@ -210,8 +210,10 @@
(for ([vars (list ns cs ds ss ps)])
(add-pairwise-constraint! zebra neq? vars))
(define (xnor lcond rcond)
(or (and lcond rcond) (and (not lcond) (not rcond))))
(define (paired-with lval left rval right)
(add-constraint! zebra (λ (left right) (or (not (eq? left lval)) (eq? rval right))) (list left right)))
(add-constraint! zebra (λ (left right) (xnor (eq? left lval) (eq? rval right))) (list left right)))
(define (paired-with* lval lefts rval rights)
(for ([left lefts][right rights])
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
(list left righta rightb)))
(for ([left (list (first lefts) (last lefts))]
[right (list (second rights) (fourth rights))])
(add-constraint! zebra (λ (left right) (or (not (eq? left lval)) (eq? rval right)))
(add-constraint! zebra (λ (left right) (xnor (eq? left lval) (eq? rval right)))
(list left right))))
;# 10. The man who smokes chesterfields lives next to the one who keeps foxes.