start tidying into passes

Matthew Butterick 2 years ago
parent 1ba819c816
commit a1d26ec66b

@ -34,18 +34,22 @@
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg)
(define (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg replace-existing-file?)
;; convert pathlike arg into nice complete path.
(match pdf-path-arg
;; a #false arg signals that we're going to return the bytes directly,
;; so we use a temp path to write the file, and we'll delete it later.
[#false (build-path (find-system-path 'temp-dir) "quadwriter-temp.pdf")]
[path path]))))))
(define pdf-path
(match pdf-path-arg
;; a #false arg signals that we're going to return the bytes directly,
;; so we use a temp path to write the file, and we'll delete it later.
[#false (build-path (find-system-path 'temp-dir) "quadwriter-temp.pdf")]
[path path]))))))
(unless replace-existing-file?
(when (file-exists? pdf-path)
(raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "path that doesn't exist" pdf-path)))
(define (handle-hyphenate q)
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@
#:min-left-length 3
#:min-right-length 3))]
[substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))])
(struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))]
(struct-copy quad q [elems (list substr)]))]
[else (list q)]))
@ -68,12 +72,12 @@
(unless (even? (length pcs))
(raise-argument-error 'string->feature-list "even number of tags and values" pcs))
(for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 pcs)])
(cons (match (first kv)
[(? string? k) (string->bytes/utf-8 k)]
[k (raise-argument-error 'string->feature-list "string" k)])
(match (string->number (second kv))
[(? number? num) num]
[v (raise-argument-error 'string->feature-list "number string" v)]))))
(cons (match (first kv)
[(? string? k) (string->bytes/utf-8 k)]
[k (raise-argument-error 'string->feature-list "string" k)])
(match (string->number (second kv))
[(? number? num) num]
[v (raise-argument-error 'string->feature-list "number string" v)]))))
(define (parse-font-features! attrs)
;; `font-features` are OpenType font feature specifiers.
@ -108,7 +112,7 @@
;; we parse them into the equivalent measurement in points.
(for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)]
#:when (takes-dimension-string? k))
(hash-update! attrs k (λ (val) (parse-dimension val attrs))))
(hash-update! attrs k (λ (val) (parse-dimension val attrs))))
(define (downcase-values! attrs)
@ -116,9 +120,9 @@
;; so we can check them more easily later.
(for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)]
#:unless (has-case-sensitive-value? k))
(hash-update! attrs k (λ (val) (match val
[(? string? str) (string-downcase str)]
[_ val]))))
(hash-update! attrs k (λ (val) (match val
[(? string? str) (string-downcase str)]
[_ val]))))
(define (complete-every-path! attrs)
@ -127,7 +131,7 @@
;; relies on `current-directory` being parameterized to source file's dir
(for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)]
#:when (takes-path? k))
(hash-update! attrs k (compose1 path->string path->complete-path)))
(hash-update! attrs k (compose1 path->string path->complete-path)))
(define (handle-cascading-attrs attrs)
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@
;; because they can be denoted relative to em size
(proc attrs)))
(proc attrs)))
(define (drop-leading-breaks qs)
;; any leading breaks are pointless at the start of the doc, so drop them.
@ -165,53 +169,66 @@
(define (get-define-val q) (quad-ref q 'define))
(define-values (dqs not-dqs) (partition get-define-val qs))
(for ([dq-group (in-list (group-by get-define-val dqs))])
(hash-set! (current-named-quads) (get-define-val (car dq-group)) dq-group))
(hash-set! (current-named-quads) (get-define-val (car dq-group)) dq-group))
(define default-line-height-multiplier 1.42)
(define (setup-qs qx-arg base-dir)
;; convert our input Q-expression into a useful form.
;; some typographic niceties
(define qexpr
(let ([qx (decode qx-arg
#:string-proc (compose1 smart-ellipses smart-dashes)
#:txexpr-proc smart-quotes)])
(match qx
[(txexpr tag attrs elements)
;; we insert a dummy quad '(q ".")
;; (could be anything, but we want to use something obvious
;; so we don't trigger a fallback font)
;; to get a sample of the global attrs
;; which we will strip off after atomization
;; but keep the attrs around in case anyone needs to use them
;; for instance, quads added to the layout like footers
;; won't have another way of getting this
(list* tag attrs (cons '(q ".") elements))])))
(define (insert-typographic-niceties qx-arg)
(decode qx-arg
#:string-proc (compose1 smart-ellipses smart-dashes)
#:txexpr-proc smart-quotes))
(define (insert-dummy-element qx)
(match qx
[(txexpr tag attrs elements)
;; we insert a dummy element "."
;; (could be anything, but we want to use something obvious
;; so we don't trigger a fallback font)
;; to get a sample of the global attrs
;; which we will strip off after atomization
;; but keep the attrs around in case anyone needs to use them
;; for instance, quads added to the layout like footers
;; won't have another way of getting this
(list* tag attrs (cons "." elements))]))
(define (apply-default-styling-attributes qexpr)
;; apply some default styling attributes.
