move justify-overfill calculation

Matthew Butterick 3 years ago
parent 6ca1ca15da
commit da0fa8588b

@ -158,156 +158,156 @@
;; ok to put back absolute quads at end, because it doesn't affect their layout
(append other-qs absolute-qs))])])]))
(define (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line-q key default-val)
(define arbitrary-width 20)
(make-quad #:type line-spacer-quad
#:size (pt arbitrary-width (cond
[(and maybe-first-line-q (quad-ref maybe-first-line-q key))]
[else default-val]))
#:from 'sw
#:to 'nw
#:printable only-prints-in-middle
#:draw-start (if (draw-debug-line?) draw-debug void)))
(define (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line-q key default-val)
(define arbitrary-width 20)
(make-quad #:type line-spacer-quad
#:size (pt arbitrary-width (cond
[(and maybe-first-line-q (quad-ref maybe-first-line-q key))]
[else default-val]))
#:from 'sw
#:to 'nw
#:printable only-prints-in-middle
#:draw-start (if (draw-debug-line?) draw-debug void)))
(define ((line-wrap-finish line-prototype-q default-block-id) wrap-qs q-before q-after idx)
;; we curry line-q so that the wrap size can be communicated to this operation
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define wrap-qs-printing (for/list ([wq (in-list wrap-qs)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems wq) '("\u00AD")))
(define new-lines
[(empty? wrap-qs-printing) null]
[(hr-break-quad? q-after) (list (make-hr-quad line-prototype-q))]
;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops.
(define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen wrap-qs-printing q-after))
;; fill wrap so that consolidate-runs works properly
;; (justified lines won't be totally consolidated)
(define last-line-in-paragraph? (not q-after))
(define pcs (fill-line-wrap pcs-with-hyphen line-prototype-q last-line-in-paragraph?))
(match (consolidate-runs pcs)
[(and (cons elem-first _) elems)
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size line-prototype-q))
(quad-copy line-quad line-prototype-q
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in col wrap
[attrs (let ([h (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem-first) (hash-copy (quad-attrs line-prototype-q)))])
;; we want every group of lines in a paragraph to have a block id
;; so that it will be wrapped as a block later.
;; we only set this if there is no value for :display.
(hash-ref! h :display default-block-id)
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size (pt line-width (match (filter-map (λ (q) (or (quad-ref q :line-height) (pt-y (size q)))) pcs)
[(? null?) line-height]
[line-heights (apply max line-heights)]))]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
;; we assume here that a list item has already had extra inset-left
;; with room for a bullet
;; which we just insert at the front.
;; this is safe because line has already been filled.
;; only put bullet into line if we're at the first line of the list item
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem-first :list-index))
[#false null]
(define bq (quad-copy string-quad q:string ;; copy q:string to get draw routine
;; borrow attrs from elem
[attrs (quad-attrs elem-first)]
;; use bullet as elems
[elems (list (if (number? bullet) (format "~a." bullet) bullet))]
;; size doesn't matter because nothing refers to this quad
;; just for debugging box
[size (pt 15 (pt-y (size line-prototype-q)))]))
(from-parent (list bq) 'sw)])
(match (quad-ref elem-first :inset-left 0)
[0 elems]
[inset-val (cons (make-quad
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:to 'sw
#:size (pt inset-val 5)
#:type offsetter-quad)
elems)]) 'sw))]))]
[_ null])]))
(define maybe-first-line (and (pair? new-lines) (car new-lines)))
(append (match q-before
[#false (list (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line :space-before 0))] ; paragraph break
[_ null])
(match q-after
[(? column-break-quad? column-break) (list column-break)] ; hard column (or section or page) break
[#false (list (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line :space-after (* default-line-height 0.6)))] ; paragraph break
[_ null]))) ; hard line break
(define ((line-wrap-finish line-prototype-q default-block-id) wrap-qs q-before q-after idx)
;; we curry line-q so that the wrap size can be communicated to this operation
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define wrap-qs-printing (for/list ([wq (in-list wrap-qs)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems wq) '("\u00AD")))
(define new-lines
[(empty? wrap-qs-printing) null]
[(hr-break-quad? q-after) (list (make-hr-quad line-prototype-q))]
;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops.
(define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen wrap-qs-printing q-after))
;; fill wrap so that consolidate-runs works properly
;; (justified lines won't be totally consolidated)
(define last-line-in-paragraph? (not q-after))
(define pcs (fill-line-wrap pcs-with-hyphen line-prototype-q last-line-in-paragraph?))
(match (consolidate-runs pcs)
[(and (cons elem-first _) elems)
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size line-prototype-q))
(quad-copy line-quad line-prototype-q
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in col wrap
[attrs (let ([h (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem-first) (hash-copy (quad-attrs line-prototype-q)))])
;; we want every group of lines in a paragraph to have a block id
;; so that it will be wrapped as a block later.
;; we only set this if there is no value for :display.
(hash-ref! h :display default-block-id)
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size (pt line-width (match (filter-map (λ (q) (or (quad-ref q :line-height) (pt-y (size q)))) pcs)
[(? null?) line-height]
[line-heights (apply max line-heights)]))]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
;; we assume here that a list item has already had extra inset-left
;; with room for a bullet
;; which we just insert at the front.
;; this is safe because line has already been filled.
