@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
[target-size (current-wrap-distance)]
[debug #f]
#:break-val [break-val 'break]
#:break-before? [break-before? #f]
#:break-after? [break-after? #f]
#:mandatory-break-proc [mandatory-break? (const #f)]
#:optional-break-proc [optional-break? (const #f)]
#:finish-wrap-proc [finish-wrap-proc values])
((any/c) (real? any/c
#:break-val any/c
#:break-before? boolean?
#:break-after? boolean?
#:mandatory-break-proc procedure?
#:optional-break-proc procedure?
#:finish-wrap-proc procedure?) . ->* . (listof any/c))
@ -41,7 +45,8 @@
[(null? xs)
;; combine the segments into a flat list, and drop any trailing breaks
;; (on the idea that breaks should separate things, and there's nothing left to separate)
(dropf-right (append* (reverse (cons (finish-wrap wrap-pieces) wraps))) (λ (x) (eq? x break-val)))]
(define results (dropf-right (append* (reverse (cons (finish-wrap wrap-pieces) wraps))) (λ (x) (eq? x break-val))))
(append (if break-before? (list break-val) empty) results (if break-after? (list break-val) empty))]
(define x (car xs))
(define at-start? (eq? dist-so-far start-signal))
@ -111,17 +116,17 @@
(insert-break 'before)])])))))
(define x (q #f #\x))
(define x (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\x))
(define zwx (q (list 'size (pt 0 0)) #\z))
(define hyph (q #f #\-))
(define hyph (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\-))
(define shy (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(end) #t]
[else #f]))) #\-))
(define a (q #f #\a))
(define b (q #f #\b))
(define c (q #f #\c))
(define d (q #f #\d))
(define a (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\a))
(define b (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\b))
(define c (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\c))
(define d (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\d))
(define sp (q (list 'size (pt 1 1) 'printable? (λ (sig)
(case sig
[(start end) #f]
@ -225,11 +230,13 @@
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (linewrap (atomize str) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([atom (atomize str)])
($quad (hash-set (attrs atom) 'size '(1 1))
(elems atom))) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
(module+ test
"visual breaks"
@ -251,39 +258,40 @@
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas")))
(define (pagewrap xs size [debug #f])
(wrap xs size debug
#:break-val 'pb
#:mandatory-break-proc (λ (x) (and (quad? x) (memv (car (elems x)) '(#\page))))
#:optional-break-proc (λ (x) (eq? x 'lb))))
(define pbr (q '(size #f) #\page))
(define (pagewrap xs size [debug #f])
(wrap xs size debug
#:break-val 'pb
#:break-before? #t
#:mandatory-break-proc (λ (x) (and (quad? x) (memv (car (elems x)) '(#\page))))
#:optional-break-proc (λ (x) (eq? x 'lb))))
(define pbr (q '(size #f) #\page))
(module+ test
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) null)
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list x 'pb x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) '(pb))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x)))
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list x 'pb x x)))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x)))
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) null)
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list x 'pb x 'pb x))))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) '(pb) )
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))))
(struct $slug $quad () #:transparent)
(define (slug . xs) ($slug #f xs))