Merge remote-tracking branch 'pitfall/master'

Matthew Butterick 2 years ago
commit 92e4b970f7

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
name: "Build using Racket '${{ matrix.racket-version }}' (${{ matrix.racket-variant }})"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
racket-version: ["7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5", "7.6", "7.7", "7.8", "7.9", "current"]
racket-variant: ["BC", "CS"]
# CS builds are only provided for versions 7.4 and up so avoid
# running the job for prior versions.
- {racket-version: "7.1", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.2", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.3", racket-variant: "CS"}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
- uses: Bogdanp/setup-racket@v0.11
distribution: 'full'
version: ${{ matrix.racket-version }}
variant: ${{ matrix.racket-variant }}
- name: Install package and its dependencies
run: raco pkg install --auto --batch
- name: Run the tests
run: xvfb-run raco test -j 4 -p pitfall
- name: Run the ptests
run: xvfb-run racket -l ptest/all

pitfall/.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# for Racket
# for Mac OS X
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear on external disk

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MIT License for Pitfall (code only)
© 2017-2019 Matthew Butterick
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
## pitfall ![Build Status](
Racket library for generating PDFs. Based on [PDFKit](
## License
Fonts in `ptest` folder are under separate licenses included there.
## Project status
Actively developed, though its not clear what more needs to be done. Most of the functionality from PDFKit has been ported over. This project is built to support [Quad]( I have no plans to release it as a standalone library or write documentation. In truth, I dont know how a lot of this code works.

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Pitfall contains substantial portions of the following software:
Copyright (c) 2014 Devon Govett
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#lang info
(define collection 'multi)
(define version "0.0")
(define test-omit-paths '("ptest"))
(define deps '("draw-lib"
["base" #:version "7.1"]
(define build-deps '("debug"))
(define update-implies '("fontland"))

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# adapted from
# Thanks Greg!
language: c
sudo: false
- RACKET_DIR=~/racket
# You may want to test against certain versions of Racket, without
# having them count against the overall success/failure.
# Fast finish: Overall build result is determined as soon as any of
# its rows have failed, or, all of its rows that aren't allowed to
# fail have succeeded.
fast_finish: true
- git clone
- cat travis-racket/ | bash # pipe to bash not sh!
- export PATH="${RACKET_DIR}/bin:${PATH}" can't set for us
- cd .. # Travis did a cd into the dir. Back up, for the next:
# don't rely on package server
- travis_retry raco pkg install --deps search-auto
- raco test -p pitfall

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define annots-cache (make-hash))
(define link-ref-cache (make-hash))
(define (reset-annotations-cache!)
(set! link-ref-cache (make-hash))
(set! annots-cache (make-hash)))
(define (annotate doc x y w h options)
(hash-set*! options
'Type 'Annot
'Rect (convert-rect doc x y w h)
'Border '(0 0 0))
(unless (eq? (hash-ref options 'Subtype #f) 'Link)
(hash-ref! options 'C
(λ ()
(normalize-color (or (hash-ref options 'color #f) '(0 0 0))))))
(hash-remove! options 'color)
(for ([(k v) (in-hash options)])
(hash-set! options (string->symbol (string-titlecase (symbol->string k))) v))
;; reuse previous identical annotations (= fewer refs in file)
(define annots-ref
(hash-ref! annots-cache (sort (hash->list options) #:key car symbol<?)
(λ ()
(define new-ref (make-ref options))
(ref-end new-ref)
(page-annotations (current-page doc) annots-ref)
(define (convert-rect doc x1 y1 w h)
;; flip y1 and y2
(let ([y2 y1]
[y1 (+ y1 h)]
[x2 (+ x1 w)])
(match-define (list m0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5) (pdf-ctm doc))
(let* ([x1 (+ (* x1 m0) (* y1 m2) m4)]
[y1 (+ (* x1 m1) (* y1 m3) m5)]
[x2 (+ (* x2 m0) (* y2 m2) m4)]
[y2 (+ (* x2 m1) (* y2 m3) m5)])
(list x1 y1 x2 y2))))
(define (link doc x y w h url [options (mhasheq)])
;; reuse previous links (= fewer refs in file)
(define link-ref
(hash-ref! link-ref-cache url
(λ ()
(define link-ref (make-ref (mhasheq 'S 'URI 'URI url)))
(ref-end link-ref)
(hash-set*! options
'Subtype 'Link
'A link-ref)
(annotate doc x y w h options))

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#lang debug racket
(require rackunit (prefix-in zlib: fontland/zlib) fontland/table/cff/cff-top)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (xref-offset bs)
(match (regexp-match #px"(?<=startxref\n)\\d+" bs)
[(list val) (read (open-input-bytes val))]
[_ (error 'no-xref)]))
(define-syntax (pat-lex stx)
(syntax-case stx (else)
[(_ PORT [PAT . REST] ... [else ELSE-CLAUSE])
(with-syntax ([(REST ...)
(map (λ (stx) (syntax-case stx ()
[() #'(=> car)]
[_ stx])) (syntax->list #'(REST ...)))])
[(regexp-try-match (pregexp (string-append "^" PAT)) PORT) . REST] ... [else ELSE-CLAUSE]))]))
(define (between-delimiters bs left right)
(parameterize ([current-input-port (if (input-port? bs) bs (open-input-bytes bs))])
(let loop ([acc null][depth 0])
[(regexp-try-match (pregexp (string-append "^" (regexp-quote (~a left)))) (current-input-port))
=> (λ (m)
(loop (if (empty? acc)
acc ; impliedly throw away first left delimiter
(cons (car m) acc)) (add1 depth)))]
[(regexp-try-match (pregexp (string-append "^" (regexp-quote (~a right)))) (current-input-port))
=> (λ (m)
(case depth
[(1) (bytes-append* (reverse acc))]
[else (loop (cons (car m) acc) (sub1 depth))]))]
(define bstr (read-byte))
(and (not (eof-object? bstr))
(loop (if (zero? depth)
acc ; impliedly throw away leading non-delimiter bytes
(cons (bytes bstr) acc)) depth))]))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define bs #"a<<b<<c>>x<<z>>d>>e<<f>>g")
(check-equal? (between-delimiters bs #"<<" #">>") #"b<<c>>x<<z>>d")
(check-equal? (between-delimiters (between-delimiters bs #"<<" #">>") #"<<" #">>") #"c")
(check-false (between-delimiters #"abc" #"<<" #">>"))
(check-equal? (between-delimiters #"[a[b]c]" #"[" #"]") #"a[b]c")
(check-equal? (let ([ip (open-input-bytes #"<</foo 42>>z")])
(parse-1 ip)
(port->bytes ip)) #"z"))
(define excluded-keys
(list #"/Producer"
(define (parse-1 ip)
;; the complication is that arrays & dicts can contain other arrays & dicts
;; so we have to scan ahead in an intelligent way.
[(equal? (peek-bytes 1 0 ip) #"[") ;; array
(parse-pdf-bytes (between-delimiters ip #"[" #"]"))]
[(equal? (peek-bytes 2 0 ip) #"<<") ;; dict, maybe with stream
(define items (parse-pdf-bytes (between-delimiters ip #"<<" #">>")))
(unless (even? (length items)) (raise items))
(define dic
(sort ; put hash into order so it's comparable
(for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 items)]
;; suppress these keys so we can compare pdfkit & pitfall output
#:unless (member (car kv) excluded-keys))
(apply cons kv))
#:key car))
(cond ;; might have a stream
[(regexp-try-match #px"^\\s*stream\n" ip)
(define stream-length
(read (open-input-bytes (cdr (assoc #"/Length" dic)))))
(define compressed? (equal? (dict-ref dic #"/Filter" #f) #"/FlateDecode"))
(define stream ((if compressed? zlib:inflate values) (read-bytes stream-length ip)))
;; font subsets have their own interior structure, so ignore (maybe too lenient)
(define font? (equal? (subbytes stream 0 4) #"true"))
(append dic
(list (cons 'stream (if font? #"0" stream))))
;; compressed length may vary, so just set to #"0"
#"/Length" (λ (val) (cond
[(or font? compressed?) (bytes-length stream)]
[else val])))]
[else dic])]
(pat-lex ip
["\\s+" (parse-1 ip)] ; whitespace
["\\d+ 0 obj" (parse-1 ip)] ;; obj name
["\\d+ 0 R"] ; xref
["[-]?\\d*\\.\\d+"] ; real
["[-]?\\d+\\.?"] ; integer
["\\(.*?\\)"] ; parenstring
["/[A-Z]{6}(\\+\\S+)" => cadr] ; font keystring. prefix is random, so ignore
["/\\S+"] ; keystring
[else eof])]))
(define (parse-pdf-bytes bs)
(for/list ([tok (in-port parse-1 (open-input-bytes bs))])
(define (pdf->dict pdf)
(define pdf-bs (if (bytes? pdf) pdf (file->bytes pdf)))
(define xoff (xref-offset pdf-bs))
(define xref-ip (open-input-bytes (subbytes pdf-bs (+ xoff (bytes-length #"xref\n0")))))
(define ref-count (read xref-ip))
(define obj-locations
(sort ; sort by byte offset
(cdr ; drop zeroth record: there is no zeroth object
(for/list ([i (in-range ref-count)])
(cons i (read (open-input-bytes (car (regexp-match #px"\\d{10}" xref-ip)))))))
< #:key cdr)
(list (cons #f xoff))))
(sort ; sort by index
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes pdf-bs)])
(for/list ([(idx start) (in-dict obj-locations)]
[(_ end) (in-dict (cdr obj-locations))])
(cons idx (car (parse-pdf-bytes (peek-bytes (- end start) start))))))
< #:key car))
(define (dict-compare arg1 arg2 [obj-idx #f])
(define d1 (if (dict? arg1) arg1 (pdf->dict arg1)))
(define d2 (if (dict? arg2) arg2 (pdf->dict arg2)))
(unless (dict? d1)
(error "d1 is not a dict"))
(unless (dict? d2)
(error "d2 is not a dict"))
(unless (= (length d1) (length d2))
(error (format "dict lengths different in d1 (~a) and d2 (~a)" (length d1) (length d2))))
(for/and ([(k1 v1) (in-dict d1)]
[(k2 v2) (in-dict d2)])
(define current-object-idx (or obj-idx k1))
[(dict? v1) (dict-compare v1 v2 current-object-idx)]
[(not (equal? k1 k2))
(error (format "keys unequal in object ~a: ~a ≠ ~a" current-object-idx k1 k2))]
[(not (equal? v1 v2))
(error (format "values unequal in object ~a for key ~e: ~e ≠ ~e" current-object-idx k1 v1 v2))]
[else #true])))
(define-simple-check (check-headers-equal? ps1 ps2)
(equal? (peek-bytes 14 0 (open-input-file ps1))
(peek-bytes 14 0 (open-input-file ps2))))
(define-simple-check (check-pdfs-equal? ps1 ps2)
(dict-compare ps1 ps2))
(define-simple-check (check-font-subsets-equal? f1 f2)
(define misses null)
(define (dump val)
[(promise? val) 'promise-omitted]
[(vector? val) (dump (vector->list val))]
[(dict? val)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-dict (sort (dict->list val) #:key car symbol<?))])
