Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent e165daf7fb
commit cc0c733615

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
(require math)
(define m0 (matrix ((25.0 42.0 57.0 78.0 90.0 103.0 123.0 142.0 151.0)
(21.0 35.0 48.0 65.0 76.0 85.0 105.0 123.0 130.0)
(13.0 26.0 35.0 51.0 58.0 67.0 86.0 100.0 104.0)
(10.0 20.0 28.0 42.0 48.0 56.0 75.0 86.0 88.0)
(20.0 29.0 33.0 44.0 49.0 55.0 73.0 82.0 80.0)
(13.0 21.0 24.0 35.0 39.0 44.0 59.0 65.0 59.0)
(19.0 25.0 28.0 38.0 42.0 44.0 57.0 61.0 52.0)
(35.0 37.0 40.0 48.0 48.0 49.0 62.0 62.0 49.0)
(37.0 36.0 37.0 42.0 39.0 39.0 51.0 50.0 37.0)
(41.0 39.0 37.0 42.0 35.0 33.0 44.0 43.0 29.0)
(58.0 56.0 54.0 55.0 47.0 41.0 50.0 47.0 29.0)
(66.0 64.0 61.0 61.0 51.0 44.0 52.0 45.0 24.0)
(82.0 76.0 72.0 70.0 56.0 49.0 55.0 46.0 23.0)
(99.0 91.0 83.0 80.0 63.0 56.0 59.0 46.0 20.0)
(124.0 116.0 107.0 100.0 80.0 71.0 72.0 58.0 28.0)
(133.0 125.0 113.0 106.0 86.0 75.0 74.0 59.0 25.0)
(156.0 146.0 131.0 120.0 97.0 84.0 80.0 65.0 31.0)
(178.0 164.0 146.0 135.0 110.0 96.0 92.0 73.0 39.0))))
(21.0 35.0 48.0 65.0 76.0 85.0 105.0 123.0 130.0)
(13.0 26.0 35.0 51.0 58.0 67.0 86.0 100.0 104.0)
(10.0 20.0 28.0 42.0 48.0 56.0 75.0 86.0 88.0)
(20.0 29.0 33.0 44.0 49.0 55.0 73.0 82.0 80.0)
(13.0 21.0 24.0 35.0 39.0 44.0 59.0 65.0 59.0)
(19.0 25.0 28.0 38.0 42.0 44.0 57.0 61.0 52.0)
(35.0 37.0 40.0 48.0 48.0 49.0 62.0 62.0 49.0)
(37.0 36.0 37.0 42.0 39.0 39.0 51.0 50.0 37.0)
(41.0 39.0 37.0 42.0 35.0 33.0 44.0 43.0 29.0)
(58.0 56.0 54.0 55.0 47.0 41.0 50.0 47.0 29.0)
(66.0 64.0 61.0 61.0 51.0 44.0 52.0 45.0 24.0)
(82.0 76.0 72.0 70.0 56.0 49.0 55.0 46.0 23.0)
(99.0 91.0 83.0 80.0 63.0 56.0 59.0 46.0 20.0)
(124.0 116.0 107.0 100.0 80.0 71.0 72.0 58.0 28.0)
(133.0 125.0 113.0 106.0 86.0 75.0 74.0 59.0 25.0)
(156.0 146.0 131.0 120.0 97.0 84.0 80.0 65.0 31.0)
(178.0 164.0 146.0 135.0 110.0 96.0 92.0 73.0 39.0))))
(define m (matrix->list* m0))
(define m2 (matrix->list* (matrix-transpose m0)))
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@
;; proc must return a value even for out-of-bounds i and j
(: simple-proc Matrix-Proc-Type)
(define (simple-proc i j) (cast (fl (with-handlers [(exn:fail? (λ(exn) (* -1 i)))]
((inst list-ref Value-Type) ((inst list-ref (Listof Value-Type)) m i) j))) Value-Type))
((inst list-ref Value-Type) ((inst list-ref (Listof Value-Type)) m i) j))) Value-Type))
(: simple-proc2 Matrix-Proc-Type)
(define (simple-proc2 i j) (cast (fl (with-handlers [(exn:fail? (λ(exn) (* -1 i)))]
((inst list-ref Value-Type) ((inst list-ref (Listof Value-Type)) m2 i) j))) Value-Type))
((inst list-ref Value-Type) ((inst list-ref (Listof Value-Type)) m2 i) j))) Value-Type))
(check-equal? (simple-proc 0 2) 57.0) ; 0th row, 2nd col
(check-equal? (simple-proc2 2 0) 57.0) ; flipped
(define row-indices (cast (list->vector (range (length m))) (Vectorof Nonnegative-Integer)))
(define col-indices (cast (list->vector (range (length (car m)))) (Vectorof Nonnegative-Integer)))
(define row-indices (cast (list->vector (range (length m))) (Vectorof Index-Type)))
(define col-indices (cast (list->vector (range (length (car m)))) (Vectorof Index-Type)))
(define result (concave-minima row-indices col-indices simple-proc simple-entry->value))
@ -53,31 +53,33 @@
(list (hash-ref h 'value) (hash-ref h 'row-idx)))
'((10.0 3) (20.0 3) (24.0 5) (35.0 5) (35.0 9) (33.0 9) (44.0 9) (43.0 9) (20.0 13))) ; checked against
(define o (make-ocm simple-proc simple-entry->value))
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(define h (hash-ref result j))
(list (hash-ref h 'value) (hash-ref h 'row-idx)))
'((10 3) (20 3) (24 5) (35 5) (35 9) (33 9) (44 9) (43 9) (20 13))) ; checked against
