process the attrs
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/match
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (do-attr-iteration qs #:which-key predicate #:value-proc proc)
(define attrs-seen (make-hasheq))
(for ([q (in-list qs)])
(define attrs (quad-attrs q))
(hash-ref! attrs-seen attrs
(λ ()
(for ([k (in-hash-keys attrs)]
#:when (predicate k))
(hash-update! attrs k (λ (val) (proc val attrs))))
;; TODO: make real `has-case-sensitive-value?`
(define (has-case-sensitive-value? x) #false)
(define-pass (downcase-attr-values qs)
;; make attribute values lowercase, unless they're case-sensitive
;; so we can check them more easily later.
;; in principle we could do this earlier and recursively process a single quad
;; rather than linearized quads
;; it would be faster because there are fewer copies of the attr hashes,
;; so we do fewer tests
;; but let's stay with the pipeline policy of operating on flat lists of quads
#:pre (list-of quad?)
#:post (list-of quad?)
(do-attr-iteration qs
#:which-key (λ (k) (not (has-case-sensitive-value? k)))
#:value-proc (λ (val attrs) (string-downcase val))))
;; TODO: make real `takes-path?`
(define (takes-path? x) (memq x '(ps)))
(define-pass (complete-attr-paths qs)
#:pre (list-of quad?)
#:post (list-of quad?)
;; convert every pathlike thing to a complete path (well, path string, because it's inside an attr)
;; so we don't get tripped up later by relative paths
;; relies on `current-directory` being parameterized to source file's dir
(do-attr-iteration qs
#:which-key takes-path?
#:value-proc (λ (val attrs) (path->string (path->complete-path val)))))
;; TODO: make real `takes-dimension-string?`
(define (takes-dimension-string? x) (memq x '(dim)))
(define-pass (parse-dimension-strings qs)
#:pre (list-of quad?)
#:post (list-of quad?)
;; certain attributes can be "dimension strings", which are strings like "3in" or "4.2cm"
;; we parse them into the equivalent measurement in points.
(do-attr-iteration qs
#:which-key takes-dimension-string?
#:value-proc (λ (val attrs) (parse-dimension val attrs))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define q (make-quad #:attrs (make-hasheq '((foo . "BAR")(ps . "file.txt")(dim . "2in")))))
(define qs (list q))
(check-equal? (quad-ref (car (downcase-attr-values qs)) 'foo) "bar")
(check-true (complete-path? (string->path (quad-ref (car (complete-attr-paths qs)) 'ps))))
(check-equal? (quad-ref (car (parse-dimension-strings qs)) 'dim) 144))
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/match)
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; TODO: define :font-size properly
(define :font-size 'font-size)
(define (pica->pts prefix [suffix #false])
;; both pieces of measurement are either positive or negative
((if (negative? prefix) - +) (+ (* (abs prefix) 12) (or suffix 0))))
(define (cm->in x) (/ x 2.54))
(define (in->pts x) (* 72 x))
(define (mm->cm x) (/ x 10.0))
(define (parse-dimension x [em-resolution-attrs #false])
(define pica-pat (regexp "^(p|pica)(s)?$"))
(define (unit->converter-proc unit)
(match unit
[(regexp #rx"^(pt|point)(s)?$") values] ; points
[(regexp pica-pat) pica->pts] ; pica (no pts)
[(regexp #rx"^inch(es)?|in(s)?$") in->pts] ; inches
[(regexp #rx"^cm(s)?$") (compose1 in->pts cm->in)] ; cm
[(regexp #rx"^mm(s)?$") (compose1 in->pts cm->in mm->cm)] ; mm
[(regexp #rx"^em(s)?$")
#:when em-resolution-attrs
;; if we don't have attrs for resolving the em string, we ignore it
(λ (num) (* (hash-ref em-resolution-attrs :font-size) num))]
[_ #false]))
(define parsed-thing
(match x
[#false #false]
[(? number? num) num]
[(? string? str)
(match (regexp-match #px"^(-?[0-9\\.]+)\\s*([a-z]+)([0-9\\.]+)?$" (string-downcase str))
[(list str
(app string->number num)
(app unit->converter-proc converter-proc)
#false) ; prefix measurement (suffix is #false)
#:when (and converter-proc num)
(converter-proc num)]
[(list str
(app string->number prefix-num)
(and (regexp pica-pat) unit)
(app string->number suffix-num))
#:when (and prefix-num suffix-num) ; prefix + suffix measurement (only pica + point)
(pica->pts prefix-num suffix-num)]
[_ str])]))
(match parsed-thing
[(and (? integer?) (? inexact?)) (inexact->exact parsed-thing)]
[_ parsed-thing]))
Reference in New Issue