(list k (dump v)))]
[(list? val) (map dump val)]
[else val]))
(define (cmp v1 v2)
[(and (list? v1) (list? v2))
(= (length v1) (length v2))
(for/and ([x1 (in-list v1)]
[x2 (in-list v2)])
(unless (cmp x1 x2)
(set! misses (cons (list v1 x1 v2 x2) misses)))))]
[else (equal? v1 v2)]))
(define ibs1 (dict-ref (dict-ref (pdf->dict f1) 8) 'stream))
(define cfftop1 (dump (send CFFTop x:decode (open-input-bytes ibs1))))
(define ibs2 (dict-ref (dict-ref (pdf->dict f2) 8) 'stream))
(define cfftop2 (dump (send CFFTop x:decode (open-input-bytes ibs2))))
(cmp cfftop1 cfftop2)
(check-true (null? misses)))
#;(module+ main
(for ([p (in-directory)]
#:when (path-has-extension? p #"pdf"))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) (println (format "~a failed" p)))])
(pdf->dict p))))

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (do-opacity doc [fill-arg #f] [stroke-arg #f])
(define fill-opacity (and fill-arg (bounded 0 fill-arg 1)))
(define stroke-opacity (and stroke-arg (bounded 0 stroke-arg 1)))
(when (or fill-opacity stroke-opacity)
(define key (format "~a_~a"
(if fill-opacity (numberizer fill-opacity) "")
(if stroke-opacity (numberizer stroke-opacity) "")))
(match-define (list dictionary name)
(hash-ref! (pdf-opacity-registry doc) key
(λ ()
(define dictionary (make-hasheq '((Type . ExtGState))))
(when fill-opacity
(hash-set! dictionary 'ca fill-opacity))
(when stroke-opacity
(hash-set! dictionary 'CA stroke-opacity))
(define ref-dict (make-ref dictionary))
(ref-end ref-dict)
(define opacity-index (add1 (length (hash-keys (pdf-opacity-registry doc)))))
(list ref-dict (string->symbol (format "Gs~a" opacity-index))))))
(hash-set! (page-ext_gstates (current-page doc)) name dictionary)
(add-content doc (format "/~a gs" name))))
(define (fill-color doc color [opacity 1])
(unless (normalize-color color)
(raise-argument-error 'fill-color "valid color string" color))
(when (set-color doc color #f) (fill-opacity doc opacity))
;; save this for text wrapper, which needs to reset
;; the fill color on new pages
(set-pdf-current-fill-color! doc (list color opacity))
(define (fill-opacity doc opacity)
(do-opacity doc opacity #f)
(define (set-color doc color-in stroke)
(define color (normalize-color color-in))
(define op (if stroke "SCN" "scn"))
[(not color)]
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient)
(set-color-space "Pattern" stroke)
(send color apply op)
#true] ; todo
(define color-space
(case (length color)
[(3) 'DeviceRGB]
[(4) 'DeviceCMYK]
[else (raise-argument-error 'set-color "color of length 3 or 4" color)]))
(set-color-space doc color-space stroke)
;; 181126 don't round, to be consistent with pdfkit behavior
(add-content doc (format "~a ~a" (string-join (map (λ (num) (numberizer num #:round #false)) color) " ") op))
(define (set-color-space doc space stroke)
(define op (if stroke "CS" "cs"))
(add-content doc (format "/~a ~a" space op)))
(define (stroke-color doc color [opacity 1])
(unless (normalize-color color)
(raise-argument-error 'stroke-color "valid color string" color))
(when (set-color doc color #t) (stroke-opacity doc opacity))
(define (stroke-opacity doc opacity)
(do-opacity doc #f opacity)
(define (normalize-color color)
;; parses color string into list of values
(match color
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient) color] ; todo
[(? string?)
[(regexp-match #px"^#(?i:[0-9A-F]){3}$" color) ; change #rgb to #rrggbb
(match-let ([(list hsh r g b) (string->list color)])
(list->string (list hsh r r g g b b))))]
;; 6-digit hexish string becomes list of hex numbers and maybe #f vals
[(and (= 7 (string-length color)) (string-prefix? color "#"))
; match two at a time and convert to hex
(match-let ([(list hsh r r2 g g2 b b2) (string->list color)])
(map (λ (str) (string->number str 16)) (list (string r r2) (string g g2) (string b b2)))))]
[(hash-ref named-colors (string-downcase color) #f) => normalize-color]
[else #false])]
[(list (? number?) ...) (for/list ([c (in-list color)])
(define x (/ c (case (length color)
[(3) 255.0] ; RGB
[(4) 100.0] ; CMYK
[else 1.0])))
(if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))]
[_ #false]))
(define named-colors
(hash "aliceblue" '(240 248 255)
"antiquewhite" '(250 235 215)
"aqua" '(0 255 255)
"aquamarine" '(127 255 212)
"azure" '(240 255 255)
"beige" '(245 245 220)
"bisque" '(255 228 196)
"black" '(0 0 0)
"blanchedalmond" '(255 235 205)
"blue" '(0 0 255)
"blueviolet" '(138 43 226)
"brown" '(165 42 42)
"burlywood" '(222 184 135)
"cadetblue" '(95 158 160)
"chartreuse" '(127 255 0)
"chocolate" '(210 105 30)
"coral" '(255 127 80)
"cornflowerblue" '(100 149 237)
"cornsilk" '(255 248 220)
"crimson" '(220 20 60)
"cyan" '(0 255 255)
"darkblue" '(0 0 139)
"darkcyan" '(0 139 139)
"darkgoldenrod" '(184 134 11)
"darkgray" '(169 169 169)
"darkgreen" '(0 100 0)
"darkgrey" '(169 169 169)
"darkkhaki" '(189 183 107)
"darkmagenta" '(139 0 139)
"darkolivegreen" '(85 107 47)
"darkorange" '(255 140 0)
"darkorchid" '(153 50 204)
"darkred" '(139 0 0)
"darksalmon" '(233 150 122)
"darkseagreen" '(143 188 143)
"darkslateblue" '(72 61 139)
"darkslategray" '(47 79 79)
"darkslategrey" '(47 79 79)
"darkturquoise" '(0 206 209)
"darkviolet" '(148 0 211)
"deeppink" '(255 20 147)
"deepskyblue" '(0 191 255)
"dimgray" '(105 105 105)
"dimgrey" '(105 105 105)
"dodgerblue" '(30 144 255)
"firebrick" '(178 34 34)
"floralwhite" '(255 250 240)
"forestgreen" '(34 139 34)
"fuchsia" '(255 0 255)
"gainsboro" '(220 220 220)
"ghostwhite" '(248 248 255)
"gold" '(255 215 0)
"goldenrod" '(218 165 32)
"gray" '(128 128 128)
"grey" '(128 128 128)
"green" '(0 128 0)
"greenyellow" '(173 255 47)
"honeydew" '(240 255 240)
"hotpink" '(255 105 180)
"indianred" '(205 92 92)
"indigo" '(75 0 130)
"ivory" '(255 255 240)
"khaki" '(240 230 140)
"lavender" '(230 230 250)
"lavenderblush" '(255 240 245)
"lawngreen" '(124 252 0)
"lemonchiffon" '(255 250 205)
"lightblue" '(173 216 230)
"lightcoral" '(240 128 128)
"lightcyan" '(224 255 255)
"lightgoldenrodyellow" '(250 250 210)
"lightgray" '(211 211 211)
"lightgreen" '(144 238 144)
"lightgrey" '(211 211 211)
"lightpink" '(255 182 193)
"lightsalmon" '(255 160 122)
"lightseagreen" '(32 178 170)
"lightskyblue" '(135 206 250)
"lightslategray" '(119 136 153)
"lightslategrey" '(119 136 153)
"lightsteelblue" '(176 196 222)
"lightyellow" '(255 255 224)
"lime" '(0 255 0)
"limegreen" '(50 205 50)
"linen" '(250 240 230)
"magenta" '(255 0 255)
"maroon" '(128 0 0)
"mediumaquamarine" '(102 205 170)
"mediumblue" '(0 0 205)
"mediumorchid" '(186 85 211)
"mediumpurple" '(147 112 219)
"mediumseagreen" '(60 179 113)
"mediumslateblue" '(123 104 238)
"mediumspringgreen" '(0 250 154)
"mediumturquoise" '(72 209 204)
"mediumvioletred" '(199 21 133)
"midnightblue" '(25 25 112)
"mintcream" '(245 255 250)
"mistyrose" '(255 228 225)
"moccasin" '(255 228 181)
"navajowhite" '(255 222 173)
"navy" '(0 0 128)
"oldlace" '(253 245 230)
"olive" '(128 128 0)
"olivedrab" '(107 142 35)
"orange" '(255 165 0)
"orangered" '(255 69 0)
"orchid" '(218 112 214)
"palegoldenrod" '(238 232 170)
"palegreen" '(152 251 152)
"paleturquoise" '(175 238 238)
"palevioletred" '(219 112 147)
"papayawhip" '(255 239 213)
"peachpuff" '(255 218 185)
"peru" '(205 133 63)
"pink" '(255 192 203)
"plum" '(221 160 221)
"powderblue" '(176 224 230)
"purple" '(128 0 128)
"red" '(255 0 0)
"rosybrown" '(188 143 143)
"royalblue" '(65 105 225)
"saddlebrown" '(139 69 19)
"salmon" '(250 128 114)
"sandybrown" '(244 164 96)
"seagreen" '(46 139 87)
"seashell" '(255 245 238)
"sienna" '(160 82 45)
"silver" '(192 192 192)
"skyblue" '(135 206 235)
"slateblue" '(106 90 205)
"slategray" '(112 128 144)
"slategrey" '(112 128 144)
"snow" '(255 250 250)
"springgreen" '(0 255 127)
"steelblue" '(70 130 180)
"tan" '(210 180 140)
"teal" '(0 128 128)
"thistle" '(216 191 216)
"tomato" '(255 99 71)
"turquoise" '(64 224 208)
"violet" '(238 130 238)
"wheat" '(245 222 179)
"white" '(255 255 255)
"whitesmoke" '(245 245 245)
"yellow" '(255 255 0)
"yellowgreen" '(154 205 50)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (normalize-color "#6699Cc") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (normalize-color "#88aaCCC"))
(check-equal? (normalize-color "#69C") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-equal? (normalize-color "#69c") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (normalize-color "#8aCC"))
(check-equal? (normalize-color "aqua") '(0 1 1)))

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match racket/port racket/dict racket/struct)
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; structs
(define verbose-pitfall-printing? (make-parameter #f))
(struct pdf (pages
output-path) #:transparent #:mutable
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(λ (obj) 'pitfall-pdf)
(λ (obj) (append
(list (pdf-output-path obj))
(if (verbose-pitfall-printing?)
(list 'other-pdf-fields)
(struct pdf-font (name
measure-string) #:transparent #:mutable
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(λ (obj) 'pitfall-font)
(λ (obj) (append
(list (pdf-font-name obj))
(if (verbose-pitfall-printing?)
(list 'other-pdf-font-fields)
;; for JPEG and PNG
(struct $img (data label width height ref embed-proc) #:transparent #:mutable)
;; for reference
(struct $ref (id payload offset port) #:transparent #:mutable
#:methods gen:dict
[(define (dict-ref ref key [thunk (λ () (error 'dict-ref-key-not-found))])
(hash-ref ($ref-payload ref) key))
(define (dict-ref! ref key thunk)
(hash-ref! ($ref-payload ref) key thunk))
(define (dict-set! ref key val) (hash-set! ($ref-payload ref) key val))
(define (dict-update! ref key updater [failure-result (λ () (error 'update-no-key))])
(hash-update! ($ref-payload ref) key updater failure-result))])
;; params
(define test-mode (make-parameter #f))
(define current-compress-streams (make-parameter #f))
(define current-pdf-version (make-parameter 1.3))
(define current-auto-first-page (make-parameter #t))
(define current-auto-helvetica (make-parameter #t))
(define current-font (make-parameter #f))
(define current-font-size (make-parameter 12))
;; helpers
(define (round-js-style n)
;; always round up on 0.5
;; contra racket, which rounds toward even on 0.5
(let* ([n (* n 1e6)]
[r (round n)])
(/ (if (= .5 (- n r))
(add1 r)
(define (numberizer x #:round [round? #true])
(unless (and (number? x) (< -1e21 x 1e21))
(raise-argument-error 'number "valid number" x))
(let ([x (if round? (round-js-style x) x)])
(number->string (if (integer? x)
(inexact->exact x)
(define (to-bytes x)
(match x
[(? bytes?) x]
[(? input-port?) (port->bytes x)]
[_ (string->bytes/latin-1 (string-append x "\n"))]))
(define (write-bytes-out x)
(void (write-bytes (to-bytes x))))
(define (bounded low x high)
(if (high . < . low)
(bounded high x low)
(max low (min high x))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (bounded 0 2 1) 1)
(check-equal? (bounded 1 2 0) 1)
(check-equal? (bounded 0 -2 1) 0)
(check-equal? (bounded 1 -2 0) 0)
(check-equal? (bounded 0 .5 1) 0.5)
(check-equal? (bounded 0 0 1) 0)
(check-equal? (bounded 0 1 1) 1))

