[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:enum%)) x:enum%]
Generate an instance of @racket[x:enum%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:enum%]) with certain optional attributes.
@racket[type-arg] or @racket[type-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[type-arg] takes precedence) determines the integer type for the enumeration. Default is @racket[uint8].
@racket[values-arg] or @racket[values-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[values-arg] takes precedence) determines the mapping of values to integers, where each value corresponds to its index in the list. @racket[#false] indicates skipped values. Default is @racket[null].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.