Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 0608024893
commit c6e263c176

@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
(define atomic-quads
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (q qx) qx)][attrs (current-default-attrs)])
(match x
[(? char? c) (list (q (hash-set attrs 'id (gensym)) c))]
[(? char? c) (list (q attrs c))]
[(? string?) (append* (for/list ([c (in-string x)]) ;; strings are exploded
(loop c attrs)))]
(loop c attrs)))]
[($quad this-attrs elems) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define merged-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list elems)])
(loop elem merged-attrs)))]
(loop elem merged-attrs)))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'atomize "valid item" x)])))
(merge-whitespace atomic-quads))
@ -75,4 +75,39 @@
($quad '#hasheq((k1 . "v1") (k2 . 42)) '(#\space))
($quad '#hasheq((k1 . "v2") (k2 . 42) (k3 . "foo")) '(#\Y))
($quad '#hasheq((k1 . "v2") (k2 . 42) (k3 . "foo")) '(#\o))
($quad '#hasheq((k1 . "v2") (k2 . 42) (k3 . "foo")) '(#\u)))))
($quad '#hasheq((k1 . "v2") (k2 . 42) (k3 . "foo")) '(#\u)))))
(define whitespace-pat #px"\\s+")
(define (merge-white str) (regexp-replace* whitespace-pat str " "))
(define (isolate-white str)
(for/list ([m (in-list (regexp-match* " " str #:gap-select? #t))]
#:when (positive? (string-length m)))
(define (merge-adjacent-strings xs [acc null])
(match xs
[(== empty) (reverse acc)]
[(list (? string? strs) ..1 others ...)
(merge-adjacent-strings others (append (reverse (isolate-white (merge-white (apply string-append strs)))) acc))]
[(cons x others) (merge-adjacent-strings others (cons x acc))]))
(define (runify qx)
;; runify a quad by reducing it to a series of "runs",
;; which are multi-character quads with the same formatting.
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (q qx) qx)][attrs (current-default-attrs)])
(match x
[($quad this-attrs elems) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define merged-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems))])
(if (string? elem)
(list (q merged-attrs elem))
(loop elem merged-attrs))))]))
(λ (q) (string=? " " (car (elems q))))))
(module+ test
(runify (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one")))
(list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot") (q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There") (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))

@ -114,282 +114,298 @@
(define last-wrap (wrap-append #false (wrap-append next-wrap-tail next-wrap-head)))
(define finished-wraps
(for/list ([wrap (in-list (cons last-wrap wraps))])
(match wrap
[(list (? nonprinting-at-end?)) wrap] ; matches break signals
;; pieces will have been accumulated in reverse order
;; thus beginning of list represents the end of the wrap
[(list (? (conjoin soft-break? nonprinting-at-end?)) ... rest ...)
(finish-wrap-proc (reverse rest))])))
(match wrap
[(list (? nonprinting-at-end?)) wrap] ; matches break signals
;; pieces will have been accumulated in reverse order
;; thus beginning of list represents the end of the wrap
[(list (? (conjoin soft-break? nonprinting-at-end?)) ... rest ...)
(finish-wrap-proc (reverse rest))])))
(add-between finished-wraps (list break-val))))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? qs))
(match-define (cons q other-qs) qs)
(debug-report q 'next-q)
(define at-start? (not current-dist))
(define dist (if (and (quad? q) (printable? q)) (distance q) 0))
(define would-overflow? (and current-dist (> (+ dist current-dist) target-size)))
[(and at-start? (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-start? q))
(debug-report q 'skipping-soft-break-at-beginning)
(values wraps
(debug-report 'hard-quad-at-start)
(values wraps
(list q)
(distance q)
[(and would-overflow? (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-end? q))
(debug-report 'would-overflow-soft-nonprinting)
;; a break is inevitable but we want to wait to finish the wrap until we see a hard quad
;; but we can move the current-partial into the current-wrap
(values wraps
(wrap-append (cons q next-wrap-tail) next-wrap-head)
(+ dist current-dist)
[(and would-overflow? (empty? next-wrap-head))
(debug-report 'would-overflow-hard-without-captured-break)
(values (cons next-wrap-tail wraps)
[would-overflow? ; finish the wrap & reset the line without consuming a quad
(values (cons next-wrap-head wraps)
(apply + (map distance next-wrap-tail))
[(soft-break? q) ; printing soft break, like a hyphen
(debug-report 'would-not-overflow-soft)
;; a soft break that fits, so move it on top of the next-wrap-head with the next-wrap-tail
(values wraps
(wrap-append (cons q next-wrap-tail) next-wrap-head)
(+ dist current-dist)
(debug-report 'would-not-overflow)
;; add to partial
(values wraps
(cons q next-wrap-tail)
(+ dist current-dist)
(define x (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\x))
(define zwx (q (list 'size (pt 0 0)) #\z))
(define hyph (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\-))
(define shy (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(end) #t]
[else #f]))) #\-))
(define a (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\a))
(define b (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\b))
(define c (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\c))
(define d (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\d))
(define sp (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(start end) #f]
[else #t]))) #\space))
(define br (q (list 'size (pt 0 0) 'printable? #f) #\newline))
(define soft-break? (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\space #\-)))))
(define (linewrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'lb
#:hard-break-proc (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\newline))))
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?))