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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 560 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 47 0 580 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 30 -15 570 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 62 0 539 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 539 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 594 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -206 560 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 77 -250 523 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 47 -15 532 703 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 40 -199 563 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 4 -199 596 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 609 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 609 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 40 -15 563 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 81 0 520 661 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 35 -15 570 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 68 -17 535 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 523 618 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 22 -18 578 780 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -14 -142 570 626 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 22 -18 578 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B -1 -142 569 439 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 523 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 30 -15 668 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 25 -199 576 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 20 -15 591 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 47 -206 553 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 597 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 599 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 578 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -9 230 749 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 40 -15 563 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 523 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 523 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 637 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 30 -15 570 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 592 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 4 -18 638 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 560 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 40 -15 563 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 30 -146 580 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B -56 -60 656 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 47 -22 553 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 47 -250 553 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 22 -18 628 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 86 243 474 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 22 -18 560 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B -19 -104 473 778 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 594 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 580 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 610 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 30 -15 570 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 24 -250 599 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 39 -250 578 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 609 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B -9 -199 625 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 609 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -18 578 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 520 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 560 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 523 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 20 -250 585 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 71 203 529 313 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 523 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 592 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 532 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 71 103 529 413 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 30 -15 570 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B -1 -15 569 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 12 -47 537 563 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 30 -146 580 714 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 58 -27 543 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 520 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 592 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 153 230 447 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 523 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 56 ; WX 600 ; N eight ; B 115 -15 604 616 ;
C 57 ; WX 600 ; N nine ; B 75 -15 592 616 ;
C 58 ; WX 600 ; N colon ; B 205 -15 480 425 ;
C 59 ; WX 600 ; N semicolon ; B 99 -111 481 425 ;
C 60 ; WX 600 ; N less ; B 120 15 613 501 ;
C 61 ; WX 600 ; N equal ; B 96 118 614 398 ;
C 62 ; WX 600 ; N greater ; B 97 15 589 501 ;
C 63 ; WX 600 ; N question ; B 183 -14 592 580 ;
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C 65 ; WX 600 ; N A ; B -9 0 632 562 ;
C 66 ; WX 600 ; N B ; B 30 0 630 562 ;
C 67 ; WX 600 ; N C ; B 74 -18 675 580 ;
C 68 ; WX 600 ; N D ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C 69 ; WX 600 ; N E ; B 25 0 670 562 ;
C 70 ; WX 600 ; N F ; B 39 0 684 562 ;
C 71 ; WX 600 ; N G ; B 74 -18 675 580 ;
C 72 ; WX 600 ; N H ; B 20 0 700 562 ;
C 73 ; WX 600 ; N I ; B 77 0 643 562 ;
C 74 ; WX 600 ; N J ; B 58 -18 721 562 ;
C 75 ; WX 600 ; N K ; B 21 0 692 562 ;
C 76 ; WX 600 ; N L ; B 39 0 636 562 ;
C 77 ; WX 600 ; N M ; B -2 0 722 562 ;
C 78 ; WX 600 ; N N ; B 8 -12 730 562 ;
C 79 ; WX 600 ; N O ; B 74 -18 645 580 ;
C 80 ; WX 600 ; N P ; B 48 0 643 562 ;
C 81 ; WX 600 ; N Q ; B 83 -138 636 580 ;
C 82 ; WX 600 ; N R ; B 24 0 617 562 ;
C 83 ; WX 600 ; N S ; B 54 -22 673 582 ;
C 84 ; WX 600 ; N T ; B 86 0 679 562 ;
C 85 ; WX 600 ; N U ; B 101 -18 716 562 ;
C 86 ; WX 600 ; N V ; B 84 0 733 562 ;
C 87 ; WX 600 ; N W ; B 79 0 738 562 ;
C 88 ; WX 600 ; N X ; B 12 0 690 562 ;
C 89 ; WX 600 ; N Y ; B 109 0 709 562 ;
C 90 ; WX 600 ; N Z ; B 62 0 637 562 ;
C 91 ; WX 600 ; N bracketleft ; B 223 -102 606 616 ;
C 92 ; WX 600 ; N backslash ; B 222 -77 496 626 ;
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C 96 ; WX 600 ; N quoteleft ; B 297 277 487 562 ;
C 97 ; WX 600 ; N a ; B 61 -15 593 454 ;
C 98 ; WX 600 ; N b ; B 13 -15 636 626 ;
C 99 ; WX 600 ; N c ; B 81 -15 631 459 ;
C 100 ; WX 600 ; N d ; B 60 -15 645 626 ;
C 101 ; WX 600 ; N e ; B 81 -15 605 454 ;
C 102 ; WX 600 ; N f ; B 83 0 677 626 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
C 103 ; WX 600 ; N g ; B 40 -146 674 454 ;
C 104 ; WX 600 ; N h ; B 18 0 615 626 ;
C 105 ; WX 600 ; N i ; B 77 0 546 658 ;
C 106 ; WX 600 ; N j ; B 36 -146 580 658 ;
C 107 ; WX 600 ; N k ; B 33 0 643 626 ;
C 108 ; WX 600 ; N l ; B 77 0 546 626 ;
C 109 ; WX 600 ; N m ; B -22 0 649 454 ;
C 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 18 0 615 454 ;
C 111 ; WX 600 ; N o ; B 71 -15 622 454 ;
C 112 ; WX 600 ; N p ; B -32 -142 622 454 ;
C 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 60 -142 685 454 ;
C 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 47 0 655 454 ;
C 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 66 -17 608 459 ;
C 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 118 -15 567 562 ;
C 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B 70 -15 592 439 ;
C 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B 70 0 695 439 ;
C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 53 0 712 439 ;
C 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 671 439 ;
C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -21 -142 695 439 ;
C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 614 439 ;
C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 203 -102 595 616 ;
C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 201 -250 505 750 ;
C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 114 -102 506 616 ;
C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 120 153 590 356 ;
C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 196 -146 477 449 ;
C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 121 -49 605 614 ;
C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 106 -28 650 611 ;
C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 22 -60 708 661 ;
C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 98 0 710 562 ;
C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -57 -131 702 616 ;
C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 74 -70 620 580 ;
C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 77 49 644 517 ;
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C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 165 70 514 446 ;
C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 12 0 644 626 ;
C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 12 0 644 626 ;
C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 108 203 602 313 ;
C 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 175 -70 586 580 ;
C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 121 -70 587 580 ;
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C 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 312 508 609 661 ;
C 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 212 483 607 657 ;
C 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 199 493 643 636 ;
C 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 195 505 637 585 ;
C 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 217 468 652 631 ;
C 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 348 498 493 638 ;
C 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 246 498 595 638 ;
C 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 319 481 528 678 ;
C 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 168 -206 368 0 ;
C 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 171 488 729 661 ;
C 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 143 -199 367 0 ;
C 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 238 493 633 667 ;
C 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 33 203 677 313 ;
C 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B -29 0 708 562 ;
C 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 188 196 526 580 ;
C 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 39 0 636 562 ;
C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 48 -22 673 584 ;
C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 26 0 701 562 ;
C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 188 196 543 580 ;
C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 21 -15 652 454 ;
C 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 77 0 546 439 ;
C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 77 0 587 626 ;
C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 54 -24 638 463 ;
C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 18 -15 662 454 ;
C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -15 629 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 643 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 81 -15 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 61 -15 658 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 70 -15 769 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 109 0 709 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 114 16 596 500 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 109 0 709 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 632 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 61 -15 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 101 -18 716 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -21 -142 695 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 66 -250 608 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 81 -15 607 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 101 -18 716 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 101 -18 716 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 61 -199 593 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 70 -199 592 439 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 670 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 151 -250 385 -57 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 25 0 670 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 61 -15 593 678 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 8 -250 730 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 77 0 639 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 61 -15 593 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 86 -250 679 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 74 -18 675 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 61 -15 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 25 0 670 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 66 -17 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 66 -206 608 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 145 0 614 740 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 24 0 659 