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(list (min-value o j) (min-index o j)))
'((0 none) (42 0) (48 1) (51 2) (48 3) (55 4) (59 5) (61 6) (49 7))) ; checked against
(define o2 (make-ocm simple-proc2))
(define row-indices2 (list->vector (range (length m2))))
(define col-indices2 (list->vector (range (length (car m2)))))
(define result2 (concave-minima row-indices2 col-indices2 simple-proc2 identity))
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(define h (hash-ref result2 j))
(list (hash-ref h 'value) (hash-ref h 'row-idx)))
'((25 0) (21 0) (13 0) (10 0) (20 0) (13 0) (19 0) (35 0) (36 1) (29 8) (29 8) (24 8) (23 8) (20 8) (28 8) (25 8) (31 8) (39 8))) ; checked against
(for/list : (Listof (List Value-Type Index-Type)) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(define h (cast (hash-ref result j) (HashTable Symbol Any)))
(list (cast (hash-ref h 'value) Value-Type) (cast (hash-ref h 'row-idx) Index-Type)))
'((10.0 3) (20.0 3) (24.0 5) (35.0 5) (35.0 9) (33.0 9) (44.0 9) (43.0 9) (20.0 13))) ; checked against
(define o (make-ocm simple-proc simple-entry->value))
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(list (min-value o2 j) (min-index o2 j)))
'((0 none) (21 0) (13 0) (10 0) (20 0) (13 0) (19 0) (35 0) (36 1) (29 8) (-9 9) (-10 10) (-11 11) (-12 12) (-13 13) (-14 14) (-15 15) (-16 16))) ; checked against
(for/list : (Listof (List Value-Type (U Index-Type No-Value-Type))) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(list (cast (ocm-min-value o j) Value-Type) (ocm-min-index o j)))
'((0.0 none) (42.0 0) (48.0 1) (51.0 2) (48.0 3) (55.0 4) (59.0 5) (61.0 6) (49.0 7))) ; checked against
(define row-indices2 (cast (list->vector (range (length m2))) (Vectorof Index-Type)))
(define col-indices2 (cast (list->vector (range (length (car m2)))) (Vectorof Index-Type)))
(define result2 (concave-minima row-indices2 col-indices2 simple-proc2 simple-entry->value))
(for/list : (Listof (List Value-Type Index-Type)) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(define h (cast (hash-ref result2 j) (HashTable Symbol (U Index-Type Value-Type))))
(list (cast (hash-ref h 'value) Value-Type) (cast (hash-ref h 'row-idx) Index-Type)))
'((25.0 0) (21.0 0) (13.0 0) (10.0 0) (20.0 0) (13.0 0) (19.0 0) (35.0 0) (36.0 1) (29.0 8) (29.0 8) (24.0 8) (23.0 8) (20.0 8) (28.0 8) (25.0 8) (31.0 8) (39.0 8))) ; checked against
(define o2 (make-ocm simple-proc2 simple-entry->value))
(for/list : (Listof (List Value-Type (U Index-Type No-Value-Type))) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(list (cast (ocm-min-value o2 j) Value-Type) (ocm-min-index o2 j)))
'((0.0 none) (21.0 0) (13.0 0) (10.0 0) (20.0 0) (13.0 0) (19.0 0) (35.0 0) (36.0 1) (29.0 8) (-9.0 9) (-10.0 10) (-11.0 11) (-12.0 12) (-13.0 13) (-14.0 14) (-15.0 15) (-16.0 16))) ; checked against

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(require racket/list sugar/debug racket/function racket/vector "logger-typed.rkt")
(define-logger ocm)
(provide smawky? Entry->Value-Type Value-Type Index-Type Matrix-Proc-Type make-ocm reduce reduce2 concave-minima (prefix-out ocm- (combine-out min-value min-index)))
(provide smawky? Entry->Value-Type Value-Type No-Value-Type Index-Type Matrix-Proc-Type make-ocm reduce reduce2 concave-minima (prefix-out ocm- (combine-out min-value min-index)))
(: select-elements ((Listof Any) (Listof Index-Type) . -> . (Listof Any)))
(define (select-elements xs is)
@ -33,6 +33,13 @@
(define-syntax-rule (vector-append-item xs value)
((inst vector-append Any) xs (vector value)))
(define-syntax-rule (vector-append-value xs value)
((inst vector-append Value-Type) xs (vector value)))
