@ -10,46 +10,45 @@
(provide hrbr lbr pbr run default-font-size default-font-face)
(define draw-debug? #f)
(define draw-debug-line? #t)
(define draw-debug-block? #t)
(define draw-debug-string? #t)
(provide hrbr lbr pbr run)
(define-quad string-quad quad ())
(define q:string (q #:type string-quad
#:in 'bi
#:out 'bo ;; align to baseline
;; printable unless single space, which is not printable at start or end
#:printable (λ (q [sig #f])
(match (quad-elems q)
[(cons elem _)
(case elem
[(" " #\space) (not (memq sig '(start end)))]
[else #true])]
[_ #true]))
;; draw with pdf text routine
#:draw (λ (q doc)
(when (pair? (quad-elems q))
(font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key default-font-face)))
(font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size 12))
(fill-color doc (quad-ref q 'color "black"))
(define str (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)))
(match-define (list x y) (quad-origin q))
(text doc str x y
#:tracking (quad-ref q 'character-tracking 0)
#:bg (quad-ref q 'bg)
#:features (list (cons #"tnum" 1))
#:link (quad-ref q 'link))))
#:draw-end (if draw-debug-string?
(λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "#99f" "#ccf"))
(define (q:string-draw q doc)
;; draw with pdf text routine (when (pair? (quad-elems q))
(font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key default-font-face)))
(font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size 12))
(fill-color doc (quad-ref q 'color "black"))
(define str (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)))
(match-define (list x y) (quad-origin q))
(text doc str x y
#:tracking (quad-ref q 'character-tracking 0)
#:bg (quad-ref q 'bg)
#:features (list (cons #"tnum" 1))
#:link (quad-ref q 'link)))
(define (q:string-draw-end q doc)
(when (draw-debug-string?)
(draw-debug q doc "#99f" "#ccf")))
(define (q:string-printable? q [sig #f])
;; printable unless single space, which is not printable at start or end
(match (quad-elems q)
[(cons elem _)
(case elem
[(" " #\space) (not (memq sig '(start end)))]
[else #true])]
[_ #true]))
(define q:string (q #:type string-quad
#:in 'baseline-in
#:out 'baseline-out
#:printable q:string-printable?
#:draw q:string-draw
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end))
(define (make-size-promise q [str-arg #f])
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
(define (draw-debug q doc [fill-color "#f99"] [stroke-color "#fcc"])
(when draw-debug?
(when (draw-debug?)
(save doc)
(line-width doc 0.5)
(apply rect doc (append (quad-origin q) (size q)))
@ -99,18 +98,20 @@
(fill doc stroke-color)
(restore doc)))
(define line-height 16)
(define q:line (q #:size (pt 0 line-height)
(define dumb-hardcoded-line-height 16)
(define q:line (q #:size (pt 0 dumb-hardcoded-line-height)
#:inner 'sw
#:out 'sw
#:printable #true
#:draw-start (if draw-debug-line? draw-debug void)))
(struct line-spacer quad () #:transparent)
(define q:line-spacer (q #:type line-spacer
#:size (pt 0 (* line-height 0.6))
#:size (pt 0 (* dumb-hardcoded-line-height 0.6))
#:out 'sw
#:printable (λ (q sig) (not (memq sig '(start end))))
#:draw-start (if draw-debug-line? draw-debug void)))
#:draw-start (if (draw-debug-line?) draw-debug void)))
(define q:line-spacer-unbreakable
(struct-copy line-spacer q:line-spacer
[attrs #:parent quad
@ -123,12 +124,9 @@
(member (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)) softies)))
(define (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q)
(for/fold ([runs empty]
[pcs pcs]
#:result (reverse runs))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? pcs))
(let loop ([runs empty][pcs pcs])
(match pcs
[(? empty?) (reverse runs)]
[(cons (? string-quad? strq) rest)
(define-values (run-pcs rest) (splitf-at pcs (λ (p) (same-run? strq p))))
(define new-run (struct-copy quad q:string
@ -138,8 +136,8 @@
[size (delay (pt (for/sum ([pc (in-list run-pcs)])
(pt-x (size pc)))
(pt-y (size strq))))]))
(values (cons new-run runs) rest)]
[(cons first rest) (values (cons first runs) rest)])))
(loop (cons new-run runs) rest)]
[(cons first rest) (loop (cons first runs) rest)])))
(define (render-hyphen qs ending-q)
;; naive handling of soft hyphen:
@ -170,15 +168,6 @@
(check-true (line-break? (second (atomize (q "foo" pbr "bar"))))))
(define (copy-block-attrs source-hash dest-hash)
(define block-attrs '(display
inset-top inset-bottom inset-left inset-right
border-inset-top border-inset-bottom border-inset-left border-inset-right
border-width-left border-width-right border-width-top border-width-bottom
border-color-left border-color-right border-color-top border-color-bottom
keep-lines keep-first keep-last keep-all keep-with-next
line-align line-align-last first-line-indent
(for* ([k (in-list block-attrs)]
[v (in-value (hash-ref source-hash k #f))]
#:when v)
@ -188,16 +177,17 @@
(define (handle-hyphenate qs)
;; find quads that want hyphenation and split them into smaller pieces
;; do this before ->string-quad so that it can handle the sizing promises
(apply append (for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
(match (quad-ref q 'hyphenate)
[(or #false "false") (list q)]
[_ (for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))]
[hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)]
[hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char
#:min-left-length 4
#:min-right-length 3))]
[substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))])
(struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))]))))
(apply append
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
(match (quad-ref q 'hyphenate)
[(or #false "false") (list q)]
[_ (for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))]
[hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)]
[hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char
#:min-left-length 4
#:min-right-length 3))]
[substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))])
(struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))]))))
(define-quad filler quad ())
(define (fill-wrap qs ending-q line-q)
@ -216,14 +206,15 @@
;; words may still be in hyphenated fragments
;; (though soft hyphens would have been removed)
;; so group them (but no need to consolidate — that happens elsewhere)
(define occupied-width (match align-value
;; for justified line, we care about size of words without spaces
["justify" (for*/sum ([word-sublist (in-list word-sublists)]
[word (in-list word-sublist)])
(pt-x (size word)))]
;; for others, we care about size with spaces
[_ (for/sum ([q (in-list qs)])
(pt-x (size q)))]))
(define occupied-width
(match align-value
;; for justified line, we care about size of words without spaces
["justify" (for*/sum ([word-sublist (in-list word-sublists)]
[word (in-list word-sublist)])
(pt-x (size word)))]
;; for others, we care about size with spaces
[_ (for/sum ([q (in-list qs)])
(pt-x (size q)))]))
(define empty-hspace (- line-width
(quad-ref (car qs) 'inset-left 0)
@ -242,28 +233,30 @@
(define-quad offsetter quad ())
(define (hr-draw dq doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
(match-define (list right bottom)(size dq))
(save doc)
(translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2)))
(move-to doc 0 0)
(line-to doc right 0)
(line-width doc 0.5)
(stroke doc "black")
(restore doc))
(define (make-hr-quad line-q)
(struct-copy quad line-q [draw-start hr-draw]))
(define ((finish-line-wrap line-q) pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx)
;; we curry line-q so that the wrap size can be communicated to this operation
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define pcs-printing
(for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD")))
(define pcs-printing (for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD")))
[(empty? pcs-printing) null]
[(hr-break? ending-q)
(list (struct-copy quad line-q
[draw-start (λ (dq doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
(match-define (list right bottom)(size dq))
(save doc)
(translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2)))
(move-to doc 0 0)
(line-to doc right 0)
(line-width doc 0.5)
(stroke doc "black")
(restore doc))]))]
[(hr-break? ending-q) (list (make-hr-quad line-q))]
;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops.
(define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen pcs-printing ending-q))
@ -377,22 +370,66 @@
(define side-margin (/ 120 (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1)))
(define page-offset (pt (/ side-margin (if zoom-mode? 3 1))
(/ top-margin (if zoom-mode? 3 1))))
(define (page-draw-start q doc)
(add-page doc)
(scale doc (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1) (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1)))
(define (page-draw-end q doc)
(font-size doc 10)
(font doc default-font-face)
(fill-color doc "black")
(text doc (format "~a · ~a at ~a" (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'page-number)
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'doc-title)
(date->string (current-date) #t))
(+ (- (pdf-height doc) bottom-margin) 20)))
(define q:page (q #:offset page-offset
#:draw-start (λ (q doc) (add-page doc)
(scale doc (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1) (if zoom-mode? zoom-scale 1)))
#:draw-end (λ (q doc)
(font-size doc 10)
(font doc default-font-face)
(fill-color doc "black")
(text doc (format "~a · ~a at ~a" (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'page-number)
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'doc-title)
(date->string (current-date) #t))
(+ (- (pdf-height doc) bottom-margin) 20)))))
#:draw-start page-draw-start
#:draw-end page-draw-end))
(define q:doc (q #:draw-start (λ (q doc) (start-doc doc))
#:draw-end (λ (q doc) (end-doc doc))))
(define ((block-draw-start first-line) q doc)
;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset
(match-define (list bil bit bir bib)
(for/list ([k (in-list '(border-inset-left border-inset-top border-inset-right border-inset-bottom))])
(quad-ref first-line k 0)))
(match-define (list left top) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (list bil bit)))
(match-define (list width height) (pt- (size q) (list (+ bil bir) (+ bit bib))))
;; fill rect
[(quad-ref first-line 'background-color)
=> (λ (bgcolor)
(rect doc left top width height)
(fill doc bgcolor))])
;; draw border
(match-define (list bw-left bw-top bw-right bw-bottom)
(map (λ (k) (max 0 (quad-ref first-line k 0))) '(border-width-left
;; adjust start and end points based on adjacent border width
