goodbye GPOS & GSUB

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 160b9398b9
commit aa8fee22b1

@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
fontkit = require '../pdfkit/node_modules/fontkit'
fira_path = "../pitfall/test/assets/fira.ttf"
f = fontkit.openSync(fira_path)
console.log "*************************** start decode"
thing = f.GPOS.lookupList.get(1)
console.log thing
{ version: 65536,
[ { tag: 'DFLT', script: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cyrl', script: [Object] },
{ tag: 'grek', script: [Object] },
{ tag: 'latn', script: [Object] } ],
[ { tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'cpsp', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'kern', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mark', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] },
{ tag: 'mkmk', feature: [Object] } ],
[ { lookupType: 1,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 2 },
{ lookupType: 2,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 6,
subTables: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 2 },
{ lookupType: 2,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 7,
[ [Object],
[Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 2 },
{ lookupType: 2,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 6,
subTables: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 2 },
{ lookupType: 2,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 2,
subTables: [ [Object], [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 4 },
{ lookupType: 4,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 4 },
{ lookupType: 4,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 4 },
{ lookupType: 4,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 6 },
{ lookupType: 6,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 6 },
{ lookupType: 6,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 6 },
{ lookupType: 6,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 6 },
{ lookupType: 6,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 6 },
{ lookupType: 6,
{ rightToLeft: false,
ignoreBaseGlyphs: false,
ignoreLigatures: false,
ignoreMarks: false,
useMarkFilteringSet: false,
markAttachmentType: false },
subTableCount: 1,
subTables: [ [Object] ],
markFilteringSet: 1 } ] }

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require fontland fontland/gpos-processor "subset.rkt" rackunit xenomorph racket/serialize)
(define fira-path "../pitfall/test/assets/fira.ttf")
(define f (openSync fira-path))
(define gpos (· f GPOS))
#;(get (· gpos lookupList) 11)
(define gp (+GPOSProcessor f gpos))
(· gpos scriptList)
(send gp selectScript 'cyrl)

