ready to solve?

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 6e8edaa135
commit a404ba169f

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
(require racket/list racket/bool racket/contract racket/class racket/match racket/generator racket/string)
(require "utils.rkt" "search.rkt")
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(define CSP (class Problem
This class describes finite-domain Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ Set up to do recursive backtracking search. Allow the following options:
(module+ test
(parse_neighbors "X: Y Z; Y: Z"))
(check-equal? (sort (hash->list (parse_neighbors "X: Y Z; Y: Z")) string<? #:key car) '(("X" "Y" "Z") ("Y" "X" "Z") ("Z" "X" "Y"))))
;; ______________________________________________________________________________
@ -316,13 +318,40 @@ Set up to do recursive backtracking search. Allow the following options:
(define (zebra_constraint A a B b [recurse 0])
(define same (= a b))
(define next_to (= (abs (- a b)) 1))
;; resume here
[(and (equal? A 'Englishman) (equal? B 'Red)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Spaniard) (equal? B 'Dog)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Chesterfields) (equal? B 'Fox)) next_to]
[(and (equal? A 'Norwegian) (equal? B 'Blue)) next_to]
[(and (equal? A 'Kools) (equal? B 'Yellow)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Winston) (equal? B 'Snails)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'LuckyStrike) (equal? B 'OJ)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Ukrainian) (equal? B 'Tea)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Japanese) (equal? B 'Parliaments)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Kools) (equal? B 'Horse)) next_to]
[(and (equal? A 'Coffee) (equal? B 'Green)) same]
[(and (equal? A 'Green) (equal? B 'Ivory)) (= (- a 1) b)]
[(= recurse 0) (zebra_constraint B b A a 1)]
[(or (and (member A Colors) (member B Colors))
(and (member A Pets) (member B Pets))
(and (member A Drinks) (member B Drinks))
(and (member A Countries) (member B Countries))
(and (member A Smokes) (member B Smokes))) (not same)]
[else (error 'zebra-fudged)]))
(new CSP [vars vars] [domains domains] [neighbors neighbors] [constraints zebra_constraint]))
(define (solve_zebra [algorithm min_conflicts] . args)
(define z (zebra))
(define ans (apply algorithm args))
(for ([h (in-range 1 6)])
(display (format "House ~a: ~a" h))
(for ([(var val) (in-hash ans)])
(when (= h val) (display var) (display " ")))
(list (hash-ref ans 'Zebra) (hash-ref ans 'Water) (get-field nassigns z) ans))
(module+ main
; (zebra)