;; so all borders overlap rectangularly
(define (half x) (/ x 2.0))
(define right (+ left width))
(define bottom (+ top height))
(define (box-side x1 y1 x2 y2 color stroke-width)
(when (positive? stroke-width)
(move-to doc x1 y1)
(line-to doc x2 y2)
(stroke doc (or color "black") stroke-width)))
(box-side (- left (half bw-left)) top (+ right (half bw-right)) top
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-top) bw-top)
(box-side right (- top (half bw-top)) right (+ bottom (half bw-bottom))
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-right) bw-right)
(box-side (+ right (half bw-right)) bottom (- left (half bw-left)) bottom
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-bottom) bw-bottom)
(box-side left (+ bottom (half bw-bottom)) left (- top (half bw-top))
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-left) bw-left))
(define (block-wrap lines)
(define first-line (car lines))
(q #:in 'nw
@ -404,48 +441,11 @@
(pt-y (size line)))
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0)
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-bottom 0))))
#:draw-start (λ (q doc)
;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset
(match-define (list bil bit bir bib)
(map (λ (k) (quad-ref first-line k 0))
'(border-inset-left border-inset-top border-inset-right border-inset-bottom)))
(match-define (list left top) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (list bil bit)))
(match-define (list width height) (pt- (size q) (list (+ bil bir) (+ bit bib))))
;; fill rect
[(quad-ref first-line 'background-color)
=> (λ (bgcolor)
(rect doc left top width height)
(fill doc bgcolor))])
;; draw border
(match-define (list bw-left bw-top bw-right bw-bottom)
(map (λ (k) (max 0 (quad-ref first-line k 0))) '(border-width-left
;; adjust start and end points based on adjacent border width
;; so all borders overlap rectangularly
(define (half x) (/ x 2.0))
(define right (+ left width))
(define bottom (+ top height))
(define (box-side x1 y1 x2 y2 color stroke-width)
(when (positive? stroke-width)
(move-to doc x1 y1)
(line-to doc x2 y2)
(stroke doc (or color "black") stroke-width)))
(box-side (- left (half bw-left)) top (+ right (half bw-right)) top
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-top) bw-top)
(box-side right (- top (half bw-top)) right (+ bottom (half bw-bottom))
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-right) bw-right)
(box-side (+ right (half bw-right)) bottom (- left (half bw-left)) bottom
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-bottom) bw-bottom)
(box-side left (+ bottom (half bw-bottom)) left (- top (half bw-top))
(quad-ref first-line 'border-color-left) bw-left))
#:draw-end (if draw-debug-block?
#:draw-start (block-draw-start first-line)
#:draw-end (if (draw-debug-block?)
(λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "#6c6" "#9c9"))
(define (contiguous-group-by pred xs)
;; like `group-by`, but only groups together contiguous xs with the same pred value.
(let loop ([xs xs][groups null])
@ -463,6 +463,17 @@
(contiguous-group-by values '(1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9))
'((1 1) (2 2 2) (3) (4) (5 5) (6 6) (7) (8) (9))))
(define ((page-finish-wrap path) lns q0 q idx)
(list (struct-copy quad q:page
[attrs (let ([page-number idx]
[h (hash-copy (quad-attrs q:page))])
(hash-set! h 'page-number page-number)
(define-values (dir name _)
(split-path (path-replace-extension path #"")))
(hash-set! h 'doc-title (string-titlecase (path->string name)))
[elems (insert-blocks lns)])))
(define (page-wrap xs vertical-height path)
;; on timing of `insert-blocks`:
;; can't do it before because it depends on where pages are broken.
@ -476,23 +487,14 @@
;; do trial block insertions
(for/sum ([x (in-list (insert-blocks wrap-qs))])
(pt-y (size x))))
#:finish-wrap (λ (lns q0 q idx)
(list (struct-copy quad q:page
[attrs (let ([page-number idx]
[h (hash-copy (quad-attrs q:page))])
(hash-set! h 'page-number page-number)
(define-values (dir name _)
(split-path (path-replace-extension path #"")))
(hash-set! h 'doc-title (string-titlecase (path->string name)))
[elems (insert-blocks lns)])))))
#:finish-wrap (page-finish-wrap path)))
(define (insert-blocks lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines))
(append* (for/list ([line-group (in-list groups-of-lines)])
(match (quad-ref (car line-group) 'display)
[#false line-group]
[_ (list (block-wrap line-group))]))))
(if (quad-ref (car line-group) 'display)
(list (block-wrap line-group))
(define (handle-cascading-attrs attrs)
(resolve-font-path attrs)
@ -526,8 +528,9 @@
(parameterize ([current-doc pdf]
[verbose-quad-printing? #false])
(setup-font-path-table! pdf-path)
(let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr (qexpr->quad `(q ((font-family ,default-font-family)
(font-size ,(number->string default-font-size))) ,xs)))]
(let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr
(qexpr->quad `(q ((font-family ,default-font-family)
(font-size ,(number->string default-font-size))) ,xs)))]
[x (time-name atomize (atomize x #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs))]
[x (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate x))]
[x (time-name ->string-quad (map ->string-quad x))]