;; only put bullet into line if we're at the first line of the list item
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem-first :list-index))
[#false null]
(define bq (quad-copy string-quad q:string ;; copy q:string to get draw routine
;; borrow attrs from elem
[attrs (quad-attrs elem-first)]
;; use bullet as elems
[elems (list (if (number? bullet) (format "~a." bullet) bullet))]
;; size doesn't matter because nothing refers to this quad
;; just for debugging box
[size (pt 15 (pt-y (size line-prototype-q)))]))
(from-parent (list bq) 'sw)])
(match (quad-ref elem-first :inset-left 0)
[0 elems]
[inset-val (cons (make-quad
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:to 'sw
#:size (pt inset-val 5)
#:type offsetter-quad)
elems)]) 'sw))]))]
[_ null])]))
(define maybe-first-line (and (pair? new-lines) (car new-lines)))
(append (match q-before
[#false (list (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line :space-before 0))] ; paragraph break
[_ null])
(match q-after
[(? column-break-quad? column-break) (list column-break)] ; hard column (or section or page) break
[#false (list (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line :space-after (* default-line-height 0.6)))] ; paragraph break
[_ null]))) ; hard line break
(define softies (map string '(#\space #\- #\u00AD)))
(define softies (map string '(#\space #\- #\u00AD)))
(define (soft-break-for-line? q)
(and (pair? (quad-elems q))
(member (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)) softies)))
(define (soft-break-for-line? q)
(and (pair? (quad-elems q))
(member (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)) softies)))
(define (permitted-justify-overfill q)
(match (quad-ref q :line-align)
;; allow justified lines to go wider,
;; and then fill-wrap will tighten thes word spaces
;; this makes justified paragraphs more even, becuase
;; some lines are a little tight, as opposed to all of them being loose
;; this has to be based on a certain quad, not set globally for the line-wrap operation,
;; because different paragraphs might have different alignment settings.
["justify" 1.04]
[_ 1]))
(define (line-wrap qs wrap-size [debug #false])
(unless (positive? wrap-size)
(raise-argument-error 'line-wrap "positive number" wrap-size))
(match qs
[(cons q _)
(define line-q (quad-copy line-quad q:line [size (pt wrap-size (quad-ref q :line-height default-line-height))]))
(define permitted-justify-overfill
(match (quad-ref q :line-align)
;; allow justified lines to go wider,
;; and then fill-wrap will tighten thes word spaces
;; this makes justified paragraphs more even, becuase
;; some lines are a little tight, as opposed to all of them being loose
["justify" 1.04]
[_ 1]))
;; group lines into sublists separated by para-breaks, but then omit the para-breaks themselves
;; because they've served their purpose (leave the others, to be expressed later)
;; however, leave line-breaks in, because they will be handled by wrap.
(define para-qss (let loop ([qs qs][acc null])
(match qs
[(? null?) (reverse acc)]
[(cons (? para-break-quad?) rest)
(loop rest acc)]
[(cons (? column-break-quad? bq) rest)
(loop rest (cons bq acc))]
[(list* (and (not (? para-break-quad?)) nbqs) ... rest)
(loop rest (cons nbqs acc))])))
(define res
(apply append
(for/list ([para-qs (in-list para-qss)])
(define block-id (gensym))
(match para-qs
[(? break-quad? bq) (list bq)]
[(cons pq _)
(wrap para-qs
(* (- wrap-size
(quad-ref pq :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref pq :inset-right 0))
;; during wrap, anchored qs are treated as having distance 0
;; so they can staty in right place, so that relative queries will work.
;; but they won't affect where lines break
#:distance (λ (q last-dist wrap-qs)
(+ last-dist (cond
[(quad-ref q :parent) 0]
[(printable? q) (distance q)]
[else 0])))
#:nicely (match (or (current-line-wrap) (quad-ref pq :line-wrap))
[(or "best" "kp") #true]
[_ #false])
#:hard-break line-break-quad?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (line-wrap-finish line-q block-id))]))))
[_ null]))
(define (line-wrap qs wrap-size [debug #false])
(unless (positive? wrap-size)
(raise-argument-error 'line-wrap "positive number" wrap-size))
(match qs
[(cons q _)
(define line-q (quad-copy line-quad q:line [size (pt wrap-size (quad-ref q :line-height default-line-height))]))
;; group lines into sublists separated by para-breaks, but then omit the para-breaks themselves
;; because they've served their purpose (leave the others, to be expressed later)
;; however, leave line-breaks in, because they will be handled by wrap.
(define para-qss (let loop ([qs qs][acc null])
(match qs
[(? null?) (reverse acc)]
[(cons (? para-break-quad?) rest)
(loop rest acc)]
[(cons (? column-break-quad? bq) rest)
(loop rest (cons bq acc))]
[(list* (and (not (? para-break-quad?)) nbqs) ... rest)
(loop rest (cons nbqs acc))])))
(define res
(apply append
(for/list ([para-qs (in-list para-qss)])
(define block-id (gensym))
(match para-qs
[(? break-quad? bq) (list bq)]
[(cons pq _)
(wrap para-qs
(* (- wrap-size
(quad-ref pq :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref pq :inset-right 0))
(permitted-justify-overfill pq))
;; during wrap, anchored qs are treated as having distance 0
;; so they can staty in right place, so that relative queries will work.
;; but they won't affect where lines break
#:distance (λ (q last-dist wrap-qs)
(+ last-dist (cond
[(quad-ref q :parent) 0]
[(printable? q) (distance q)]
[else 0])))
#:nicely (match (or (current-line-wrap) (quad-ref pq :line-wrap))
[(or "best" "kp") #true]
[_ #false])
#:hard-break line-break-quad?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (line-wrap-finish line-q block-id))]))))
[_ null]))