@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang debug racket
(require racket/list racket/match sugar/debug
(require racket/list racket/match sugar/debug sugar/list
"param.rkt" "quad.rkt" "atomize.rkt" "position.rkt" "ocm.rkt")
(provide wrap)
@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
;; for instance, a hyphen is `soft-break?` but shouldn't be trimmed.
(finish-wrap-func (reverse (dropf qs nonprinting-at-end?)) previous-wrap-ender wrap-triggering-q wrap-idx))
(define (finalize-reversed-wraps wraps)
(match (append* (reverse wraps))
[(list (list)) (list)]
[wraps wraps]))
(define (wrap qs
[target-size-proc-arg (current-wrap-distance)]
[debug #f]
@ -75,9 +80,7 @@
; append* because `finish-wrap-proc` returns a spliceable list
; reverse because wraps accumulated in reverse
; as a special case, '(()) is returned as just '()
(match (append* (reverse (cons last-wrap wraps)))
[(list (list)) (list)]
[wraps wraps])]
(finalize-reversed-wraps (cons last-wrap wraps))]
[(cons q other-qs)
(debug-report q 'next-q)
(debug-report (quad-elems q) 'next-q-elems)
@ -216,31 +219,26 @@
[(> j (vector-length pieces)) ($penalty (- i) last-idx)]
(define first-q (vector-ref pieces i))
(define last-q (vector-ref pieces (sub1 j)))
(define wrap-qs (pieces-sublist i j))
(define this-idx (wrap-count last-idx last-q))
[(hard-break? last-q) ($penalty 0 this-idx)]
[(soft-break? last-q)
#R (pieces-sublist i j)
(define line-width (- j i))
(define underflow (- measure line-width))
(+ last-val ; include penalty so far
(if (negative? underflow)
;; overfull line: huge penalty prevents break; multiplier is essential for monotonicity.
(* 1e8 (- underflow))
;; standard penalty
(expt underflow 2)))
[else ($penalty last-val last-idx)])]))
(define line-width (length wrap-qs))
(define underflow (- measure line-width))
(+ last-val ; include penalty so far
(if (negative? underflow)
;; overfull line: huge penalty prevents break; multiplier is essential for monotonicity.
(* 1e8 (- underflow))
;; standard penalty
(expt underflow 2)))
(define ocm (make-ocm penalty ($penalty 0 (sub1 initial-wrap-idx)) $penalty-val))
;; starting from last position, ask ocm for position of row minimum (= new-pos)
;; collect this value, and use it as the input next time
;; until you reach first position.
(define pieces (list->vector qs))
(define (pieces-sublist i j) (vector->list (vector-copy pieces i j)))
(define pieces (list->vector (slicef-after qs (λ (q) (or (hard-break? q) (soft-break? q)) ))))
(define (pieces-sublist i j) (apply append (vector->list (vector-copy pieces i j))))
(define last-j (vector-length pieces))
(define bps
(let loop ([j last-j][bps (list last-j)]) ; start from end
@ -250,7 +248,7 @@
(loop i (cons i bps)))))
(for/fold ([wraps null]
[wrap-idx initial-wrap-idx]
#:result (reverse wraps))
#:result (finalize-reversed-wraps wraps))
([i (in-list bps)]
[j (in-list (cdr bps))])
(define wrap-qs (reverse (pieces-sublist i j))) ; first-fit gets wrap-qs in reverse, so be consistent
@ -294,16 +292,6 @@
#:hard-break (λ (q) (char=? (car (quad-elems q)) #\newline))
#:soft-break soft-break?) lbr))
;; "Meg is an ally."