(define-syntax-rule (vector-append-index xs value)
((inst vector-append (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) xs (vector value)))
(: vector-set (All (a) ((Vectorof a) Integer a -> (Vectorof a))))
(define (vector-set vec idx val)
(vector-set! vec idx val)
@ -193,131 +200,56 @@
(define-type Finished-Value-Type Index-Type)
(define-type Matrix-Proc-Type (Index-Type Index-Type . -> . Value-Type))
(define-type Entry->Value-Type (Any . -> . Value-Type))
;(define-type OCM-Type (Vector (Vectorof Value-Type) (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) Finished-Value-Type Matrix-Proc-Type Entry->Value-Type Index-Type Index-Type))
(define-type OCM-Type (Vector Any Any Any Any Any Any))
(define o:min-values 0)
(define o:min-row-indices 1)
(define o:finished 2)
(define o:matrix-proc 3)
(define o:entry->value 4)
(define o:base 5)
(define o:tentative 6)
(: ocm-matrix-proc (OCM-Type . -> . Matrix-Proc-Type))
(define (ocm-matrix-proc o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:matrix-proc) Matrix-Proc-Type))
(: ocm-set-matrix-proc (OCM-Type Matrix-Proc-Type . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-matrix-proc o proc)
(vector-set! o o:matrix-proc (cast proc Matrix-Proc-Type)))
(: ocm-entry->value (OCM-Type . -> . Entry->Value-Type))
(define (ocm-entry->value o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:entry->value) Entry->Value-Type))
(: ocm-set-entry->value (OCM-Type Entry->Value-Type . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-entry->value o proc)
(vector-set! o o:entry->value (cast proc Entry->Value-Type)))
(: ocm-finished (OCM-Type . -> . Finished-Value-Type))
(define (ocm-finished o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:finished) Finished-Value-Type))
(: ocm-set-finished (OCM-Type Finished-Value-Type . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-finished o v)
(vector-set! o o:finished (cast v Finished-Value-Type)))
(: ocm-tentative (OCM-Type . -> . Index-Type))
(define (ocm-tentative o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:tentative) Index-Type))
(: ocm-set-tentative (OCM-Type Index-Type . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-tentative o v)
(vector-set! o o:tentative (cast v Index-Type)))
(: ocm-base (OCM-Type . -> . Index-Type))
(define (ocm-base o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:tentative) Index-Type))
(: ocm-set-base (OCM-Type Index-Type . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-base o v)
(vector-set! o o:tentative (cast v Index-Type)))
(: ocm-min-values (OCM-Type . -> . (Vectorof Value-Type)))
(define (ocm-min-values o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:min-values) (Vectorof Value-Type)))
(: ocm-set-min-values (OCM-Type (Vectorof Value-Type) . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-min-values o vs)
(vector-set! o o:min-values (cast vs (Vectorof Value-Type))))
(: ocm-min-row-indices (OCM-Type . -> . (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type))))
(define (ocm-min-row-indices o)
(cast (vector-ref o o:min-row-indices) (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type))))
(: ocm-set-min-row-indices (OCM-Type (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) . -> . Void))
(define (ocm-set-min-row-indices o vs)
(vector-set! o o:min-row-indices (cast vs (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)))))
(struct $ocm ([min-values : (Vectorof Value-Type)] [min-row-indices : (Vectorof (U Index-Type No-Value-Type))] [finished : Finished-Value-Type] [matrix-proc : Matrix-Proc-Type] [entry->value : Entry->Value-Type] [base : Index-Type] [tentative : Index-Type]) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define-type OCM-Type $ocm)
