@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/Struct.coffee
(process res stream)
(define/augride (encode stream input-hash [parent #f])
#;(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(send this preEncode input-hash stream) ; preEncode goes first, because it might bring input hash into compliance
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (ref-keys input-hash))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys input-hash)))
[(dict? fields)
(for* ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (ref input-hash key)))]
[else (send fields encode stream input-hash parent)]))
(define/public-final (_setup stream parent length)
(define res (make-object StructRes)) ; not mere hash
(hash-set*! (· res _hash) 'parent parent
@ -81,11 +65,42 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/Struct.coffee
(hash-set! (· res _hash) '_currentOffset (- (· stream pos) (ref res '_startOffset)))))
(define/override (size [input-hash (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(define val (ref input-hash key))
(define args (if val (list val) empty))
(send type size . args))))
(define/override (size [val (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(define ctx (mhash 'parent parent
'val val
'pointerSize 0))
(define size 0)
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(increment! size (send type size (ref val key) ctx)))
(when includePointers
(increment! size (ref ctx 'pointerSize)))
(define/augride (encode stream val [parent #f])
#;(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(send this preEncode val stream) ; preEncode goes first, because it might bring input hash into compliance
(define ctx (mhash 'pointers empty
'startOffset (· stream pos)
'parent parent
'val val
'pointerSize 0))
(ref-set! ctx 'pointerOffset (+ (· stream pos) (size val ctx #f)))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (ref-keys val))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys val)))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (ref val key) ctx))
(for ([ptr (in-list (ref ctx 'pointers))])
(send (· ptr type) encode stream (· ptr val) (· ptr parent)))))