methodize images

Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent d6d4906c3c
commit b62b95b66e

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
(inherit-field @ctm) ; from vector mixin
(inherit-field @font-families) (inherit font) ; from font mixin
(inherit-field [@x x] [@y y])
(send this init-images)
;; initialize params
(current-compress-streams? (hash-ref @options 'compress #t))

@ -2,119 +2,102 @@
(provide image-mixin)
(define (image-mixin [% mixin-tester%])
(define (image-mixin [% object%])
(class %
(field [_imageRegistry #f]
[_imageCount #f])
(field [@image-registry (mhash)]
[@image-count 0])
(inherit-field [@x x] [@y y])
(define/public (image src [x-in #f] [y-in #f] [options (mhasheq)])
(define x (or x-in (hash-ref options 'x #f) @x))
(define y (or y-in (hash-ref options 'y #f) @y))
(define/contract (init-images this)
(->m void?)
(set-field! _imageRegistry this (mhash))
(set-field! _imageCount this 0))
(define/contract (image this src [x #f] [y #f] [options mhash])
((any/c) ((or/c number? #f) (or/c number? #f) hash?) . ->*m . object?)
(set! x (or x (· options x) (· this x)))
(set! y (or y (· options y) (· this y)))
(define image (cond
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref (· this _imageRegistry) src #f))]
[(and (object? src) (· src width) (· src height)) src]
[else (send this openImage src)]))
(unless (· image obj) (send image embed))
(hash-ref! (· this page xobjects) (· image label) (· image obj))
(define image (cond
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref @image-registry src #f))]
[(and (object? src) (get-field width src) (get-field height src)) src]
[else (send this open-image src)]))
(unless (get-field obj image) (send image embed))
(define w (or (hash-ref options 'width #f) (· image width)))
(define h (or (hash-ref options 'height #f) (· image height)))
(define wp #f)
(define hp #f)
(define bp #f)
(define ip #f)
(define bw #f)
(define bh #f)
(hash-ref! (send (send this page) xobjects) (get-field label image) (get-field obj image))
[(and (hash-ref options 'width #f) (not (hash-ref options 'height #f)))
(set! wp (/ w (· image width)))
(set! w (* (· image width) wp))
(set! h (* (· image height) wp))]
[(and (hash-ref options 'height #f) (not (hash-ref options 'width #f)))
(set! hp (/ h (· image width)))
(set! w (* (· image width) hp))
(set! h (* (· image height) hp))]
[(hash-ref options 'scale #f)
(set! w (* (· image width) (· options scale)))
(set! h (* (· image height) (· options scale)))]
[(hash-ref options 'fit #f)
(match-define (list bw bh) (· options fit))
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ (· image width) (· image height)))
[(> ip bp)
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))]
(set! h bh)
(set! w (* bh ip))])]
[(hash-ref options 'cover #f)
(match-define (list bw bh) (· options cover))
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ (· image width) (· image height)))
[(> ip bp)
(set! h bh)
(set! w (* bh ip))]
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))])])
(define image-width (get-field width image))
(define image-height (get-field height image))
(define options-width (hash-ref options 'width #f))
(define options-height (hash-ref options 'height #f))
(define w (or options-width image-width))
(define h (or options-height image-height))
(define wp #f)
(define hp #f)
(define bp #f)
(define ip #f)
(define bw #f)
(define bh #f)
(when (or (hash-ref options 'fit #f) (hash-ref options 'cover #f))
[(equal? (hash-ref options 'align #f) "center")
(set! x (+ x (/ bw 2) (- (/ w 2))))]
[(equal? (hash-ref options 'align #f) "right")
(set! x (+ x bw - w))])
[(and options-width (not options-height))
(set! wp (/ w image-width))
(set! w (* image-width wp))
(set! h (* image-height wp))]
[(and options-height (not options-width))
(set! hp (/ h image-width))
(set! w (* image-width hp))
(set! h (* image-height hp))]
[(hash-ref options 'scale #f)
=> (λ (scale-val)
(set! w (* image-width scale-val))
(set! h (* image-height scale-val)))]
[(hash-ref options 'fit #f)
=> (λ (fit-val)
(match-define (list bw bh) fit-val)
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ image-width image-height))
[(> ip bp)
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))]
(set! w (* bh ip))
(set! h bh)]))]
[(hash-ref options 'cover #f)
=> (λ (cover-val)
(match-define (list bw bh) cover-val)
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ image-width image-height))
[(> ip bp)
(set! w (* bh ip))
(set! h bh)]
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))]))])
[(equal? (hash-ref options 'valign #f) "center")
(set! y (+ y (/ bh 2) (- (/ h 2))))]
[(equal? (hash-ref options 'valign #f) "bottom")
(set! y (+ y bh - h))]))
(when (or (hash-ref options 'fit #f) (hash-ref options 'cover #f))
(case (hash-ref options 'align #f)
[("center") (set! x (+ x (/ bw 2) (- (/ w 2))))]
[("right") (set! x (+ x bw - w))])
(case (hash-ref options 'valign #f)
[("center") (set! y (+ y (/ bh 2) (- (/ h 2))))]
[("bottom") (set! y (+ y bh - h))]))
;; Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
(when (equal? (· this y) y) (increment-field! y this h))
;; Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
(when (= @y y) (set! y (+ y h)))
(send this save)
(send this transform w 0 0 (- h) x (+ y h))
(send this addContent (format "/~a Do" (get-field label image)))
(send this restore)
(· this save)
(send this transform w 0 0 (- h) x (+ y h))
(send this addContent (format "/~a Do" (· image label)))
(· this restore)
#;(error 'stop-in-images:image))
(define/public (open-image src)
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref @image-registry src #f))]
(define new-image
(PDFImage-open src (format "I~a" (let () (set! @image-count (add1 @image-count)) @image-count))))
(when (string? src) (hash-set! @image-registry src new-image))
(define/contract (openImage this src)
(any/c . ->m . object?)
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref (· this _imageRegistry) src #f))]
(define new-image
(PDFImage-open src (format "I~a" (increment-field! _imageCount this))))
(when (string? src) (hash-set! (· this _imageRegistry) src new-image))