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 74 -250 675 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 70 -15 597 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 61 -15 607 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B -9 0 633 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 47 0 655 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 81 -206 631 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 62 0 637 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 620 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 74 -18 663 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 24 0 665 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 54 -22 673 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 60 -15 861 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 101 -18 716 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 70 -15 592 678 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 193 222 526 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 632 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B -9 0 684 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 104 39 606 478 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 70 -15 599 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 86 0 679 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 91 -38 627 728 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -21 -142 695 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 8 -12 730 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 77 0 577 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 670 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 61 -15 595 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 81 -15 649 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 18 0 639 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 70 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 8 -12 730 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 643 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 76 24 614 515 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 217 -175 489 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 74 -18 684 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 77 0 643 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 672 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 670 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 47 0 655 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 71 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 62 0 665 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 659 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 627 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 74 -206 675 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 77 -250 546 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 118 -15 627 703 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 81 -199 605 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 101 -199 716 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 655 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 632 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 81 -15 605 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 81 0 614 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 77 -199 546 658 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 71 -15 649 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 61 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 66 -17 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 561 618 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 74 -18 645 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 594 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -32 -142 622 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 191 230 542 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 74 -18 645 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 49 -142 592 439 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 546 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 71 -15 809 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 25 -199 670 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 60 -15 712 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -60 699 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 54 -206 673 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 731 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 692 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 636 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 86 230 869 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 643 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 663 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 757 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 22 -60 716 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 671 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 71 -15 622 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -18 805 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 670 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 81 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 40 -146 674 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 13 -60 707 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 54 -22 689 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 54 -250 673 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 74 -18 795 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 173 243 570 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 71 -15 622 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 74 -18 689 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 70 -15 592 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 67 -104 635 778 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 664 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 655 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 730 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 71 -15 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 24 -250 617 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 39 -250 636 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 669 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B -9 -199 632 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 632 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 74 -18 669 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 614 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 670 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 643 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 33 -250 643 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 114 203 596 313 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 643 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 118 -250 567 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 135 103 617 413 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 71 -15 622 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 70 -15 595 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 30 -47 626 563 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 40 -146 674 714 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 93 -27 661 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 643 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 615 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 212 230 514 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 575 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 26 0 585 441 ;
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C 112 ; WX 600 ; N p ; B -24 -157 605 441 ;
C 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 85 -157 682 441 ;
C 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 60 0 636 441 ;
C 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 78 -15 584 441 ;
C 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 167 -15 561 561 ;
C 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B 101 -15 572 426 ;
C 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B 90 -10 681 426 ;
C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 76 -10 695 426 ;
C 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 20 0 655 426 ;
C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -4 -157 683 426 ;
C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 99 0 593 426 ;
C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 233 -108 569 622 ;
C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 222 -250 485 750 ;
C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 140 -108 477 622 ;
C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 116 197 600 320 ;
C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 225 -157 445 430 ;
C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 151 -49 588 614 ;
C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 124 -21 621 611 ;
C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 84 -57 646 665 ;
C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 120 0 693 562 ;
C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -26 -143 671 622 ;
C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 104 -78 590 580 ;
C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 94 58 628 506 ;
C 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 345 328 460 562 ;
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C 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 92 70 652 446 ;
C 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 204 70 540 446 ;
C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 170 70 506 446 ;
C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 3 0 619 629 ;
C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 3 0 619 629 ;
C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 124 231 586 285 ;
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C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 163 -78 546 580 ;
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C 191 ; WX 600 ; N questiondown ; B 105 -157 466 430 ;
C 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 294 497 484 672 ;
C 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 348 497 612 672 ;
C 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 229 477 581 654 ;
C 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 212 489 629 606 ;
C 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 232 525 600 565 ;
C 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 279 501 576 609 ;
C 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 373 537 478 640 ;
C 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 272 537 579 640 ;
C 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 332 463 500 627 ;
C 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 197 -151 344 10 ;
C 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 239 497 683 672 ;
C 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 189 -172 377 4 ;
C 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 262 492 614 669 ;
C 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 49 231 661 285 ;
C 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B 3 0 655 562 ;
C 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 209 249 512 580 ;
C 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 47 0 607 562 ;
C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 94 -80 625 629 ;
C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 59 0 672 562 ;
C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 210 249 535 580 ;
C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 41 -15 626 441 ;
C 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 515 426 ;
C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 587 629 ;
C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 102 -80 588 506 ;
C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 54 -15 615 441 ;
