(? quad-elems?)) #true]
[_ #false])
(raise-user-error 'quad-constructor (format "failed: ~v" (list tag attrs elems posn))))
(values tag attrs elems posn)))
(define (list-of proc)
(λ (x)
(and (list? x)
(for/and ([xi (in-list x)])
(or (proc xi)
(let ([procname (object-name proc)])
(string->symbol (format "list-of ~a" procname))
(symbol->string procname) xi)))))))
(define-syntax-rule (auto-struct NAME (FIELD ...) . ARGS)
(struct NAME (FIELD ...) . ARGS))
(auto-struct quad (tag attrs elems origin size)
#:transparent #:mutable
#:constructor-name quad-new
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc val out mode)
(let* ([fields (filter-map (λ (f) (f val)) (list quad-tag quad-attrs quad-elems quad-origin quad-size))]
[fields (if (null? fields) (list #f) fields)])
(fprintf out (format "<~a ~a>"
(or (car fields) "quad")
(string-join (map ~v (cdr fields)) " ")))))])
(define (quad-new-default)
(apply quad-new (make-list (procedure-arity quad-new) #f)))
(define-syntax-rule (quad-copy Q . ARGS)
;; TODO: struct-copy is questionable
(struct-copy quad Q . ARGS))
(define (quad-tag? x) (match x
[(or (? symbol?) #false) #true]
@ -50,7 +71,14 @@
[(list? attrs) (loop (apply hasheq attrs))]
[(immutable? attrs) (make-hasheq (hash->list attrs))]
[else attrs]))])
(quad-constructor tag attrs elems #false)))
(define newq (quad-new-default))
(when tag (set-quad-tag! newq tag))
(when attrs (set-quad-attrs! newq attrs))
(when elems (set-quad-elems! newq elems))
(define (initialize-attrs! q)
(set-quad-attrs! q (make-hasheq)))
(define (quad-ref q-or-qs key
[default-val (λ () (error (format "quad-ref: no value for key ~a" key)))]
@ -58,10 +86,15 @@
(unless (attr-key? key)
(raise-argument-error 'quad-ref "attr-key?" key))
(define hash-reffer (if set-default-if-missing? hash-ref! hash-ref))
(hash-reffer (quad-attrs (match q-or-qs
[(? quad? q) q]
[(cons q _) q]
[_ (raise-argument-error 'quad-ref "quad or list of quads" q-or-qs)])) key default-val))
(define q (match q-or-qs
[(? quad? q) q]
[(cons q _) q]
[_ (raise-argument-error 'quad-ref "quad or list of quads" q-or-qs)]))
(when (and set-default-if-missing? (not (quad-attrs q)))
(set-quad-attrs! q (make-hasheq)))
(match (quad-attrs q)
[(? quad-attrs? attrs) (hash-reffer attrs key default-val)]
[_ (default-val)]))
(define (quad-set! q key val)
(hash-set! (quad-attrs q) key val))
@ -87,10 +120,12 @@
#;(define-quad-field posn)
(define (simple-quad? x)
(and (quad? x) (<= (length (quad-elems x)) 1)))
(and (quad? x) (if (list? (quad-elems x))
(<= (length (quad-elems x)) 1)
(define (has-no-position? q) (not (has-position? q)))
(define (has-position? q) (quad-posn q))
(define (has-position? q) (quad-origin q))
(define (txexpr->quad x)
(match x
@ -112,11 +147,9 @@
(module+ test
(define q (make-quad #:tag 'div #:attrs (make-hasheq '((hello . "world"))) #:elems (list "fine"))))
(define boq (let ()
(struct boq-quad quad ())
(boq-quad #f (make-hasheq) null #f)))
(define eoq (let ()
(struct eoq-quad quad ())
(eoq-quad #f (make-hasheq) null #f)))
(struct bop-quad quad ())
(struct eop-quad quad ())
(define boq (make-quad #:tag 'boq-quad))
(define eoq (make-quad #:tag 'eoq-quad))
(define (bop-quad) (make-quad #:tag 'bop-quad))
(define (bop-quad? x) (and (quad? x) (eq? (quad-tag x) 'bop-quad)))
(define (eop-quad) (make-quad #:tag 'eop-quad))
(define (eop-quad? x) (and (quad? x) (eq? (quad-tag x) 'eop-quad)))