@ -248,12 +248,70 @@ Set up to do recursive backtracking search. Allow the following options:
(define val (min_conflicts_value csp var current))
(send csp assign var val current)))
(and found-result current))
(define (min_conflicts_value csp var current)
;; Return the value that will give var the least number of conflicts.
;; If there is a tie, choose at random.
(argmin_random_tie (hash-ref (get-field domains csp) var)
(λ(val) (send csp nconflicts var val current))))
;; ______________________________________________________________________________
;; Map-Coloring Problems
(define (parse_neighbors neighbors [vars null])
Convert a string of the form 'X: Y Z; Y: Z' into a dict mapping
regions to neighbors. The syntax is a region name followed by a ':'
followed by zero or more region names, followed by ';', repeated for
each region name. If you say 'X: Y' you don't need 'Y: X'.
>>> parse_neighbors('X: Y Z; Y: Z')
{'Y': ['X', 'Z'], 'X': ['Y', 'Z'], 'Z': ['X', 'Y']}
(define nh (hash))
;; ______________________________________________________________________________
;; The Zebra Puzzle
(define (zebra)
;; Return an instance of the Zebra Puzzle.
(define Colors '(Red Yellow Blue Green Ivory))
(define Pets '(Dog Fox Snails Horse Zebra))
(define Drinks '(OJ Tea Coffee Milk Water))
(define Countries '(Englishman Spaniard Norwegian Ukranian Japanese))
(define Smokes '(Kools Chesterfields Winston LuckyStrike Parliaments))
(define vars (apply append (list Colors Pets Drinks Countries Smokes)))
(define domains (make-hash))
(for-each (λ(var) (hash-set! domains var (range 1 6))) vars)
(hash-set! domains 'Norwegian '(1))
(hash-set! domains 'Milk '(3))
(define neighbors (parse_neighbors "Englishman: Red;
Spaniard: Dog; Kools: Yellow; Chesterfields: Fox;
Norwegian: Blue; Winston: Snails; LuckyStrike: OJ;
Ukranian: Tea; Japanese: Parliaments; Kools: Horse;
Coffee: Green; Green: Ivory" vars))
(for* ([type (in-list (list Colors Pets Drinks Countries Smokes))]
[A (in-list type)]
[B (in-list type)])
(when (not (equal? A B))
(when (not (memq B (hash-ref neighbors A)))
(hash-update! neighbors A (λ(v) (append v B))))
(when (not (memq A (hash-ref neighbors B)))
(hash-update! neighbors B (λ(v) (append v A))))))
(define (zebra_constraint A a B b [recurse 0])
(define same (= a b))
(define next_to (= (abs (- a b)) 1))
;; resume here
(define (min_conflicts_value csp var current)
;; Return the value that will give var the least number of conflicts.
;; If there is a tie, choose at random.
(argmin_random_tie (hash-ref (get-field domains csp) var)
(λ(val) (send csp nconflicts var val current))))
(new CSP [vars vars] [domains domains] [neighbors neighbors] [constraints zebra_constraint]))
(module+ main
; (zebra)