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require xenomorph br/cond "opentype.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define ValueFormat (+Bitfield uint16be '(xPlacement yPlacement xAdvance yAdvance xPlaDevice yPlaDevice xAdvDevice yAdvDevice)))
(define types
'xPlacement int16be
'yPlacement int16be
'xAdvance int16be
'yAdvance int16be
'xPlaDevice (+Pointer uint16be Device (mhash 'type 'global 'relativeTo 'rel))
'yPlaDevice (+Pointer uint16be Device (mhash 'type 'global 'relativeTo 'rel))
'xAdvDevice (+Pointer uint16be Device (mhash 'type 'global 'relativeTo 'rel))
'yAdvDevice (+Pointer uint16be Device (mhash 'type 'global 'relativeTo 'rel))))
(define-subclass object% (ValueRecord [key 'valueFormat])
(define/public (buildStruct parent)
;; set `struct` to the first dict in the chain of ancestors
;; with the target key
(define struct (let loop ([x parent])
[(and x (dict? x) (dict-ref x key #f)) x]
[(· x parent) => loop]
[else #f])))
(and struct
(let ()
(define format (dict-ref struct key))
(define fields
(dictify 'rel (λ _ (dict-ref struct '_startOffset)))
(for/list ([(key val) (in-dict format)]
#:when val)
(cons key (dict-ref types key)))))
(+Struct fields))))
(define/public (size val ctx)
(send (buildStruct ctx) size val ctx))
(define/public (decode port parent)
(define res (send (buildStruct parent) decode port parent))
(dict-remove! res 'rel)
(define/public (encode . args)
(error 'GPOS-encode-not-implemented)))
(define PairValueRecord (+Struct
'secondGlyph uint16be
'value1 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat1)
'value2 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat2))))
(define PairSet (+Array PairValueRecord uint16be))
(define Class2Record (+Struct
'value1 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat1)
'value2 (+ValueRecord 'valueFormat2))))
(define Anchor (+VersionedStruct uint16be
;; Design units only
1 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be
'yCoordinate int16be)
;; Design units plus contour point
2 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be
'yCoordinate int16be
'anchorPoint uint16be)
;; Design units plus Device tables
3 (dictify 'xCoordinate int16be
'yCoordinate int16be
'xDeviceTable (+Pointer uint16be Device)
'yDeviceTable (+Pointer uint16be Device)))))
(define EntryExitRecord (+Struct
(dictify 'entryAnchor (+Pointer uint16be Anchor (mhash 'type 'parent))
'exitAnchor (+Pointer uint16be Anchor (mhash 'type 'parent)))))
(define MarkRecord (+Struct
(dictify 'class uint16be
'markAnchor uint16be)))
(define MarkArray (+Array MarkRecord uint16be))
(define BaseRecord (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Anchor) (λ (t) (ref* t 'parent 'classCount))))
(define BaseArray (+Array BaseRecord uint16be))
(define ComponentRecord (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Anchor) (λ (t) (ref* t 'parent 'parent 'classCount))))
(define LigatureAttach (+Array ComponentRecord uint16be))
(define LigatureArray (+Array (+Pointer uint16be LigatureAttach) uint16be))
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GPOSLookup-VersionedStruct))
(define GPOSLookup
;; Single Adjustment
1 (+VersionedStruct uint16be
;; Single positioning value
1 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'valueFormat ValueFormat
'value (+ValueRecord))
2 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'valueFormat ValueFormat
'valueCount uint16be
'values (+LazyArray (+ValueRecord) 'valueCount))))
;; Pair Adjustment Positioning
2 (+VersionedStruct uint16be
;; Adjustments for glyph pairs
1 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'valueFormat1 ValueFormat
'valueFormat2 ValueFormat
'pairSetCount uint16be
'pairSets (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be PairSet) 'pairSetCount))
;; Class pair adjustment
2 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'valueFormat1 ValueFormat
'valueFormat2 ValueFormat
'classDef1 (+Pointer uint16be ClassDef)
'classDef2 (+Pointer uint16be ClassDef)
'class1Count uint16be
'class2Count uint16be
'classRecords (+LazyArray (+LazyArray Class2Record 'class2Count) 'class1Count))))
;; Cursive Attachment Positioning
3 (dictify
'format uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'entryExitCount uint16be
'entryExitRecords (+Array EntryExitRecord 'entryExitCount))
;; MarkToBase Attachment Positioning
4 (dictify
'format uint16be
'markCoverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'baseCoverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'classCount uint16be
'markArray (+Pointer uint16be MarkArray)
'baseArray (+Pointer uint16be BaseArray))
;; MarkToLigature Attachment Positioning
5 (dictify
'format uint16be
'markCoverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'ligatureCoverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'classCount uint16be
'markArray (+Pointer uint16be MarkArray)
'ligatureArray (+Pointer uint16be LigatureArray))
;; MarkToMark Attachment Positioning
6 (dictify
'format uint16be
'mark1Coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'mark2Coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'classCount uint16be
'mark1Array (+Pointer uint16be MarkArray)
'mark2Array (+Pointer uint16be BaseArray))
7 Context ;; Contextual positioning
8 ChainingContext ;; Chaining contextual positioning
;; Extension positioning
9 (dictify
'posFormat uint16be
'lookupType uint16be ;; cannot also be 9
'extension (+Pointer uint32be (λ () (error 'circular-reference-unfixed))))
;; Fix circular reference
(ref*-set! GPOSLookup 'versions 9 'extension 'type GPOSLookup)
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GPOS-MainVersionedStruct))
(define GPOS (+GPOS-MainVersionedStruct uint32be
'header (dictify 'scriptList (+Pointer uint16be ScriptList)
'featureList (+Pointer uint16be FeatureList)
'lookupList (+Pointer uint16be (LookupList GPOSLookup)))
#x00010000 (dictify)
#;#x00010001 #;(+Pointer uint32be FeatureVariations))))