(require rackunit)
(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) null)
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a) 1) (list a))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b) 1) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 1) (list a 'lb b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 2) (list a b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list x x x x x))))
(module+ test
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 1) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b sp c) 2) (list a b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list a sp b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b c) 3) (list a 'lb b c))))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? qs))
(match-define (cons q other-qs) qs)
(debug-report q 'next-q)
(define at-start? (not current-dist))
(define dist (if (and (quad? q) (printable? q)) (distance q) 0))
(define would-overflow? (and current-dist (> (+ dist current-dist) target-size)))
[(and at-start? (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-start? q))
(debug-report q 'skipping-soft-break-at-beginning)
(values wraps
(debug-report 'hard-quad-at-start)
(values wraps
(list q)
(distance q)
[(and would-overflow? (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-end? q))
(debug-report 'would-overflow-soft-nonprinting)
;; a break is inevitable but we want to wait to finish the wrap until we see a hard quad
;; but we can move the current-partial into the current-wrap
(values wraps
(wrap-append (cons q next-wrap-tail) next-wrap-head)
(+ dist current-dist)
[(and would-overflow? (empty? next-wrap-head))
(debug-report 'would-overflow-hard-without-captured-break)
(values (cons next-wrap-tail wraps)
[would-overflow? ; finish the wrap & reset the line without consuming a quad
(values (cons next-wrap-head wraps)
(apply + (map distance next-wrap-tail))
[(soft-break? q) ; printing soft break, like a hyphen
(debug-report 'would-not-overflow-soft)
;; a soft break that fits, so move it on top of the next-wrap-head with the next-wrap-tail
(values wraps
(wrap-append (cons q next-wrap-tail) next-wrap-head)
(+ dist current-dist)
(debug-report 'would-not-overflow)
;; add to partial
(values wraps
(cons q next-wrap-tail)
(+ dist current-dist)
(require "subsequence.rkt")
(define (break-softs1 qs
(define finished-wraps
(for/list ([wrap (in-list (greedy-split qs target-size #:key distance))])
(match wrap
[(list (? nonprinting-at-end?)) wrap] ; matches break signals
[(list (? soft-break?) ... rest ... (? (conjoin soft-break? nonprinting-at-end?)) ...)
(finish-wrap-proc rest)])))
(reverse (add-between finished-wraps (list break-val))))
(define x (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\x))
(define zwx (q (list 'size (pt 0 0)) #\z))
(define hyph (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\-))
(define shy (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(end) #t]
[else #f]))) #\-))
(define a (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\a))
(define b (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\b))
(define c (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\c))
(define d (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\d))
(define sp (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(start end) #f]
[else #t]))) #\space))
(define br (q (list 'size (pt 0 0) 'printable? #f) #\newline))
(define soft-break? (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\space #\-)))))
(define (linewrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'lb
#:hard-break-proc (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\newline))))
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?))