(: make-ocm ((Matrix-Proc-Type Entry->Value-Type) (Initial-Value-Type) . ->* . OCM-Type))
(define (make-ocm matrix-proc entry->value [initial-value 0.0])
(log-ocm-debug "making new ocm")
(define ocm (cast (make-vector 7) OCM-Type))
(ocm-set-min-values ocm (vector initial-value))
(ocm-set-min-row-indices ocm (vector no-value))
(ocm-set-finished ocm 0)
(ocm-set-matrix-proc ocm matrix-proc)
(ocm-set-entry->value ocm entry->value) ; for converting matrix values to an integer
(ocm-set-base ocm 0)
(ocm-set-tentative ocm 0)
($ocm (vector initial-value) (vector no-value) 0 matrix-proc entry->value 0 0))
;; Return min { Matrix(i,j) | i < j }.
(: min-value (OCM-Type Index-Type . -> . Any))
(define (min-value ocm j)
(if (< (cast (ocm-finished ocm) Real) j)
(if (< (cast ($ocm-finished ocm) Real) j)
(begin (advance! ocm) (min-value ocm j))
(vector-ref (ocm-min-values ocm) j)))
(vector-ref ($ocm-min-values ocm) j)))
;; Return argmin { Matrix(i,j) | i < j }.
(: min-index (OCM-Type Index-Type . -> . (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)))
(define (min-index ocm j)
(if (< (cast (ocm-finished ocm) Real) j)
(if (< (cast ($ocm-finished ocm) Real) j)
(begin (advance! ocm) (min-index ocm j))
((inst vector-ref (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) (ocm-min-row-indices ocm) j)))
((inst vector-ref (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) ($ocm-min-row-indices ocm) j)))
;; Finish another value,index pair.
(: advance! (OCM-Type . -> . Void))
(define (advance! ocm)
(define next (add1 (ocm-finished ocm)))
(log-ocm-debug "advance! ocm to next = ~a" (add1 (ocm-finished ocm)))
(define next (add1 ($ocm-finished ocm)))
(log-ocm-debug "advance! ocm to next = ~a" (add1 ($ocm-finished ocm)))
;; First case: we have already advanced past the previous tentative
;; value. We make a new tentative value by applying ConcaveMinima
;; to the largest square submatrix that fits under the base.
[(> next (ocm-tentative ocm))
(log-ocm-debug "advance: first case because next (~a) > tentative (~a)" next (ocm-tentative ocm))
(define rows : (Vectorof Index-Type) (list->vector (range (ocm-base ocm) next)))
(ocm-set-tentative ocm (+ (ocm-finished ocm) (vector-length rows)))
(define cols : (Vectorof Index-Type) (list->vector (range next (add1 (ocm-tentative ocm)))))
(define minima (concave-minima rows cols (ocm-matrix-proc ocm) (ocm-entry->value ocm)))
(error 'stop)
[(> next ($ocm-tentative ocm))
(log-ocm-debug "advance: first case because next (~a) > tentative (~a)" next ($ocm-tentative ocm))
(define rows : (Vectorof Index-Type) (list->vector (range ($ocm-base ocm) next)))
(set-$ocm-tentative! ocm (+ ($ocm-finished ocm) (vector-length rows)))
(define cols : (Vectorof Index-Type) (list->vector (range next (add1 ($ocm-tentative ocm)))))
(define minima (concave-minima rows cols ($ocm-matrix-proc ocm) ($ocm-entry->value ocm)))
(for ([col (in-vector cols)])
[(>= col (vector-length (ocm-min-values ocm)))
(ocm-set-min-values ocm (vector-append-item (ocm-min-values ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'value)))
(ocm-set-min-row-indices ocm (vector-append-item (ocm-min-row-indices ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'row-idx)))]
[(< ((ocm-entry->value ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'value)) ((ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref (ocm-min-values ocm) col)))
(ocm-set-min-values ocm ((inst vector-set Index-Type) (ocm-min-values ocm) col (cast (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'value) Index-Type)))
