@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(define mdash "—")
(define-tag-function (p attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append `((keep-first "2")(keep-last "2")(display ,(symbol->string (gensym)))) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append `((keep-first "2")(keep-last "3")(display ,(symbol->string (gensym)))) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (hr attrs exprs)
@ -307,41 +307,40 @@
(define (make-nobreak! q) (quad-set! q 'no-pbr "true"))
(define (finish-keep-with-next! reversed-lines)
(define (do-keep-with-next! reversed-lines)
;; paints nobreak onto spacers that follow keep-with-next lines
;; (we are iterating backward, so the geometrically previous ln follows the spacer)
(for ([this-ln (in-list reversed-lines)]
[prev-ln (in-list (cdr reversed-lines))]
#:when (and (line-spacer? this-ln)
(quad-ref prev-ln 'keep-with-next)))
(make-nobreak! prev-ln)
(make-nobreak! this-ln)))
(define (apply-keeps lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines))
(for*/fold ([reversed-lines null]
#:result (begin
(finish-keep-with-next! reversed-lines)
(do-keep-with-next! reversed-lines)
(reverse reversed-lines)))
([group (in-list groups-of-lines)]
[group-len (in-value (length group))]
[(ln idx0) (in-indexed group)])
(define idx (add1 idx0))
;; always catch last line of block in this case
;; so later cases are guaranteed to have earlier lines.
[(= idx group-len)
(when (quad-ref ln 'keep-with-next)
(make-nobreak! ln))]
;; if we have 'keep-all we can skip 'keep-first and 'keep-last cases
[(quad-ref ln 'keep-all) (make-nobreak! ln)]
;; to keep n lines, we only paint the first n - 1
;; (because each nobr line sticks to the next)
[(let ([keep-first (quad-ref ln 'keep-first)])
(and (number? keep-first) (< idx keep-first)))
(make-nobreak! ln)]
[(let ([keep-last (quad-ref ln 'keep-last)])
(and (number? keep-last) (< (- group-len keep-last) idx)))
(make-nobreak! ln)])
;; always catch last line of block in this case
;; so later cases are guaranteed to have earlier lines.
(unless (= idx group-len)
;; if we have 'keep-all we can skip 'keep-first and 'keep-last cases
[(quad-ref ln 'keep-all) (make-nobreak! ln)]
;; to keep n lines, we only paint the first n - 1
;; (because each nobr line sticks to the next)
[(let ([keep-first (quad-ref ln 'keep-first)])
(and (number? keep-first) (< idx keep-first)))
(make-nobreak! ln)]
[(let ([keep-last (quad-ref ln 'keep-last)])
(and (number? keep-last) (< (- group-len keep-last) idx)))
(make-nobreak! ln)]))
(cons ln reversed-lines)))
(define zoom-mode? #f)