(require rackunit)
(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) null)
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a) 1) (list a))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b) 1) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 1) (list a 'lb b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 2) (list a b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list x x x x x))))
(module+ test
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 1) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b sp c) 2) (list a b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list a sp b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b c) 3) (list a 'lb b c))))
(module+ test
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list x 'lb x))))
(module+ test
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list x 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 1) (list a 'lb b 'lb hyph 'lb c 'lb d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 2) (list a b 'lb hyph c 'lb d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 3) (list a b hyph 'lb c d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list x x hyph x x))))
(module+ test
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list x))
;; todo: degenerate cases
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list x x shy 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list x x x 'lb x))
(module+ test
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list br) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x br x x) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x br x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list a sp b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([atom (atomize str)])
($quad (hash-set (attrs atom) 'size '(1 1))
(elems atom))) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
(module+ test
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas")))
(define (pagewrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'pb
#:break-before? #t
#:hard-break-proc (λ (x) (and (quad? x) (memv (car (elems x)) '(#\page))))
#:soft-break-proc (λ (x) (eq? x 'lb))))
(define pbr (q '(size #f) #\page))
(module+ test
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) '(pb))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
(module+ test
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
(module+ test
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) '(pb) )
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))))
(struct $slug $quad () #:transparent)
(define (slug . xs) ($slug #f xs))
(define (linewrap2 xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'lb
#:hard-break-proc (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\newline))))
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($slug #f pcs)))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list (slug a) 'lb (slug b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list (slug a sp b) 'lb (slug c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x x)))))
#;(time-avg 100 (void (visual-wrap "The make-object procedure creates a new object with by-position initialization arguments, the new form creates a new object with by-name initialization arguments, and the instantiate form creates a new object with both by-position and by-name initialization arguments. All fields in the newly created object are initially bound to the special #<undefined> value (see Void). Initialization variables with default value expressions (and no provided value) are also initialized to #<undefined>. After argument values are assigned to initialization variables, expressions in field clauses, init-field clauses with no provided argument, init clauses with no provided argument, private field definitions, and other expressions are evaluated. Those expressions are evaluated as they appear in the class expression, from left to right. Sometime during the evaluation of the expressions, superclass-declared initializations must be evaluated once by using the super-make-object procedure, super-new form, or super-instantiate form. By-name initialization arguments to a class that have no matching initialization variable are implicitly added as by-name arguments to a super-make-object, super-new, or super-instantiate invocation, after the explicit arguments. If multiple initialization arguments are provided for the same name, the first (if any) is used, and the unused arguments are propagated to the superclass. (Note that converted by-position arguments are always placed before explicit by-name arguments.) The initialization procedure for the object% class accepts zero initialization arguments; if it receives any by-name initialization arguments, then exn:fail:object exception is raised. If the end of initialization is reached for any class in the hierarchy without invoking the superclasss initialization, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Also, if superclass initialization is invoked more than once, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Fields inherited from a superclass are not initialized until the superclasss initialization procedure is invoked. In contrast, all methods are available for an object as soon as the object is created; the overriding of methods is not affected by initialization (unlike objects in C++)." 35)))
(module+ test
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list x 'lb x))))
(module+ test
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list x 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 1) (list a 'lb b 'lb hyph 'lb c 'lb d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 2) (list a b 'lb hyph c 'lb d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b hyph c d) 3) (list a b hyph 'lb c d))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list x x hyph x x))))
(module+ test
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list x))
;; todo: degenerate cases
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
;(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list x x shy 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list x x x 'lb x))
(module+ test
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list br) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x br x x) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x br x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list a sp b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([atom (atomize str)])
($quad (hash-set (attrs atom) 'size '(1 1))
(elems atom))) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
(module+ test
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas")))
(define (pagewrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'pb
#:break-before? #t
#:hard-break-proc (λ (x) (and (quad? x) (memv (car (elems x)) '(#\page))))
#:soft-break-proc (λ (x) (eq? x 'lb))))
(define pbr (q '(size #f) #\page))
(module+ test
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) '(pb))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
(module+ test
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
(module+ test
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) '(pb) )
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))))
(struct $slug $quad () #:transparent)
(define (slug . xs) ($slug #f xs))
(define (linewrap2 xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val 'lb
#:hard-break-proc (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\newline))))
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($slug #f pcs)))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list (slug a) 'lb (slug b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list (slug a sp b) 'lb (slug c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x x)))))
#;(time-avg 100 (void (visual-wrap "The make-object procedure creates a new object with by-position initialization arguments, the new form creates a new object with by-name initialization arguments, and the instantiate form creates a new object with both by-position and by-name initialization arguments. All fields in the newly created object are initially bound to the special #<undefined> value (see Void). Initialization variables with default value expressions (and no provided value) are also initialized to #<undefined>. After argument values are assigned to initialization variables, expressions in field clauses, init-field clauses with no provided argument, init clauses with no provided argument, private field definitions, and other expressions are evaluated. Those expressions are evaluated as they appear in the class expression, from left to right. Sometime during the evaluation of the expressions, superclass-declared initializations must be evaluated once by using the super-make-object procedure, super-new form, or super-instantiate form. By-name initialization arguments to a class that have no matching initialization variable are implicitly added as by-name arguments to a super-make-object, super-new, or super-instantiate invocation, after the explicit arguments. If multiple initialization arguments are provided for the same name, the first (if any) is used, and the unused arguments are propagated to the superclass. (Note that converted by-position arguments are always placed before explicit by-name arguments.) The initialization procedure for the object% class accepts zero initialization arguments; if it receives any by-name initialization arguments, then exn:fail:object exception is raised. If the end of initialization is reached for any class in the hierarchy without invoking the superclasss initialization, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Also, if superclass initialization is invoked more than once, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Fields inherited from a superclass are not initialized until the superclasss initialization procedure is invoked. In contrast, all methods are available for an object as soon as the object is created; the overriding of methods is not affected by initialization (unlike objects in C++)." 35)))

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#lang debug racket
(require sugar/debug)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define words "This tutorial provides a brief introduction to the Racket programming language by using one of its picture-drawing libraries. Even if you dont intend to use Racket for your artistic endeavours, the picture library supports interesting and enlightening examples. After all, a picture is worth five hundred “hello world”s.")
