@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
(define (make-hr-quad line-q)
(quad-copy line-q [draw-start hr-draw]))
(define ((finish-line-wrap line-q) pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx)
(define ((line-wrap-finish line-q) pcs-in opening-q ending-q idx)
;; we curry line-q so that the wrap size can be communicated to this operation
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define pcs-printing (for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
[_ null])
(match ending-q
[(? page-break-quad? page-break) (list page-break)] ; hard page break
[(? column-break-quad? column-break) (list column-break)] ; hard column (or section or page) break
[#false (list (make-paragraph-spacer maybe-first-line :space-after (* default-line-height 0.6)))] ; paragraph break
[_ null]))) ; hard line break
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
[_ #false])
#:hard-break line-break-quad?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (finish-line-wrap line-q))))]))
#:finish-wrap (line-wrap-finish line-q))))]))
(define (make-nobreak! q) (quad-set! q :no-colbr #true)) ; cooperates with col-wrap
@ -670,21 +670,26 @@
(quad-update! q [from-parent (or where (quad-from q))])
(cons q rest)])
(define ((col-finish-wrap col-quad) lns q0 ending-q idx [reversed-fn-lines null])
(define ((column-wrap-finish col-quad) lns q0 ending-q idx [reversed-fn-lines null])
(define fn-lines
(from-parent (for/list ([fn-line (in-list reversed-fn-lines)])
;; position bottom to top, in reverse
(quad-update! fn-line
[from 'nw]
[to 'sw])) 'sw))
(match lns
[(cons line _)
(list (quad-copy col-quad
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in page wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs line)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs col-quad)))]
[elems (append (from-parent (insert-blocks lns) 'nw) fn-lines)]))]
[_ null]))
(match lns
[(cons line _)
(list (quad-copy col-quad
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in page wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs line)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs col-quad)))]
[elems (append (from-parent (insert-blocks lns) 'nw) fn-lines)]))]
[_ null])
(match ending-q
[(? page-break-quad? page-break) (list page-break)] ; hard page (or section) break
[_ null])))
constraint wrapping example
@ -708,7 +713,7 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/typesetter/blob/882ec681ad1fa6eaee6287e53bc4320d96
#:distance (λ (q dist-so-far wrap-qs)
;; do trial block insertions
(sum-y (insert-blocks (reverse wrap-qs))))
#:finish-wrap (col-finish-wrap column-quad)
#:finish-wrap (column-wrap-finish column-quad)
#:footnote-qs fn-lines
#:footnote-leftover-proc (λ (ymax leftover-qs fn-qs)
(let loop ([ymax ymax][leftover-qs leftover-qs][fn-qs fn-qs])
@ -739,18 +744,25 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/typesetter/blob/882ec681ad1fa6eaee6287e53bc4320d96
(define col-spacer (quad-copy q:column-spacer [size (pt column-gap (and 'arbitrary-irrelevant-value 100))]))
(add-between cols col-spacer))
(define ((page-finish-wrap make-page-quad path) cols q0 q page-idx)
(define ((page-wrap-finish make-page-quad path) cols q0 q page-idx)
(define page-quad (make-page-quad (+ (section-pages-used) page-idx)))
#R page-idx
#R q0
#R q
(define elems
(match (quad-ref (car cols) :footer-display #true)
[(or #false "none") (from-parent cols 'nw)]
[_ (cons (make-footer-quad (car cols) page-idx path) (from-parent cols 'nw))]))
(match (and (pair? cols) (quad-ref (car cols) :footer-display #true))
[(or #false "none") null]
[_ (list (make-footer-quad (car cols) page-idx path))])
(from-parent cols 'nw)))
(list (quad-copy page-quad
[elems elems]
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs (car cols))
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (if (pair? cols)
(quad-attrs (car cols))
(hash-copy (quad-attrs page-quad)))])))
(define (page-wrap qs width [make-page-quad (λ _ q:page)])
(define (page-wrap qs width [make-page-quad (λ (x) q:page)])
(unless (positive? width)
(raise-argument-error 'page-wrap "positive number" width))
(wrap qs width
@ -758,7 +770,7 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/typesetter/blob/882ec681ad1fa6eaee6287e53bc4320d96
#:hard-break page-break-quad?
#:no-break (λ (q) (quad-ref q :no-pbr))
#:distance (λ (q dist-so-far wrap-qs) (sum-x wrap-qs))
#:finish-wrap (page-finish-wrap make-page-quad (pdf-output-path (current-pdf)))))
#:finish-wrap (page-wrap-finish make-page-quad (pdf-output-path (current-pdf)))))
(define (insert-blocks lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x :display)) lines))