@ -56,14 +57,15 @@ Hyphenate @racket[_xexpr] by calculating hyphenation points and inserting @racke
(hyphenate "ergo polymorphism" #:min-length #f)
The @racket[#:min-ends-length] keyword argument sets a minimum distance between a potential hyphen and either end of the word. The default is 2 characters. Larger values will reduce hyphens, but also prevent small word breaks. This value will override a smaller @racket[#:min-length] value.
The @racket[#:min-left-length] and @racket[#:min-right-length] keyword arguments set the minimum distance between a potential hyphen and the left or right ends of the word. The default is 2 characters. Larger values will reduce hyphens, but also prevent small words from breaking. These values will override a smaller @racket[#:min-length] value.