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
fontkit = require '../pdfkit/node_modules/fontkit'
fira_path = "../pitfall/test/assets/fira.ttf"
f = fontkit.openSync(fira_path)
console.log f.GSUB.lookupList.get(30).subTables
console.log f.GSUB.lookupList.get(30).subTables[0].ligatureSets.get(0)

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require xenomorph br/cond "opentype.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define Sequence (+Array uint16be uint16be))
(define AlternateSet Sequence)
(define Ligature (+Struct
'glyph uint16be
'compCount uint16be
'components (+Array uint16be (λ (t) (sub1 (· t compCount)))))))
(define LigatureSet (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Ligature) uint16be))
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GSUBLookup-VersionedStruct))
(define GSUBLookup
;; Single Substitution
1 (+VersionedStruct uint16be
1 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'deltaGlyphID int16be)
2 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'glyphCount uint16be
'substitute (+LazyArray uint16be 'glyphCount))))
2 ;; Multiple Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'sequences (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be Sequence) 'count))
3 ;; Alternate Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'alternateSet (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be AlternateSet) 'count))
4 ;; Ligature Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'ligatureSets (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be LigatureSet) 'count))
5 Context ;; Contextual Substitution
6 ChainingContext ;; Chaining Contextual Substitution
7 ;; Extension Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'lookupType uint16be ; cannot also be 7
'extension (+Pointer uint32be (λ () (error 'circular-reference-unfixed))))
8 ;; Reverse Chaining Contextual Single Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'backTrackCoverage (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Coverage) 'backtrackGlyphCount)
'lookaheadGlyphCount uint16be
'lookaheadCoverage (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Coverage) 'lookaheadGlyphCount)
'glyphCount uint16be
'substitute (+Array uint16be 'glyphCount)))))
;; Fix circular reference
(ref*-set! GSUBLookup 'versions 7 'extension 'type GSUBLookup)
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GSUB-MainVersionedStruct))
(define GSUB (+GSUB-MainVersionedStruct uint32be
'header (dictify 'scriptList (+Pointer uint16be ScriptList)
'featureList (+Pointer uint16be FeatureList)
'lookupList (+Pointer uint16be (LookupList GSUBLookup))
#x00010000 (dictify)
#;#x00010001 #;(+Pointer uint32be FeatureVariations))))

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define VARIATION_FEATURES '(rvrn))
(define COMMON_FEATURES '(ccmp locl rlig mark mkmk))
(define FRACTIONAL_FEATURES '(frac numr dnom))
(define HORIZONTAL_FEATURES '(calt clig liga rclt curs kern))
(define VERTICAL_FEATURES '(vert))
'ltr '(ltra ltrm)
'rtl '(rtla rtlm)))
(define zeroMarkWidths 'AFTER_GPOS)
(define-subclass object% (DefaultShaper)
(define/public (plan plan_ glyphs features)
#;(report*/file plan_ glyphs features)
;; Plan the features we want to apply
(planPreprocessing plan_)
(planFeatures plan_)
(planPostprocessing plan_ features)
;; Assign the global features to all the glyphs
(send plan_ assignGlobalFeatures glyphs)
;; Assign local features to glyphs
(assignFeatures plan_ glyphs))
(define/public (planPreprocessing plan)
(send plan add (mhasheq
'global (append VARIATION_FEATURES (dict-ref DIRECTIONAL_FEATURES (· plan direction)))
(define/public (planFeatures plan)
;; Do nothing by default. Let subclasses override this.
(define/public (planPostprocessing plan userFeatures)
(when userFeatures
(unless (and (list? userFeatures) (andmap symbol? userFeatures))
(raise-argument-error 'DefaultShaper:planPostprocessing "list of features" userFeatures)))
(send plan add (append COMMON_FEATURES HORIZONTAL_FEATURES (or userFeatures empty))))
(define/public (assignFeatures plan glyphs)
;; todo: Enable contextual fractions

@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
;; PostScript outlines
#;CFF_ #;CFF2 #;VORG
;; Advanced OpenType Tables