C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 617 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 623 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 76 -15 576 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -15 723 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 133 0 695 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 136 48 573 467 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 133 0 695 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 607 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 76 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 125 -18 702 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -157 683 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 78 -250 584 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 106 -15 598 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 125 -18 702 760 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 125 -18 702 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 76 -172 569 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 101 -172 572 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 660 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 43 0 645 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 145 -250 323 -58 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 660 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 76 -15 569 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 712 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 76 -15 569 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 108 -250 665 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 93 -18 655 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 76 -15 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 660 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 78 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 78 -151 584 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 94 0 519 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 642 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 83 -250 645 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 101 -15 572 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 76 -15 581 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 607 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 636 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 106 -151 614 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 610 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 606 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 94 -18 628 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 76 -20 650 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 85 -15 849 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 125 -18 702 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 101 -15 572 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 213 240 501 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 94 -18 625 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 607 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 607 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 103 43 607 470 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 101 -15 602 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 108 0 665 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 45 -38 546 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -157 683 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 712 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 551 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 660 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 76 -15 575 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 602 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 101 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 712 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 96 44 594 558 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 238 -175 469 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 83 -18 645 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 623 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 670 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 660 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 636 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 102 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 642 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 594 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 43 0 645 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 93 -151 658 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 515 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 167 -15 587 717 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 106 -172 598 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 124 -172 702 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 660 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 607 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 106 -15 598 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 515 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 94 -18 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 102 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 76 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 78 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 545 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 94 -18 625 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -24 -157 605 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 230 249 535 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 94 -18 625 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 72 -157 572 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 515 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 102 -15 723 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 660 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 85 -15 704 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 73 -56 659 666 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 76 -151 650 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 667 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 671 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 607 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 75 263 742 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 623 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 628 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 632 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 65 -57 669 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 645 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 102 -15 588 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 125 -18 761 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 106 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 61 -157 657 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 65 -57 674 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 76 -20 672 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 76 -250 650 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 94 -18 751 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 214 269 576 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 102 -15 588 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 93 -18 672 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 101 -15 572 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 85 -15 765 792 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 645 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 636 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 712 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 102 -15 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 598 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 607 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 655 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 607 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 607 750 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 94 -18 655 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 593 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 660 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 623 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 58 -250 633 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 129 232 580 283 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 623 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 165 -250 561 561 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 155 108 591 369 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 102 -15 588 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 101 -15 575 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 43 -16 621 529 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 61 -157 657 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 102 -15 639 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 624 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 585 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 231 249 491 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 543 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 43 -80 557 629 ;
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C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 157 249 443 580 ;
C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 19 -15 570 441 ;
C 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 505 426 ;
C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 505 629 ;
C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 62 -80 538 506 ;
C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 19 -15 559 441 ;
C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 588 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 504 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 53 -15 559 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 21 -15 580 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 66 -15 548 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 24 0 576 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 87 48 513 467 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 24 0 576 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 597 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 17 -18 583 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B 7 -157 592 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 80 -250 513 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 66 -15 548 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 17 -18 583 760 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 17 -18 583 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 53 -172 587 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 21 -172 590 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 550 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 574 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 198 -250 335 -58 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 550 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 66 -15 529 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 53 -15 559 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 593 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 505 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 563 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 41 -18 540 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 53 -15 559 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 550 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 80 -15 513 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 80 -151 513 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 505 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 18 0 443 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 588 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 31 -250 575 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 21 -15 562 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 53 -15 559 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 597 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 559 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 66 -151 529 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 514 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 538 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 43 -18 557 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 588 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 72 -20 529 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 