better error message

Matthew Butterick 4 years ago
parent c76d08d964
commit 9db4182c21

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
(unless (assocs? fields)
(raise-argument-error 'x:dict-parse-fields "assocs" fields))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(define val (match type
[(? procedure? proc) (proc mheq)]
[_ (send type x:decode port mheq)]))
(unless (void? val)
(hash-set! mheq key val))
(hash-set! mheq x:current-offset-key (- (pos port) (hash-ref mheq x:start-offset-key))))
(define val (match type
[(? procedure? proc) (proc mheq)]
[_ (send type x:decode port mheq)]))
(unless (void? val)
(hash-set! mheq key val))
(hash-set! mheq x:current-offset-key (- (pos port) (hash-ref mheq x:start-offset-key))))
(define x:dict%
@ -67,41 +67,45 @@
x:pointer-size-key 0))
(hash-set! parent x:pointer-offset-key (+ (pos port) (x:size field-data parent #f)))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict @fields)])
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(send type x:encode (dict-ref field-data key) port parent))
(for ([ptr (in-list (hash-ref parent x:pointers-key))])
(match ptr
[(x:ptr type val parent) (send type x:encode val port parent)])))
(match ptr
[(x:ptr type val parent) (send type x:encode val port parent)])))
(define/augride (x:size [val #f] [parent-arg #f] [include-pointers #t])
(define parent (mhasheq x:parent-key parent-arg
x:val-key val
x:pointer-size-key 0))
(define fields-size (for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict @fields)]
#:when (xenomorphic-type? type))
(send type x:size (and val (send type pre-encode (dict-ref val key))) parent)))
(define fields-size (let ([key-missing-signal (gensym)])
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict @fields)]
#:when (xenomorphic-type? type))
(match (dict-ref val key key-missing-signal)
[(== key-missing-signal eq?)
(raise-argument-error 'x:dict (format "dict that contains value for key ~v" key) val)]
[val (send type x:size (and val (send type pre-encode val)) parent)]))))
(define pointers-size (if include-pointers (dict-ref parent x:pointer-size-key) 0))
(+ fields-size pointers-size))))
(define (x:dict? x) (is-a? x x:dict%))
(define/contract (x:dict #:pre-encode [pre-proc #f]
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:dict%]
. dicts)
#:post-decode [post-proc #f]
#:base-class [base-class x:dict%]
. dicts)
(#:pre-encode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:post-decode (or/c (any/c . -> . any/c) #false)
#:base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:dict%)))
#:rest (listof any/c)
#:rest (listof any/c)
. ->* .
(define args (flatten dicts))
(unless (even? (length args))
(raise-argument-error 'x:dict "equal number of keys and values" dicts))
(define fields (for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 args)])
(unless (symbol? (car kv))
(raise-argument-error '+xstruct "symbol" (car kv)))
(apply cons kv)))
(unless (symbol? (car kv))
(raise-argument-error '+xstruct "symbol" (car kv)))
(apply cons kv)))
(new (generate-subclass base-class pre-proc post-proc) [fields fields]))
(module+ test
@ -109,18 +113,18 @@
(define (random-pick xs) (list-ref xs (random (length xs))))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (x:dict 42)))
(for ([i (in-range 20)])
;; make random structs and make sure we can round trip
(define field-types
(for/list ([i (in-range 40)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define size-num-types
(for/sum ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(send num-type x:size)))
(define xs (x:dict (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type))))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range size-num-types)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (encode xs (decode xs bs) #f) bs)))
;; make random structs and make sure we can round trip
(define field-types
(for/list ([i (in-range 40)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define size-num-types
(for/sum ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(send num-type x:size)))
(define xs (x:dict (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type))))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range size-num-types)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (encode xs (decode xs bs) #f) bs)))
;; bw compat
(define x:struct% x:dict%)
