@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
(define mdash "—")
(define (root attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append `(#;(first-line-indent "12") (line-align "justify") #;(line-align-last "center")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append `(#;(first-line-indent "12")
#;(line-align "center")
(line-wrap "kp")
#;(line-align-last "center")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (p attrs exprs)
;; no font-family so that it adopts whatever the surrounding family is
@ -27,8 +30,8 @@
(define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append '((display "block") (line-wrap "kp")
(first-line-indent "0") (line-align "left")
(qexpr (append '((display "block")
(first-line-indent "0")
(background-color "#eee")
(font-family "fira") (font-size "10") (line-height "15")
(border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8")
@ -286,13 +289,16 @@
(struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))]))))
(require sugar/list)
(define-quad filler quad ())
(define (fill-wrap qs ending-q)
(match (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) (if ending-q
'line-align-last) "left"))
[(or #false "left") qs] ; default is left aligned, no filling needed
(define word-sublists (filter-split qs (λ (q) (and (pair? (quad-elems q)) (equal? (car (quad-elems q)) " ")))))
(define word-sublists (filter-split qs (λ (q) (match (quad-elems q)
[(cons " " _) #true]
[_ #false]))))
(match (length word-sublists)
[1 #:when (equal? align-value "justify") qs] ; can't justify single word
@ -320,7 +326,81 @@
(define space-multiplier (match align-value
["center" 0.5]
["right" 1]))
(cons (make-quad #:size (pt (* empty-hspace space-multiplier) line-height)) qs)])])]))
(cons (make-quad #:type filler
#:size (pt (* empty-hspace space-multiplier) line-height)
#:attrs (quad-attrs (car qs))) qs)])])]))
(define-quad offsetter quad ())
(define (finish-line-wrap pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx)
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define pcs-printing
(for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD")))
[(empty? pcs-printing) null]
[(hr-break? ending-q)
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
[draw-start (λ (dq doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
(match-define (list right bottom)(size dq))
(translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2)))
(move-to doc 0 0)
(line-to doc right 0)
(line-width doc 3)
(stroke doc "#999"))]))]
;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops.
(define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen pcs-printing ending-q))
;; fill wrap so that consolidate-runs works properly
;; (justified lines won't be totally consolidated)
(define pcs (fill-wrap pcs-with-hyphen ending-q))
(match (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q)
[(? pair? elems)
(define elem (unsafe-car elems))
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size q:line))
(define new-size (let ()
(define line-heights
(filter-map (λ (q) (quad-ref q 'line-height)) pcs))
(pt line-width (if (empty? line-heights) line-height (apply max line-heights)))))
quad q:line
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in page wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs q:line)))]
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size new-size]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem 'list-index))
[#false null]
(define bullet-indent (* 3 (quad-ref elem 'font-size default-font-size)))
(list (make-quad
#:elems (list
(struct-copy quad (car elems)
[elems (list (if (number? bullet)
(format "~a." bullet)
(list (struct-copy quad elem
[elems (list (if (number? bullet)
(format "~a." bullet)
[size (pt bullet-indent 0)]))])
(list (make-quad
#:type offsetter
#:offset (pt (quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0) 0)
#:elems elems)))]))]
[_ null])])
[ending-q null]
[else (list q:line-spacer)])))
(define (line-wrap qs wrap-size)
(apply append
@ -328,68 +408,12 @@
(for/list ([qs (in-list (filter-split qs para-break?))])
(wrap qs
(λ (q idx) (- wrap-size (quad-ref q 'inset-left 0) (quad-ref q 'inset-right 0)))
#:nicely (match (and (pair? qs)
(string-downcase (quad-ref (car qs) 'line-wrap "false")))
#:nicely (match (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) 'line-wrap #false))
[(or #false "false") #false]
[(or "best" "kp") #true])
#:hard-break line-break?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
(λ (pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx)
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define pcs-printing (for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD")))
[(empty? pcs-printing) null]
[(hr-break? ending-q)
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
[draw-start (λ (dq doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
(match-define (list right bottom)(size dq))
(translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2)))
(move-to doc 0 0)
(line-to doc right 0)
(line-width doc 3)
(stroke doc "#999"))]))]
;; render hyphen first so that all printable characters are available for size-dependent ops.
(define pcs-with-hyphen (render-hyphen pcs-printing ending-q))
;; fill wrap so that consolidate-runs works properly (justified lines won't be totally consolidated)
(define pcs (fill-wrap pcs-with-hyphen ending-q))
(match (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q)
[(? pair? elems)
(define elem (unsafe-car elems))
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size q:line))
(define new-size (let ()
(define line-heights
(filter-map (λ (q) (quad-ref q 'line-height)) pcs))
(pt line-width (if (empty? line-heights) line-height (apply max line-heights)))))
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in page wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs q:line)))]
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size new-size]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
[elems (append
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem 'list-index))
[#false null]
[bullet (list (make-quad
#:elems (list (struct-copy quad (car elems)
[elems (list (if (number? bullet)
(format "~a." bullet)
(list (make-quad
#:offset (pt (quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0) 0)
#:elems elems)))]))]
[_ null])])
[ending-q null]
[else (list q:line-spacer)])))))))
#:finish-wrap finish-line-wrap))))
(define (make-nobreak! q) (quad-set! q 'no-pbr "true"))
@ -652,7 +676,8 @@
(define line-width (- (pdf-width pdf) (* 2 side-margin)))
(define vertical-height (- (pdf-height pdf) top-margin bottom-margin))
(setup-font-path-table! pdf-path)
(parameterize ([current-doc pdf])
(parameterize ([current-doc pdf]
[verbose-quad-printing? #false])
(let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr (qexpr->quad xs))]
[x (time-name atomize (atomize x #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs))]
[x (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate x))]