add optional args to `typeset`

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 01ca734c2f
commit a1e9bf4c53

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang quad/dev
(require "quads.rkt" "typeset.rkt" "atomize.rkt" "render.rkt" racket/list racket/string)
(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base "quads.rkt") #%module-begin)
(provide (except-out (all-from-out quad/dev "quads.rkt") #%module-begin)
(rename-out [~module-begin #%module-begin]))
(define-syntax-rule (~module-begin lang-line-config-arg . args)
(define main-quad (apply quad #f (add-between (list . args) "\n"))) ; at-reader splits lines, but we want one contiguous run
;; branch on config-arg to allow debug / inspection options on #lang line
(case (string-trim lang-line-config-arg)
(define config-pieces (string-split (string-trim lang-line-config-arg)))
(case (car config-pieces)
[("#:atoms") (atomize main-quad)]
[("#:text") (time (debug-render (typeset-fit (atomize main-quad))))]
[("#:fit") (time (debug-render (apply typeset-fit (atomize main-quad) (map string->number (cdr config-pieces)))))]
[else (typeset-fit (atomize main-quad))])))
(module reader syntax/module-reader

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require "measure.rkt")
(define last-breakpoint-k #f)
(define last-breakpoint-k (λ _ (error 'typeset-fit "No breakpoint available. Increase line width")))
(define (set-breakpoint-k-here!)
(let/cc k (set! last-breakpoint-k k) #f))
@ -12,37 +12,43 @@
(define col-height (* 6 line-height)) ; 3 rows, each 12 pts high
(define page-width (* 3 line-width)) ; meaning, two columns
(struct tp (page-horiz vert horiz))
;; posn-page : horiz position of column within page
;; posn-col : vert position of line within column
;; posn-line : horiz position of char within line
(struct posn (page col line))
(define (make-posn [page 0] [col 0] [line 0]) (posn page col line))
(define page-start-position (tp 0 0 0))
(define page-start-position (make-posn))
(define (handle-break val [tpos #f])
(caseq val ; test in order of frequency
[(line-break) (tp (tp-page-horiz tpos) (+ (tp-vert tpos) line-height) 0)]
[(column-break) (tp (+ (tp-page-horiz tpos) line-width) 0 0)]
[(page-break) page-start-position]
[else tpos]))
(define (typeset-fit qs)
(for/fold ([tpos (handle-break 'page-break)])
(define (typeset-fit qs [line-width line-width] [col-height col-height])
(define (handle-break val [current-posn #f])
(caseq val ; test in order of frequency
[(line-break) (make-posn (posn-page current-posn) (+ (posn-col current-posn) line-height))]
[(column-break) (make-posn (+ (posn-page current-posn) line-width))]
[(page-break) page-start-position]
[else current-posn]))
(for/fold ([current-posn (handle-break 'page-break)])
([q (in-vector qs)])
(unless (quad-dim q) (measure! q))
;; hard may contain an imperative break. Test for this first because it makes the rest irrelevant.
;; todo: how to suppress spaces adjacent to imperative breaks?
[($hard? q) (handle-break (quad-dim q) tpos)]
[($hard? q) (handle-break (quad-dim q) current-posn)]
;; test for overset (before a new bp-k gets set).
;; order is precedence: test bigger breaks first
;; send break type back through continuation
;; test page-horiz with >= because one column impliedly exists at the start
;; (we could also make this explicit with page-start-position but it seems clearer to use zeroes there)
[(>= (tp-page-horiz tpos) page-width) (last-breakpoint-k 'page-break)]
[(>= (posn-page current-posn) page-width) (last-breakpoint-k 'page-break)]
;; test tp-vert with >= because one column impliedly exists at the start
[(>= (tp-vert tpos) col-height) (last-breakpoint-k 'column-break)]
[(>= (posn-col current-posn) col-height) (last-breakpoint-k 'column-break)]
;; but test tp-horiz with > because no characters exist in the line at the start
[(> (tp-horiz tpos) line-width) (last-breakpoint-k 'line-break)]
[(> (posn-line current-posn) line-width) (last-breakpoint-k 'line-break)]
;; set a new bp-k, or resume after invoking a bp-k
[(and ($soft? q) (set-breakpoint-k-here!))
@ -50,11 +56,11 @@
(λ (breakpoint-k-result)
;; convert the white, thereby consuming it. todo: don't consume hyphens
(quad-dim-set! q breakpoint-k-result)
(handle-break breakpoint-k-result tpos))]
[else (tp (tp-page-horiz tpos) (tp-vert tpos) (+ (tp-horiz tpos) (quad-dim q)))]))
(handle-break breakpoint-k-result current-posn))]
[else (posn (posn-page current-posn) (posn-col current-posn) (+ (posn-line current-posn) (quad-dim q)))]))
(module+ test
(require "atomize.rkt" "render.rkt")
(define q (quad #f "One morning, when Gregor" (line-break) " and his old hizn himself"))
(define q (quad #f "One morning, when Gregor " (line-break) " and his old hizn himself"))
(time (debug-render (typeset-fit (atomize q)))))