;; These will only be used if the underlying q-expression hasn't specified its own values,
;; which will naturally override these.
(define q
(qexpr->quad (list 'q (list->attrs
:font-family default-font-family
:font-size (number->string default-font-size)
:font-features default-font-features
:hyphenate "true"
:line-height (number->string (floor (* default-line-height-multiplier default-font-size)))) qexpr)))
(qexpr->quad (list 'q (list->attrs
:font-family default-font-family
:font-size (number->string default-font-size)
:font-features default-font-features
:hyphenate "true"
(number->string (floor (* default-line-height-multiplier default-font-size)))) qexpr)))
(define (make-atomic-qs q)
(atomize q
#:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs
#:missing-glyph-action 'fallback
#:fallback "fallback"
#:emoji "fallback-emoji"
#:math "fallback-math"
#:font-path-resolver resolve-font-path!))
(define (store-dummy-element-and-discard qs)
(current-top-level-quad (car qs))
(cdr qs))
(define (apply-hyphenation qs)
(time-log hyphenate (apply append (map handle-hyphenate qs))))
(define default-line-height-multiplier 1.42)
(define (setup-qs qx-arg [base-dir (current-directory)])
;; convert our input Q-expression into a useful form.
(setup-font-path-table! base-dir)
(let* ([qs (atomize q
#:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs
#:missing-glyph-action 'fallback
#:fallback "fallback"
#:emoji "fallback-emoji"
#:math "fallback-math"
#:font-path-resolver resolve-font-path!)]
[qs (let ()
;; store the dummy element and discard
(current-top-level-quad (car qs))
(cdr qs))]
[qs (time-log hyphenate (apply append (map handle-hyphenate qs)))]
(let* ([qx (insert-typographic-niceties qx-arg)]
[qexpr (insert-dummy-element qx)]
[q (apply-default-styling-attributes qexpr)]
[qs (make-atomic-qs q)]
[qs (store-dummy-element-and-discard qs)]
[qs (apply-hyphenation qs)]
[qs (map generic->typed-quad qs)]
[qs (drop-leading-breaks qs)]
#;[qs (extract-defined-quads qs)]
@ -265,7 +282,7 @@
(define (setup-column-gap qs)
(or (debug-column-gap) (quad-ref (car qs) :column-gap default-column-gap)))
(define (setup-pdf-metadata! qs pdf)
(define (setup-pdf-metadata! pdf qs)
(define kv-dict
(cons 'Creator (format "Racket ~a [Quad ~a]" (version) (pkg-checksum "quad" #:short #true)))
@ -275,9 +292,9 @@
(cons :pdf-keywords 'Keywords)))]
[str (in-value (and (pair? qs) (quad-ref (car qs) k)))]
#:when str)
(cons pdf-k str))))
(cons pdf-k str))))
(for ([(k v) (in-dict kv-dict)])
(hash-set! (pdf-info pdf) k v)))
(hash-set! (pdf-info pdf) k v)))
(define (footnote-flow? q) (equal? (quad-ref q 'flow) "footnote"))
@ -306,9 +323,10 @@
[size (pt line-wrap-size printable-height)]))
(time-log page-wrap (page-wrap column-qs printable-width page-quad-prototype)))
(define (layout qs)
(quad-update! q:doc [elems (make-sections qs)]))
(define (make-sections all-qs)
(for/fold ([sections-acc null]
#:result (reverse sections-acc))
([qs (in-list (filter-split all-qs section-break-quad?))])
