@ -9,227 +9,120 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/test/String.coffee
;describe 'String', ->
; describe 'decode', ->
; it 'should decode fixed length', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer 'testing'
; string = new StringT 7
; string.decode(stream).should.equal 'testing'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "testing"))]
[string (+StringT 7)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream) "testing"))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT 7)) "testing"))
; it 'should decode length from parent key', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer 'testing'
; string = new StringT 'len'
; string.decode(stream, len: 7).should.equal 'testing'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "testing"))]
[string (+StringT 'len)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT 'len) #:parent (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
; it 'should decode length as number before string', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '\x07testing'
; string = new StringT uint8
; string.decode(stream).should.equal 'testing'
; octal \7 will print as \a
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "\x07testing"))]
[string (+StringT uint8)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
; it 'should decode utf8', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT 4, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT 4 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream) "🍻"))
; it 'should decode encoding computed from function', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT 4, -> 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT 4 (λ _ 'utf8))])
(check-equal? (decode string stream) "🍻"))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x07testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT uint8) #:parent (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
;; it 'should decode utf8', ->
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT 4 'utf8)) "🍻"))
;; it 'should decode encoding computed from function', ->
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT 4 (λ _ 'utf8))) "🍻"))
; it 'should decode null-terminated string and read past terminator', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻\x00'
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
; stream.pos.should.equal 5
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻\x00"))]
[string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream) "🍻")
(check-equal? (pos stream) 5))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻\x00"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT #f 'utf8)) "🍻")
(check-equal? (pos (current-input-port)) 5))
; it 'should decode remainder of buffer when null-byte missing', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (decode string stream) "🍻"))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+StringT #f 'utf8)) "🍻"))
; describe 'size', ->
; it 'should use string length', ->
; string = new StringT 7
; string.size('testing').should.equal 7
(let ([string (+StringT 7)])
(check-equal? (size string "testing") 7))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT 7) "testing") 7)
; it 'should use correct encoding', ->
; string = new StringT 10, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
(let ([string (+StringT 10 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (size string "🍻") 4))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT 10 'utf8) "🍻") 4)
; it 'should use encoding from function', ->
; string = new StringT 10, -> 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
(let ([string (+StringT 10 (λ _ 'utf8))])
(check-equal? (size string "🍻") 4))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT 10 (λ _ 'utf8)) "🍻") 4)
; it 'should add size of length field before string', ->
; string = new StringT uint8, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 5
(let ([string (+StringT uint8 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (size string "🍻") 5))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT uint8 'utf8) "🍻") 5)
; todo
; it 'should work with utf16be encoding', ->
; string = new StringT 10, 'utf16be'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
; it 'should take null-byte into account', ->
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 5
(let ([string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (size string "🍻") 5))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT #f 'utf8) "🍻") 5)
; it 'should use defined length if no value given', ->
; array = new StringT 10
; array.size().should.equal 10
(let ([string (+StringT 10)])
(check-equal? (size string) 10))
(check-equal? (size (+StringT 10)) 10)
; describe 'encode', ->
; it 'should encode using string length', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer 'testing'
; done()
; string = new StringT 7
; string.encode(stream, 'testing')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT 7)]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "testing")
(check-equal? (dump stream) #"testing"))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT 7) "testing")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"testing"))
; it 'should encode length as number before string', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x07testing'
; done()
; string = new StringT uint8
; string.encode(stream, 'testing')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT uint8)]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "testing")
(check-equal? (dump stream) #"\x07testing"))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT uint8) "testing")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"\x07testing"))
; it 'should encode length as number before string utf8', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x0ctesting 😜', 'utf8'
; done()
; string = new StringT uint8, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, 'testing 😜')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT uint8 'utf8)]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "testing 😜")
(check-equal? (dump stream) (+Buffer "\x0ctesting 😜" 'utf8)))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT uint8 'utf8) "testing 😜")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x0ctesting 😜")))
; it 'should encode utf8', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻'
; done()
; string = new StringT 4, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT 4 'utf8)]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "🍻")
(check-equal? (dump stream) (+Buffer "🍻")))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT 4 'utf8) "🍻" )
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻")))
; it 'should encode encoding computed from function', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻'
; done()
; string = new StringT 4, -> 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT 4 (λ _ 'utf8))]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "🍻")
(check-equal? (dump stream) (+Buffer "🍻")))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT 4 (λ _ 'utf8)) "🍻")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻")))
; it 'should encode null-terminated string', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻\x00'
; done()
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
(let ([string (+StringT #f 'utf8)]
[stream (+EncodeStream)])
(encode string stream "🍻")
(check-equal? (dump stream) (+Buffer "🍻\x00")))
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+StringT #f 'utf8) "🍻" )
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻\x00")))