45 -15 715 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 17 -18 583 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 21 -15 562 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 155 240 406 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 597 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 597 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 87 43 515 470 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 38 0 563 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 17 -38 459 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B 7 -157 592 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 593 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 94 0 505 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 550 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 53 -15 559 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 66 -15 529 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 575 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 21 -15 562 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 593 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 504 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 87 44 513 558 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 -175 326 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 31 -18 575 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 504 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 585 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 550 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 62 -15 538 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 514 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 514 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 574 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 41 -151 540 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 505 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 87 -15 530 717 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 66 -172 548 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 17 -172 583 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 597 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 597 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 502 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 505 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 53 -15 559 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 80 -15 513 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 505 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 43 -18 557 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -6 -157 555 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 177 249 424 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 43 -18 557 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 21 -157 562 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 505 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 62 -15 580 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 561 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 45 -15 591 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -56 593 666 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 72 -151 529 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 533 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 582 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 554 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -23 263 623 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 504 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 504 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 554 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 0 -57 611 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 62 -15 538 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 575 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 17 -18 590 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 550 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 66 -15 548 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 45 -157 566 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 0 -57 600 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 72 -20 529 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 72 -250 529 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 43 -18 580 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 123 269 477 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 41 -18 540 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 3 -15 597 792 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 574 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 559 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 593 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 62 -15 538 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 588 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 554 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 597 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 608 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 597 750 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 43 -18 557 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 502 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 550 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 504 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 43 -250 580 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 80 232 520 283 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 504 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 575 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 87 -250 530 561 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 87 108 513 369 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 62 -15 538 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 21 -15 562 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 15 -16 540 529 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 45 -157 566 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 62 -15 538 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 502 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 575 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 172 249 428 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 505 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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C 32 ; WX 250 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
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C 62 ; WX 549 ; N greater ; B 26 0 523 522 ;
C 63 ; WX 444 ; N question ; B 70 -17 412 686 ;
C 64 ; WX 549 ; N congruent ; B 11 0 537 475 ;
C 65 ; WX 722 ; N Alpha ; B 4 0 684 673 ;
C 66 ; WX 667 ; N Beta ; B 29 0 592 673 ;
C 67 ; WX 722 ; N Chi ; B -9 0 704 673 ;
C 68 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;
C 69 ; WX 611 ; N Epsilon ; B 32 0 617 673 ;
C 70 ; WX 763 ; N Phi ; B 26 0 741 673 ;
C 71 ; WX 603 ; N Gamma ; B 24 0 609 673 ;
C 72 ; WX 722 ; N Eta ; B 39 0 729 673 ;
C 73 ; WX 333 ; N Iota ; B 32 0 316 673 ;
C 74 ; WX 631 ; N theta1 ; B 18 -18 623 689 ;
C 75 ; WX 722 ; N Kappa ; B 35 0 722 673 ;
C 76 ; WX 686 ; N Lambda ; B 6 0 680 688 ;
C 77 ; WX 889 ; N Mu ; B 28 0 887 673 ;
C 78 ; WX 722 ; N Nu ; B 29 -8 720 673 ;
C 79 ; WX 722 ; N Omicron ; B 41 -17 715 685 ;
C 80 ; WX 768 ; N Pi ; B 25 0 745 673 ;
C 81 ; WX 741 ; N Theta ; B 41 -17 715 685 ;
C 82 ; WX 556 ; N Rho ; B 28 0 563 673 ;
C 83 ; WX 592 ; N Sigma ; B 5 0 589 673 ;
C 84 ; WX 611 ; N Tau ; B 33 0 607 673 ;
C 85 ; WX 690 ; N Upsilon ; B -8 0 694 673 ;
C 86 ; WX 439 ; N sigma1 ; B 40 -233 436 500 ;
C 87 ; WX 768 ; N Omega ; B 34 0 736 688 ;
C 88 ; WX 645 ; N Xi ; B 40 0 599 673 ;
C 89 ; WX 795 ; N Psi ; B 15 0 781 684 ;
C 90 ; WX 611 ; N Zeta ; B 44 0 636 673 ;
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C 96 ; WX 500 ; N radicalex ; B 480 881 1090 917 ;
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C 99 ; WX 549 ; N chi ; B 12 -231 522 499 ;
C 100 ; WX 494 ; N delta ; B 40 -19 481 740 ;
C 101 ; WX 439 ; N epsilon ; B 22 -19 427 502 ;
C 102 ; WX 521 ; N phi ; B 28 -224 492 673 ;
C 103 ; WX 411 ; N gamma ; B 5 -225 484 499 ;
C 104 ; WX 603 ; N eta ; B 0 -202 527 514 ;
C 105 ; WX 329 ; N iota ; B 0 -17 301 503 ;
C 106 ; WX 603 ; N phi1 ; B 36 -224 587 499 ;
C 107 ; WX 549 ; N kappa ; B 33 0 558 501 ;
C 108 ; WX 549 ; N lambda ; B 24 -17 548 739 ;
C 109 ; WX 576 ; N mu ; B 33 -223 567 500 ;
C 110 ; WX 521 ; N nu ; B -9 -16 475 507 ;
C 111 ; WX 549 ; N omicron ; B 35 -19 501 499 ;
C 112 ; WX 549 ; N pi ; B 10 -19 530 487 ;
C 113 ; WX 521 ; N theta ; B 43 -17 485 690 ;
C 114 ; WX 549 ; N rho ; B 50 -230 490 499 ;
C 115 ; WX 603 ; N sigma ; B 30 -21 588 500 ;
C 116 ; WX 439 ; N tau ; B 10 -19 418 500 ;
C 117 ; WX 576 ; N upsilon ; B 7 -18 535 507 ;
C 118 ; WX 713 ; N omega1 ; B 12 -18 671 583 ;
C 119 ; WX 686 ; N omega ; B 42 -17 684 500 ;
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C 121 ; WX 686 ; N psi ; B 12 -228 701 500 ;
C 122 ; WX 494 ; N zeta ; B 60 -225 467 756 ;
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C 124 ; WX 200 ; N bar ; B 65 -293 135 707 ;
C 125 ; WX 480 ; N braceright ; B 79 -183 418 673 ;
C 126 ; WX 549 ; N similar ; B 17 203 529 307 ;
C 160 ; WX 750 ; N Euro ; B 20 -12 714 685 ;
C 161 ; WX 620 ; N Upsilon1 ; B -2 0 610 685 ;
C 162 ; WX 247 ; N minute ; B 27 459 228 735 ;
C 163 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 526 639 ;
C 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -180 -12 340 677 ;
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C 167 ; WX 753 ; N club ; B 86 -26 660 533 ;
C 168 ; WX 753 ; N diamond ; B 142 -36 600 550 ;
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C 177 ; WX 549 ; N plusminus ; B 10 0 539 645 ;
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C 182 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 26 -20 462 746 ;
C 183 ; WX 460 ; N bullet ; B 50 113 410 473 ;
C 184 ; WX 549 ; N divide ; B 10 71 536 456 ;
C 185 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 15 -25 540 549 ;
C 186 ; WX 549 ; N equivalence ; B 14 82 538 443 ;
C 187 ; WX 549 ; N approxequal ; B 14 135 527 394 ;
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C 208 ; WX 768 ; N angle ; B 26 0 738 673 ;
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C 225 ; WX 329 ; N angleleft ; B 25 -198 306 746 ;
C 226 ; WX 790 ; N registersans ; B 50 -20 740 670 ;
C 227 ; WX 790 ; N copyrightsans ; B 49 -15 739 675 ;
C 228 ; WX 786 ; N trademarksans ; B 5 293 725 673 ;
C 229 ; WX 713 ; N summation ; B 14 -108 695 752 ;
C 230 ; WX 384 ; N parenlefttp ; B 24 -293 436 926 ;
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C 232 ; WX 384 ; N parenleftbt ; B 24 -293 436 926 ;
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C 235 ; WX 384 ; N bracketleftbt ; B 0 -80 349 926 ;
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C 238 ; WX 494 ; N braceleftbt ; B 209 -75 445 935 ;
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C 241 ; WX 329 ; N angleright ; B 21 -198 302 746 ;
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C 247 ; WX 384 ; N parenrightex ; B 382 -85 466 925 ;
C 248 ; WX 384 ; N parenrightbt ; B 54 -293 466 926 ;
C 249 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrighttp ; B 22 -80 371 926 ;
C 250 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrightex ; B 294 -79 371 925 ;
C 251 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrightbt ; B 22 -80 371 926 ;
C 252 ; WX 494 ; N bracerighttp ; B 48 -85 284 925 ;
C 253 ; WX 494 ; N bracerightmid ; B 209 -85 473 935 ;
C 254 ; WX 494 ; N bracerightbt ; B 48 -75 284 935 ;
C -1 ; WX 790 ; N apple ; B 56 -3 733 808 ;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
StartFontMetrics 4.1
Comment Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Comment Creation Date: Thu May 1 15:14:13 1997
Comment UniqueID 43082
Comment VMusage 45775 55535
FontName ZapfDingbats
FullName ITC Zapf Dingbats
FamilyName ZapfDingbats
Weight Medium
ItalicAngle 0
IsFixedPitch false
CharacterSet Special
FontBBox -1 -143 981 820
UnderlinePosition -100
UnderlineThickness 50
Version 002.000