@ -8,21 +9,16 @@
(define wws (string->widths words))
(define (greedy-split xs width)
(define (greedy-split xs width #:key [keyproc values])
(for/fold ([xss null]
[xs null]
#:result (reverse (cons xs xss)))
#:result (reverse (cons (reverse xs) xss)))
([x (in-list xs)])
(define next-xs (cons x xs))
(if (<= (apply + next-xs) width)
(if (<= (apply + (map keyproc next-xs)) width)
(values xss next-xs)
(values (cons (reverse xs) xss) (list x)))))
(require rackunit)
(define width 30)
(greedy-split wws width)
(define (optimal-score xs width)
[(empty? xs) 0]
@ -41,7 +37,13 @@ wws
(cons next-xscore xscores)
(cons next-width widths)))]))
(optimal-score wws width)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define width 30)
(greedy-split wws width)
#;(optimal-score wws width)
#;(time-avg 100 (void (check-equal? (greedy-split (string->widths
"The make-object procedure creates a new object with by-position initialization arguments, the new form creates a new object with by-name initialization arguments, and the instantiate form creates a new object with both by-position and by-name initialization arguments. All fields in the newly created object are initially bound to the special #<undefined> value (see Void). Initialization variables with default value expressions (and no provided value) are also initialized to #<undefined>. After argument values are assigned to initialization variables, expressions in field clauses, init-field clauses with no provided argument, init clauses with no provided argument, private field definitions, and other expressions are evaluated. Those expressions are evaluated as they appear in the class expression, from left to right. Sometime during the evaluation of the expressions, superclass-declared initializations must be evaluated once by using the super-make-object procedure, super-new form, or super-instantiate form. By-name initialization arguments to a class that have no matching initialization variable are implicitly added as by-name arguments to a super-make-object, super-new, or super-instantiate invocation, after the explicit arguments. If multiple initialization arguments are provided for the same name, the first (if any) is used, and the unused arguments are propagated to the superclass. (Note that converted by-position arguments are always placed before explicit by-name arguments.) The initialization procedure for the object% class accepts zero initialization arguments; if it receives any by-name initialization arguments, then exn:fail:object exception is raised. If the end of initialization is reached for any class in the hierarchy without invoking the superclasss initialization, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Also, if superclass initialization is invoked more than once, the exn:fail:object exception is raised. Fields inherited from a superclass are not initialized until the superclasss initialization procedure is invoked. In contrast, all methods are available for an object as soon as the object is created; the overriding of methods is not affected by initialization (unlike objects in C++).") 30)
@ -128,4 +130,4 @@ wws
(9 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 2 1)
(4 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 2 1 8)
(1 3 1 10 1 2 1 7 1 2 1)
(3 1 8 1 2 1 14)))))
(3 1 8 1 2 1 14))))))

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#lang br
(require fontkit/font)
(define f (openSync "fira.ttf"))
(define gr (time (layout f "fifl")))
(get-field glyphs gr)
(get-field positions gr)
(send gr advanceWidth)

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
#lang quad/typewriter
;quad[#:fontsize "11"]{Hello world}
;quad[#:fontsize "11"]{◊quad[#:link ""]{An expression that} is not a value can ◊quad[#:fontsize "22"]{always} ◊quad[#:fontsize "7"]{be partitioned} into}
◊quad[#:fontsize "11"]{◊quad[#:link ""]{An expression that} is not a value can ◊quad[#:fontsize "22"]{always} ◊quad[#:fontsize "7"]{be partitioned} into two parts: a redex, which is the part that changed in a single-step simplification (highlighted), and the continuation, which is the evaluation context surrounding an expression. In (- 4 (+ 1 1)), the redex is (+ 1 1), and the continuation is (- 4 []), where [] takes the place of the redex. That is, the continuation says how to "continue" after the redex is reduced to a value.}

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
(define fontsize (string->number (hash-ref (attrs q) 'fontsize "12")))
(define str (apply string (elems q)))
(define str (car (elems q)))
#R str
(send* (current-doc)
[fontSize fontsize]
[font (path->string charter)])
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
'draw (λ (q doc)
(draw-debug q doc)
(send doc fontSize (string->number (hash-ref (attrs q) 'fontsize "12")))
(let ([str (apply string (elems q))])
(let ([str (car (elems q))])
[(hash-ref (attrs q) 'link #f)
@ -124,7 +125,9 @@
(define chars 25)
(define line-width (* 7.2 chars))
(define lines-per-page (* 4 line-height))
(let* ([x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap (map charify (atomize qarg)) line-width))]
(let* ([x (time-name runify #R (runify qarg))]
[x (time-name charify (map charify x))]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x lines-per-page))]
[x (time-name position (position ($doc (hasheq) x)))])
