Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent faa9f4327f
commit b75476df73

@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
[@refs null]
[@root (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type "Catalog"
'Pages (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type "Pages"))))]
[(@x x) 0]
[(@y y) 0]
;; initialize the metadata
[@info (mhasheq 'Producer "PITFALL"
'Creator "PITFALL"
@ -39,7 +37,7 @@
;; initialize mixins
(inherit-field @ctm) ; from vector mixin
(inherit-field @font-families) (inherit font) ; from font mixin
(send this init-text)
(inherit-field [@x x] [@y y])
(send this init-images)
;; initialize params

@ -22,81 +22,34 @@
(define (text-mixin [% mixin-tester%])
(class %
(field [_line-gap #f]
[_textOptions #f])
(define/public (init-text)
(set-field! x this 0)
(set-field! y this 0)
(line-gap 0)
(define/public (line-gap _line-gap)
(set-field! _line-gap this _line-gap)
(field [@line-gap 0]
[@text-options #f]
[(@x x) 0]
[(@y y) 0])
(define/public (move-down [lines 1] #:factor [factor 1])
(increment-field! y this (* factor (send this current-line-height #t) (+ lines (· this _line-gap))))
(define/public (move-down [lines 1] #:factor [factor 1])
(set! @y (+ @y (* factor (send this current-line-height #t) (+ lines @line-gap))))
(define/public (move-up [lines 1])
(move-down this #:factor -1))
(define/public (_text text x y options lineCallback)
(let* ([options (send this init-options options x y)]
[text (format "~a" text)] ;; Convert text to a string
;; if the wordSpacing option is specified, remove multiple consecutive spaces
[text (if (hash-ref options 'wordSpacing #f)
(string-replace text #px"\\s{2,}" " ")
;; word wrapping
#;[(· options width)
(error 'unimplemented-branch-of-_text)] ; todo
[else ; render paragraphs as single lines
(for ([line (in-list (string-split text "\n"))])
(lineCallback line options))]))
(define/public (_text text x y options line-callback)
(when x (set! @x x))
(when y (set! @y y))
(line-callback (format "~a" text) options)
(define/public (text text-string [x #f] [y #f] [options (mhash)])
(send this _text text-string x y options (λ args (send this _line . args))))
(define/public (string-width str [options (mhash)])
#;(report str 'measuring-width-of)
(+ (send (· this current-font) string-width str (· this current-font-size) (hash-ref options 'features #f))
(* (hash-ref options 'characterSpacing 0) (sub1 (string-length str)))))
(define/public (init-options [options (mhash)] [x #f] [y #f])
;; clone options object
(let ([options (hash-copy options)])
;; extend options with previous values for continued text
(when (· this _textOptions)
(for ([(key val) (in-hash (· this _textOptions))]
#:unless (equal? (key "continued")))
(hash-ref! options key val)))
;; Update the current position
(when x (set-field! x this x))
(when y (set-field! y this y))
;; wrap to margins if no x or y position passed
(unless (not (hash-ref options 'lineBreak #t))
(define margins (· this page margins))
(hash-ref! options 'width (λ () (- (· this page width) (· this x) (margin-right margins)))))
(hash-ref! options 'columns 0)
(hash-ref! options 'columnGap 18) ; 1/4 inch in PS points
(define/public (_line text [options (mhash)] [wrapper #f])
(send this _fragment text (· this x) (· this y) options)
(define line-gap (or (· options line-gap) (· this _line-gap) 0))
(define line-gap (or (· options line-gap) @line-gap 0))
;; 180325 suppress the size tracking: we'll do our own line measurement
;; 181120 unsuppress the size tracking for now because it breaks test 04
(if (not wrapper)