Notice Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Zapf Dingbats is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.
EncodingScheme FontSpecific
StdHW 28
StdVW 90
StartCharMetrics 202
C 32 ; WX 278 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
C 33 ; WX 974 ; N a1 ; B 35 72 939 621 ;
C 34 ; WX 961 ; N a2 ; B 35 81 927 611 ;
C 35 ; WX 974 ; N a202 ; B 35 72 939 621 ;
C 36 ; WX 980 ; N a3 ; B 35 0 945 692 ;
C 37 ; WX 719 ; N a4 ; B 34 139 685 566 ;
C 38 ; WX 789 ; N a5 ; B 35 -14 755 705 ;
C 39 ; WX 790 ; N a119 ; B 35 -14 755 705 ;
C 40 ; WX 791 ; N a118 ; B 35 -13 761 705 ;
C 41 ; WX 690 ; N a117 ; B 34 138 655 553 ;
C 42 ; WX 960 ; N a11 ; B 35 123 925 568 ;
C 43 ; WX 939 ; N a12 ; B 35 134 904 559 ;
C 44 ; WX 549 ; N a13 ; B 29 -11 516 705 ;
C 45 ; WX 855 ; N a14 ; B 34 59 820 632 ;
C 46 ; WX 911 ; N a15 ; B 35 50 876 642 ;
C 47 ; WX 933 ; N a16 ; B 35 139 899 550 ;
C 48 ; WX 911 ; N a105 ; B 35 50 876 642 ;
C 49 ; WX 945 ; N a17 ; B 35 139 909 553 ;
C 50 ; WX 974 ; N a18 ; B 35 104 938 587 ;
C 51 ; WX 755 ; N a19 ; B 34 -13 721 705 ;
C 52 ; WX 846 ; N a20 ; B 36 -14 811 705 ;
C 53 ; WX 762 ; N a21 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 54 ; WX 761 ; N a22 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 55 ; WX 571 ; N a23 ; B -1 -68 571 661 ;
C 56 ; WX 677 ; N a24 ; B 36 -13 642 705 ;
C 57 ; WX 763 ; N a25 ; B 35 0 728 692 ;
C 58 ; WX 760 ; N a26 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
C 59 ; WX 759 ; N a27 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 60 ; WX 754 ; N a28 ; B 35 0 720 692 ;
C 61 ; WX 494 ; N a6 ; B 35 0 460 692 ;
C 62 ; WX 552 ; N a7 ; B 35 0 517 692 ;
C 63 ; WX 537 ; N a8 ; B 35 0 503 692 ;
C 64 ; WX 577 ; N a9 ; B 35 96 542 596 ;
C 65 ; WX 692 ; N a10 ; B 35 -14 657 705 ;
C 66 ; WX 786 ; N a29 ; B 35 -14 751 705 ;
C 67 ; WX 788 ; N a30 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
C 68 ; WX 788 ; N a31 ; B 35 -14 753 705 ;
C 69 ; WX 790 ; N a32 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
C 70 ; WX 793 ; N a33 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
C 71 ; WX 794 ; N a34 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
C 72 ; WX 816 ; N a35 ; B 35 -14 782 705 ;
C 73 ; WX 823 ; N a36 ; B 35 -14 787 705 ;
C 74 ; WX 789 ; N a37 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 75 ; WX 841 ; N a38 ; B 35 -14 807 705 ;
C 76 ; WX 823 ; N a39 ; B 35 -14 789 705 ;
C 77 ; WX 833 ; N a40 ; B 35 -14 798 705 ;
C 78 ; WX 816 ; N a41 ; B 35 -13 782 705 ;
C 79 ; WX 831 ; N a42 ; B 35 -14 796 705 ;
C 80 ; WX 923 ; N a43 ; B 35 -14 888 705 ;
C 81 ; WX 744 ; N a44 ; B 35 0 710 692 ;
C 82 ; WX 723 ; N a45 ; B 35 0 688 692 ;
C 83 ; WX 749 ; N a46 ; B 35 0 714 692 ;
C 84 ; WX 790 ; N a47 ; B 34 -14 756 705 ;
C 85 ; WX 792 ; N a48 ; B 35 -14 758 705 ;
C 86 ; WX 695 ; N a49 ; B 35 -14 661 706 ;
C 87 ; WX 776 ; N a50 ; B 35 -6 741 699 ;
C 88 ; WX 768 ; N a51 ; B 35 -7 734 699 ;
C 89 ; WX 792 ; N a52 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
C 90 ; WX 759 ; N a53 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 91 ; WX 707 ; N a54 ; B 35 -13 672 704 ;
C 92 ; WX 708 ; N a55 ; B 35 -14 672 705 ;
C 93 ; WX 682 ; N a56 ; B 35 -14 647 705 ;
C 94 ; WX 701 ; N a57 ; B 35 -14 666 705 ;
C 95 ; WX 826 ; N a58 ; B 35 -14 791 705 ;
C 96 ; WX 815 ; N a59 ; B 35 -14 780 705 ;
C 97 ; WX 789 ; N a60 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 98 ; WX 789 ; N a61 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 99 ; WX 707 ; N a62 ; B 34 -14 673 705 ;
C 100 ; WX 687 ; N a63 ; B 36 0 651 692 ;
C 101 ; WX 696 ; N a64 ; B 35 0 661 691 ;
C 102 ; WX 689 ; N a65 ; B 35 0 655 692 ;
C 103 ; WX 786 ; N a66 ; B 34 -14 751 705 ;
C 104 ; WX 787 ; N a67 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
C 105 ; WX 713 ; N a68 ; B 35 -14 678 705 ;
C 106 ; WX 791 ; N a69 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
C 107 ; WX 785 ; N a70 ; B 36 -14 751 705 ;
C 108 ; WX 791 ; N a71 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
C 109 ; WX 873 ; N a72 ; B 35 -14 838 705 ;
C 110 ; WX 761 ; N a73 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
C 111 ; WX 762 ; N a74 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 112 ; WX 762 ; N a203 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 113 ; WX 759 ; N a75 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 114 ; WX 759 ; N a204 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 115 ; WX 892 ; N a76 ; B 35 0 858 705 ;
C 116 ; WX 892 ; N a77 ; B 35 -14 858 692 ;
C 117 ; WX 788 ; N a78 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 118 ; WX 784 ; N a79 ; B 35 -14 749 705 ;
C 119 ; WX 438 ; N a81 ; B 35 -14 403 705 ;
C 120 ; WX 138 ; N a82 ; B 35 0 104 692 ;
C 121 ; WX 277 ; N a83 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 122 ; WX 415 ; N a84 ; B 35 0 380 692 ;
C 123 ; WX 392 ; N a97 ; B 35 263 357 705 ;
C 124 ; WX 392 ; N a98 ; B 34 263 357 705 ;
C 125 ; WX 668 ; N a99 ; B 35 263 633 705 ;
C 126 ; WX 668 ; N a100 ; B 36 263 634 705 ;
C 128 ; WX 390 ; N a89 ; B 35 -14 356 705 ;
C 129 ; WX 390 ; N a90 ; B 35 -14 355 705 ;
C 130 ; WX 317 ; N a93 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
C 131 ; WX 317 ; N a94 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
C 132 ; WX 276 ; N a91 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 133 ; WX 276 ; N a92 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 134 ; WX 509 ; N a205 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
C 135 ; WX 509 ; N a85 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
C 136 ; WX 410 ; N a206 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
C 137 ; WX 410 ; N a86 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
C 138 ; WX 234 ; N a87 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
C 139 ; WX 234 ; N a88 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
C 140 ; WX 334 ; N a95 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
C 141 ; WX 334 ; N a96 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
C 161 ; WX 732 ; N a101 ; B 35 -143 697 806 ;
C 162 ; WX 544 ; N a102 ; B 56 -14 488 706 ;
C 163 ; WX 544 ; N a103 ; B 34 -14 508 705 ;
C 164 ; WX 910 ; N a104 ; B 35 40 875 651 ;
C 165 ; WX 667 ; N a106 ; B 35 -14 633 705 ;
C 166 ; WX 760 ; N a107 ; B 35 -14 726 705 ;
C 167 ; WX 760 ; N a108 ; B 0 121 758 569 ;
C 168 ; WX 776 ; N a112 ; B 35 0 741 705 ;
C 169 ; WX 595 ; N a111 ; B 34 -14 560 705 ;
C 170 ; WX 694 ; N a110 ; B 35 -14 659 705 ;
C 171 ; WX 626 ; N a109 ; B 34 0 591 705 ;
C 172 ; WX 788 ; N a120 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 173 ; WX 788 ; N a121 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 174 ; WX 788 ; N a122 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 175 ; WX 788 ; N a123 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 176 ; WX 788 ; N a124 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 177 ; WX 788 ; N a125 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 178 ; WX 788 ; N a126 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 179 ; WX 788 ; N a127 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 180 ; WX 788 ; N a128 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 181 ; WX 788 ; N a129 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 182 ; WX 788 ; N a130 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 183 ; WX 788 ; N a131 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 184 ; WX 788 ; N a132 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 185 ; WX 788 ; N a133 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 186 ; WX 788 ; N a134 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 187 ; WX 788 ; N a135 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 188 ; WX 788 ; N a136 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 189 ; WX 788 ; N a137 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 190 ; WX 788 ; N a138 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 191 ; WX 788 ; N a139 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 192 ; WX 788 ; N a140 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 193 ; WX 788 ; N a141 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 194 ; WX 788 ; N a142 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 195 ; WX 788 ; N a143 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 196 ; WX 788 ; N a144 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 197 ; WX 788 ; N a145 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 198 ; WX 788 ; N a146 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 199 ; WX 788 ; N a147 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 200 ; WX 788 ; N a148 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 201 ; WX 788 ; N a149 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 202 ; WX 788 ; N a150 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 203 ; WX 788 ; N a151 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 204 ; WX 788 ; N a152 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 205 ; WX 788 ; N a153 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 206 ; WX 788 ; N a154 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 207 ; WX 788 ; N a155 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 208 ; WX 788 ; N a156 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 209 ; WX 788 ; N a157 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 210 ; WX 788 ; N a158 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 211 ; WX 788 ; N a159 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 212 ; WX 894 ; N a160 ; B 35 58 860 634 ;
C 213 ; WX 838 ; N a161 ; B 35 152 803 540 ;
C 214 ; WX 1016 ; N a163 ; B 34 152 981 540 ;
C 215 ; WX 458 ; N a164 ; B 35 -127 422 820 ;
C 216 ; WX 748 ; N a196 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
C 217 ; WX 924 ; N a165 ; B 35 140 890 552 ;
C 218 ; WX 748 ; N a192 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
C 219 ; WX 918 ; N a166 ; B 35 166 884 526 ;
C 220 ; WX 927 ; N a167 ; B 35 32 892 660 ;
C 221 ; WX 928 ; N a168 ; B 35 129 891 562 ;
C 222 ; WX 928 ; N a169 ; B 35 128 893 563 ;
C 223 ; WX 834 ; N a170 ; B 35 155 799 537 ;
C 224 ; WX 873 ; N a171 ; B 35 93 838 599 ;
C 225 ; WX 828 ; N a172 ; B 35 104 791 588 ;
C 226 ; WX 924 ; N a173 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
C 227 ; WX 924 ; N a162 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
C 228 ; WX 917 ; N a174 ; B 35 0 882 692 ;
C 229 ; WX 930 ; N a175 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
C 230 ; WX 931 ; N a176 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
C 231 ; WX 463 ; N a177 ; B 35 -99 429 791 ;
C 232 ; WX 883 ; N a178 ; B 35 71 848 623 ;
C 233 ; WX 836 ; N a179 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
C 234 ; WX 836 ; N a193 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
C 235 ; WX 867 ; N a180 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
C 236 ; WX 867 ; N a199 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
C 237 ; WX 696 ; N a181 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
C 238 ; WX 696 ; N a200 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
C 239 ; WX 874 ; N a182 ; B 35 77 840 619 ;
C 241 ; WX 874 ; N a201 ; B 35 73 840 615 ;
C 242 ; WX 760 ; N a183 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 243 ; WX 946 ; N a184 ; B 35 160 911 533 ;
C 244 ; WX 771 ; N a197 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
C 245 ; WX 865 ; N a185 ; B 35 207 830 481 ;
C 246 ; WX 771 ; N a194 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
C 247 ; WX 888 ; N a198 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
C 248 ; WX 967 ; N a186 ; B 35 124 932 568 ;
C 249 ; WX 888 ; N a195 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
C 250 ; WX 831 ; N a187 ; B 35 113 796 579 ;
C 251 ; WX 873 ; N a188 ; B 36 118 838 578 ;
C 252 ; WX 927 ; N a189 ; B 35 150 891 542 ;
C 253 ; WX 970 ; N a190 ; B 35 76 931 616 ;
C 254 ; WX 918 ; N a191 ; B 34 99 884 593 ;

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide make-embedded-font)
(define width-cache (make-hash))
(define-syntax-rule (sum-flags [COND VAL] ...)
(for/sum ([c (in-list (list COND ...))]
[v (in-list (list VAL ...))]