(ocm-set-min-row-indices ocm ((inst vector-set Index-Type) (ocm-min-row-indices ocm) col (cast (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'row-idx) Index-Type)))]))
[(>= col (vector-length ($ocm-min-values ocm)))
(set-$ocm-min-values! ocm (vector-append-value ($ocm-min-values ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) (HashTable Symbol Value-Type)) 'value)))
(set-$ocm-min-row-indices! ocm (vector-append-index ($ocm-min-row-indices ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) (HashTable Symbol Index-Type)) 'row-idx)))]
[(< (($ocm-entry->value ocm) (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'value)) (($ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref ($ocm-min-values ocm) col)))
(set-$ocm-min-values! ocm ((inst vector-set Value-Type) ($ocm-min-values ocm) col (cast (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'value) Value-Type)))
(set-$ocm-min-row-indices! ocm ((inst vector-set (U Index-Type No-Value-Type)) ($ocm-min-row-indices ocm) col (cast (@ (cast (@ minima col) HashTableTop) 'row-idx) Index-Type)))]))
(ocm-set-finished ocm next)]
(set-$ocm-finished! ocm next)]
;; Second case: the new column minimum is on the diagonal.
@ -325,23 +257,23 @@
;; so we can clear out all our work from higher rows.
;; As in the fourth case, the loss of tentative is
;; amortized against the increase in base.
(define diag ((ocm-matrix-proc ocm) (sub1 next) next))
(define diag (($ocm-matrix-proc ocm) (sub1 next) next))
[(< ((ocm-entry->value ocm) diag) ((ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref (ocm-min-values ocm) next)))
[(< (($ocm-entry->value ocm) diag) (($ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref ($ocm-min-values ocm) next)))
(log-ocm-debug "advance: second case because column minimum is on the diagonal")
(ocm-set-min-values ocm (vector-set (ocm-min-values ocm) next diag))
(ocm-set-min-row-indices ocm (vector-set (ocm-min-row-indices ocm) next (sub1 next)))
(ocm-set-base ocm (sub1 next))
(ocm-set-tentative ocm next)
(ocm-set-finished ocm next)]
(set-$ocm-min-values! ocm (vector-set ($ocm-min-values ocm) next diag))
(set-$ocm-min-row-indices! ocm (vector-set ($ocm-min-row-indices ocm) next (sub1 next)))
(set-$ocm-base! ocm (sub1 next))
(set-$ocm-tentative! ocm next)
(set-$ocm-finished! ocm next)]
;; Third case: row i-1 does not supply a column minimum in
;; any column up to tentative. We simply advance finished
;; while maintaining the invariant.
[(>= ((ocm-entry->value ocm) ((ocm-matrix-proc ocm) (sub1 next) (ocm-tentative ocm)))
((ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref (ocm-min-values ocm) (ocm-tentative ocm))))
[(>= (($ocm-entry->value ocm) (($ocm-matrix-proc ocm) (sub1 next) ($ocm-tentative ocm)))
(($ocm-entry->value ocm) (vector-ref ($ocm-min-values ocm) ($ocm-tentative ocm))))
(log-ocm-debug "advance: third case because row i-1 does not suppply a column minimum")
(ocm-set-finished ocm next)]
(set-$ocm-finished! ocm next)]
;; Fourth and final case: a new column minimum at self._tentative.
;; This allows us to make progress by incorporating rows
@ -351,14 +283,14 @@
;; this step) can be amortized against the increase in base.
(log-ocm-debug "advance: fourth case because new column minimum")
(ocm-set-base ocm (sub1 next))
(ocm-set-tentative ocm next)
(ocm-set-finished ocm next)])]))
(set-$ocm-base! ocm (sub1 next))
(set-$ocm-tentative! ocm next)
(set-$ocm-finished! ocm next)])]))
(: print (OCM-Type . -> . Void))
(define (print ocm)
(displayln (ocm-min-values ocm))
(displayln (ocm-min-row-indices ocm)))
(displayln ($ocm-min-values ocm))
(displayln ($ocm-min-row-indices ocm)))
(: smawky? ((Listof (Listof Real)) . -> . Boolean))