@ -399,7 +417,7 @@
[query-matches (in-value (query qi (string-append "doc[this]:" query-str) rq))]
#:when query-matches
[query-match (in-list query-matches)])
(quad-update! query-match [elems (append (quad-elems query-match) (list (quad-copy quad rq)))]))
(quad-update! query-match [elems (append (quad-elems query-match) (list (quad-copy quad rq)))]))
(define (wants-parent? x) (and (quad? x) (quad-ref x :parent)))
@ -427,7 +445,7 @@
#:when query-str
[parent (in-value (query qi query-str wp))]
#:when parent)
(quad-update! parent [elems (append (quad-elems parent) (list wp))]))
(quad-update! parent [elems (append (quad-elems parent) (list wp))]))
(define (correct-line-alignment doc)
@ -437,18 +455,45 @@
(for* ([section (in-list (quad-elems doc))]
[(page page-idx) (in-indexed (quad-elems section))]
#:when (page-quad? page))
(define right-side? (odd? (add1 page-idx)))
(define zero-filler-side (if right-side? "inner" "outer"))
(let loop ([x page])
[(and (line-quad? x)
(equal? zero-filler-side (quad-ref x :line-align))
(filler-quad? (car (quad-elems x))))
;; collapse the filler quad by setting size to 0
(set-quad-size! (car (quad-elems x)) (pt 0 0))]
[(quad? x) (for-each loop (quad-elems x))])))
(define right-side? (odd? (add1 page-idx)))
(define zero-filler-side (if right-side? "inner" "outer"))
(let loop ([x page])
[(and (line-quad? x)
(equal? zero-filler-side (quad-ref x :line-align))
(filler-quad? (car (quad-elems x))))
;; collapse the filler quad by setting size to 0
(set-quad-size! (car (quad-elems x)) (pt 0 0))]
[(quad? x) (for-each loop (quad-elems x))])))
(define (setup-base-dir base-dir-arg pdf-path-arg)
(define maybe-dir (cond
;; for reasons unclear, DrRacket sometimes sneaks
;; an "unsaved editor" into base-dir-arg, despite efforts
;; probably my fault
[(equal? base-dir-arg "unsaved editor") pdf-path-arg]
[else (current-directory)]))
(define base-dir (match maybe-dir
[(? directory-exists? dir) dir]
[(app path->complete-path cp)
(define-values (dir name _) (split-path cp))
(unless (directory-exists? base-dir)
(raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "existing directory" base-dir))
(define (log-completion)
(log-quadwriter-info (format "wrote PDF to ~a" (pdf-output-path (current-pdf)))))
(define (return-pdf-bytes pdf-path-arg)
(define pdf-path (pdf-output-path (current-pdf)))
(file->bytes pdf-path)
(delete-file pdf-path)))
(define/contract (render-pdf qx-arg
[pdf-path-arg #false]
[base-dir-arg #false]
@ -465,59 +510,28 @@
;; `base-dir-arg` is the starting point for resolving any relative pathnames,
;; and looking for fonts and other assets.
(define base-dir (let ([maybe-dir (cond
;; for reasons unclear, DrRacket sometimes sneaks
;; an "unsaved editor" into base-dir-arg, despite efforts
;; probably my fault
[(equal? base-dir-arg "unsaved editor") pdf-path-arg]
[else (current-directory)])])
(match maybe-dir
[(? directory-exists? dir) dir]
[(app path->complete-path cp)
(define-values (dir name _) (split-path cp))
(unless (directory-exists? base-dir)
(raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "existing directory" base-dir))
(define pdf-path (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg))
(unless replace-existing-file?
(when (file-exists? pdf-path)
(raise-argument-error 'render-pdf "path that doesn't exist" pdf-path)))
;; `make-pdf` creates a PDF data structure using the pitfall library.
;; this structure provides some services as we lay out the document,
;; and then when we render, we'll rely on pitfall's PDF-drawing routines.
(parameterize ([current-pdf (make-pdf #:compress compress?
#:auto-first-page #false
#:output-path pdf-path)]
(parameterize ([current-pdf
(make-pdf #:compress compress?
#:auto-first-page #false
#:output-path (setup-pdf-path pdf-path-arg replace-existing-file?))]
;; set `current-directory` so that ops like `path->complete-path`
;; will be handled relative to the original directory
[current-directory base-dir]
[current-directory (setup-base-dir base-dir-arg pdf-path-arg)]
;; a lot of operations need to look at pages used so it's easier to
;; make it a parameter than endlessly pass it around as an argument.
[section-pages-used 0]
[verbose-quad-printing? #false]
#;[current-named-quads (make-hash)]) ; for ease of debugging; not mandatory
(define qs (time-log setup-qs (setup-qs qx-arg base-dir)))
(setup-pdf-metadata! qs (current-pdf))
;; all the heavy lifting happens inside `make-sections`
;; which calls out to `make-pages`, `make-columns`, and so on.
(define doc (let ([doc (quad-update! q:doc [elems (make-sections qs)])])
(time-log prep-doc (let* ([doc (correct-line-alignment doc)]
[doc (resolve-repeaters doc)]
[doc (resolve-parents doc)])
;; call `position` and `draw` separately so we can print a timer for each
(define positioned-doc (time-log position (position doc)))
;; drawing implies that a PDF is written to disk
(time-log draw (draw positioned-doc (current-pdf))))
(if pdf-path-arg
(log-quadwriter-info (format "wrote PDF to ~a" pdf-path))
(file->bytes pdf-path)
(delete-file pdf-path))))
(let* ([qs (time-log setup-qs (setup-qs qx-arg))]
[_ (setup-pdf-metadata! (current-pdf) qs)]
;; all the heavy lifting happens inside `layout`
[doc (layout qs)]
[doc (correct-line-alignment doc)]
[doc (resolve-repeaters doc)]
[doc (resolve-parents doc)]
[positioned-doc (position doc)]
[_ (draw positioned-doc (current-pdf))])
(if pdf-path-arg (log-completion) (return-pdf-bytes)))))
