diff --git a/quad/quad/scribblings/quad.scrbl b/quad/quad/scribblings/quad.scrbl index 948fe00f..402cfc38 100644 --- a/quad/quad/scribblings/quad.scrbl +++ b/quad/quad/scribblings/quad.scrbl @@ -955,8 +955,6 @@ Some things I personally plan to use Quad for: @item{@bold{Font sample documents}. In my work as a @link["https://mbtype.com"]{type designer}, I have to put together PDFs of fonts. To date, I have done them by hand, but I would like to just write programs to generate them.} -@item{@bold{Racket documentation}. The PDFs of Racket documentation are currently generated by LaTeX. I would like to make Quad good enough to handle them.} - @item{@bold{Book publishing}. My wife is a lawyer and wants to publish a book about a certain area of the law that involves a zillion fiddly charts. If I had to do it by hand, it would take months. But with a Quad program, it could be easy.} ]