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c sp a b sp c d sp a b c d x) 6)
(list (list a b c sp a b) lbr (list c d) lbr (list a b c d x)))
(equal? #R (linewrap (list a b c sp a b sp c d sp a b c d x) 6 #:wrapper wrap-best)
(list (list a b c) lbr (list a b sp c d) lbr (list a b c d x)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f] #:wrapper [wrap-proc wrap])
@ -337,149 +325,166 @@
#;(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a) 1) (list (list a)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1)
(list (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list (list x x x x x))))
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b sp c) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list (list a sp b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b c) 3) (list (list a) lbr (list b c))))
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list (list x) lbr (list x))))
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list (list hyph) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list (list hyph hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list (list hyph hyph) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list (list x) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 1)
(list (list a) lbr (list b) lbr (list hyph) lbr (list c) lbr (list d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list hyph c) lbr (list d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 3) (list (list a b hyph) lbr (list c d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list (list x x hyph) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list (list x x hyph x x))))
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list (list x)))
;; todo: degenerate cases that don't work without continuations
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x br x br x br x))
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x br x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list (list x x shy) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list (list x x x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list (list x x x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x))))
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list lbr) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a lbr b) 2) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b lbr) 2) (list (list a b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b lbr lbr) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x lbr x x) 3) (list (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x lbr x) 3) (list (list x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp lbr b) 2) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp lbr sp sp b c sp) 3) (list (list a) lbr (list b c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp lbr sp sp sp x) 3) (list (list x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp lbr sp c) 3) (list (list a sp b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x))))
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas"))
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) (list))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list (list x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list (list x x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list (list x x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list (list x x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x lbr x x) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list x x))))
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list a pbr b c) 2) (list (list a) pbr (list b c)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list) pbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list lbr x lbr lbr pbr lbr x x lbr) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list x x))))
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list (list x lbr x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list (list x x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp lbr b) 2) (list (q a) lbr (q b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp lbr sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (q x) lbr (q x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp lbr sp sp sp x) 3) (list (q x x) lbr (q x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp lbr sp c) 3) (list (q a sp b) lbr (q c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (q x x x) lbr (q x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (q x x) lbr (q x) lbr (q x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (q x x x) lbr (q x x))))))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(module+ test
"kp linebreaking"
(define meg-is-an-ally (list a b c sp a b sp c d sp a b c d x)) ; "Meg is an ally."
(check-equal? (linewrap meg-is-an-ally 6)
;; Meg is
;; an
;; ally.
(list (list a b c sp a b) lbr (list c d) lbr (list a b c d x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap meg-is-an-ally 6 #:wrapper wrap-best)
;; Meg
;; is an
;; ally.
(list (list a b c) lbr (list a b sp c d) lbr (list a b c d x)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a) 1) (list (list a)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1)
(list (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list (list x x x x x))))
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 1) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b sp c) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list (list a sp b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b c) 3) (list (list a) lbr (list b c))))
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list (list x) lbr (list x))))
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list (list hyph) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list (list hyph hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list (list hyph hyph) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list (list x) lbr (list hyph)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 1)
(list (list a) lbr (list b) lbr (list hyph) lbr (list c) lbr (list d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list hyph c) lbr (list d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 3) (list (list a b hyph) lbr (list c d)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list (list x x hyph) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list (list x x hyph x x))))
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list (list x)))
;; todo: degenerate cases that don't work without continuations
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x br x br x br x))
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x br x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list (list x x shy) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list (list x x x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list (list x x x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x))))
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list (list zwx)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list lbr) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a lbr b) 2) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b lbr) 2) (list (list a b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b lbr lbr) 2) (list (list a b) lbr (list)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x lbr x x) 3) (list (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x lbr x) 3) (list (list x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp lbr b) 2) (list (list a) lbr (list b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp lbr sp sp b c sp) 3) (list (list a) lbr (list b c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp lbr sp sp sp x) 3) (list (list x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp lbr sp c) 3) (list (list a sp b) lbr (list c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (list x x) lbr (list x) lbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (list x x x) lbr (list x x))))
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas"))
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) (list))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list (list x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list (list x x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list (list x x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list (list x x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x lbr x x) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list x x))))
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list a pbr b c) 2) (list (list a) pbr (list b c)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list) pbr (list x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list) pbr (list x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list lbr x lbr lbr pbr lbr x x lbr) 2) (list (list x) pbr (list x x))))
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list (list x lbr x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list (list x x) pbr (list x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list (list x) pbr (list x) pbr (list x))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp lbr b) 2) (list (q a) lbr (q b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp lbr sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (q x) lbr (q x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp lbr sp sp sp x) 3) (list (q x x) lbr (q x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp lbr sp c) 3) (list (q a sp b) lbr (q c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (q x x x) lbr (q x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (q x x) lbr (q x) lbr (q x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (q x x x) lbr (q x x))))))