#:when c)
(define (to-hex . codepoints)
(for/list ([code (in-list codepoints)])
(~r code #:base 16 #:min-width 4 #:pad-string "0"))))
(struct efont pdf-font (font subset unicode widths scale encoding-cache) #:mutable)
(define (exactify x)
(if (and (integer? x) (inexact? x))
(inexact->exact x)
(define (make-embedded-font name-arg [id #f])
(define font (cond
[(string? name-arg) (open-font name-arg)]
[(path? name-arg) (open-font (path->string name-arg))]))
(define subset (create-subset font))
;; we make `unicode` and `width` fields integer-keyed hashes not lists
;; because they offer better random access and growability
(define unicode (mhasheq 0 '(0))) ; always include the missing glyph (gid = 0)
(define widths (mhasheq 0 (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph font 0))))
(define name (font-postscript-name font))
(define scale (/ 1000.0 (font-units-per-em font)))
(match-define (list ascender descender underline-position underline-thickness line-gap)
(for/list ([proc (in-list (list font-ascent font-descent font-underline-position font-underline-thickness font-linegap))])
(exactify (* (proc font) scale))))
(define bbox (font-bbox font))
(define encoding-cache (make-hash)) ; needs to be per font, not in top level of module
name id ascender descender underline-position underline-thickness line-gap bbox #f #f efont-embedded efont-encode efont-measure-string
font subset unicode widths scale encoding-cache))
(define (efont-encode ef str [features-in null])
(define features (sort (remove-duplicates features-in) bytes<? #:key car))
(hash-ref! (efont-encoding-cache ef) (cons str features)
(λ ()
(define glyph-run (layout (efont-font ef) str #:features features))
(define glyphs (glyphrun-glyphs glyph-run))
(define positions (glyphrun-positions glyph-run))
(define len (vector-length glyphs))
(define subset-idxs (make-vector len))
(define new-positions (make-vector len))
(for ([glyph (in-vector glyphs)]
[posn (in-vector positions)]
[idx (in-range len)])
(define gid (subset-add-glyph! (efont-subset ef) (glyph-id glyph)))
(define subset-idx (to-hex gid))
(vector-set! subset-idxs idx subset-idx)
;; set the advance width of the posn
(set-glyph-position-advance-width! posn (glyph-advance-width glyph))
;; scale all values in posn (incl advance width)
(scale-glyph-position! posn (efont-scale ef))
;; update the return value
(vector-set! new-positions idx posn)
;; put the scaled width in the width cache (by fetching it out of posn)
(hash-ref! (efont-widths ef) gid (λ () (glyph-position-advance-width posn)))
(hash-ref! (efont-unicode ef) gid (λ () (glyph-codepoints glyph))))
(list subset-idxs new-positions))))
(define (efont-measure-string ef str size [features null])
;; #f disables features ; null enables default features ; list adds features
;; use `encode` because it's cached.
;; we assume that the side effects of `encode`
;; (e.g., appending to `widths` and `unicode`)
;; are ok because every string that gets measured is going to be encoded eventually
(match-define (list _ posns) (efont-encode ef str features))
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector posns)]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
;; however, encode cache is already normalized to 1000 em
;; so here, instead of scaling to font's upm, we scale to 1000
(define scale (/ size 1000.0))
(* width scale))
(define (efont-embedded ef)
(define isCFF (has-table? (efont-font ef) 'CFF_))
(define font-file (make-ref))
(when isCFF
(dict-set! font-file 'Subtype 'CIDFontType0C))
(ref-write font-file (get-output-bytes (encode-to-port (efont-subset ef))))
(ref-end font-file)
(define family-class
(if (has-table? (efont-font ef) 'OS/2)
(floor (/ (hash-ref (get-OS/2-table (efont-font ef)) 'sFamilyClass) 256)) ; >> 8
;; font descriptor flags
(map (λ (x) (expt 2 x)) (range 7)))
(define flags (sum-flags
[(not (zero? (hash-ref (get-post-table (efont-font ef)) 'isFixedPitch))) FIXED_PITCH]
[(<= 1 family-class 7) SERIF]
[#t SYMBOLIC] ; assume the font uses non-latin characters
[(= family-class 10) SCRIPT]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref (get-head-table (efont-font ef)) 'macStyle) 'italic) ITALIC]))
;; generate a random tag (6 uppercase letters. 65 is the char code for 'A')
(when (test-mode) (random-seed 0))
(define tag (list->string (for/list ([i (in-range 6)])
(integer->char (random 65 (+ 65 26))))))
(define name (string->symbol (string-append tag "+" (font-postscript-name (efont-font ef)))))
(define descriptor (make-ref
'Type 'FontDescriptor
'FontName name
'Flags flags
'FontBBox (map (λ (x) (* (efont-scale ef) x)) (bbox->list (pdf-font-bbox ef)))
'ItalicAngle (font-italic-angle (efont-font ef))
'Ascent (pdf-font-ascender ef)
'Descent (pdf-font-descender ef)
'CapHeight (* (or (font-cap-height (efont-font ef)) (pdf-font-ascender ef)) (efont-scale ef))
'XHeight (* (or (font-x-height (efont-font ef)) 0) (efont-scale ef))
'StemV 0)))
(dict-set! descriptor (if isCFF 'FontFile3 'FontFile2) font-file)
(ref-end descriptor)
(define descendant-font (make-ref
'Type 'Font
'Subtype (if isCFF 'CIDFontType0 'CIDFontType2)
'BaseFont name
'Registry "Adobe"
'Ordering "Identity"
'Supplement 0)
'FontDescriptor descriptor
'W (list 0 (for/list ([idx (in-range (length (hash-keys (efont-widths ef))))])
(hash-ref (efont-widths ef) idx (λ () (error 'embed (format "hash key ~a not found" idx)))))))))
(ref-end descendant-font)
(dict-set*! (pdf-font-ref ef)
'Type 'Font
'Subtype 'Type0
'BaseFont name
'Encoding 'Identity-H
'DescendantFonts (list descendant-font)
'ToUnicode (to-unicode-cmap ef))
(ref-end (pdf-font-ref ef)))
(define (to-unicode-cmap ef)
(define cmap-ref (make-ref))
(define entries
(for/list ([idx (in-range (length (hash-keys (efont-unicode ef))))])
(define codepoints (hash-ref (efont-unicode ef) idx))
(define encoded
; encode codePoints to utf16
(for/fold ([hexes null]
#:result (reverse hexes))
([value (in-list codepoints)])
[(> value #xffff)
(let ([value (- value #x10000)])
(define b1 (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift value -10) #x3ff) #xd800))
(define b2 (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and value #x3ff) #xdc00))
(list* (to-hex b2) (to-hex b1) hexes))]
[else (cons (to-hex value) hexes)])))
(format "<~a>" (string-join encoded " "))))
(define unicode-cmap-str #<<HERE
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
/CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (Adobe)
/Ordering (UCS)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
1 beginbfrange
<0000> <~a> [~a]
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
(ref-write cmap-ref (format unicode-cmap-str (to-hex (sub1 (length entries))) (string-join entries " ")))
(ref-end cmap-ref)
(module+ test
(require rackunit fontland sugar/unstable/js)
(define ef (make-embedded-font "../ptest/assets/charter.ttf"))
(check-equal? (pdf-font-ascender ef) 980)
(check-equal? (pdf-font-descender ef) -238)
(check-equal? (pdf-font-line-gap ef) 0)
(check-equal? (bbox->list (pdf-font-bbox ef)) '(-161 -236 1193 963))
(define H-gid 41)
(check-equal? (efont-widths ef) (mhasheq 0 278))
(check-equal? (efont-measure-string ef "f" 1000) 321.0)
(check-equal? (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph (efont-font ef) H-gid)) 738))

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide standard-font-name? make-standard-font)
(define-runtime-path here ".")
(struct sfont pdf-font (attributes glyph-widths kern-pairs) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (make-standard-font name id)
(match-define (list atts gws kps) (parse-afm (open-input-file (build-path here (format "data/~a.afm" name)))))
(define attributes (make-hasheq atts))
(define glyph-widths (make-hash gws))
(define kern-pairs (make-hash kps))
(define ascender (string->number (hash-ref attributes 'Ascender "0")))
(define descender (string->number (hash-ref attributes 'Descender "0")))
(define underline-position (string->number (hash-ref attributes 'UnderlinePosition "-100")))
(define underline-thickness (string->number (hash-ref attributes 'UnderlineThickness "50")))
(define bbox (for/list ([attr (in-list (string-split (hash-ref attributes 'FontBBox)))])
(or (string->number attr) 0)))
(define line-gap (- (third bbox) (first bbox) ascender descender))
name id ascender descender underline-position underline-thickness line-gap bbox #f #f sfont-embed sfont-encode sfont-measure-string
attributes glyph-widths kern-pairs))
(define (sfont-embed sf)
(set-$ref-payload! (pdf-font-ref sf)
(mhash 'Type 'Font
'BaseFont (string->symbol (pdf-font-name sf))
'Subtype 'Type1
'Encoding 'WinAnsiEncoding))
(ref-end (pdf-font-ref sf)))
(define (character-to-glyph char)
(define cint (char->integer char))
(define idx (hash-ref win-ansi-table cint cint))
(vector-ref characters (if (< idx (vector-length characters)) idx 0)))
(define (glyphs-for-string str)
(for/list ([c (in-string str)])
(character-to-glyph c)))
(define (glyph-width sf glyph)
(hash-ref (sfont-glyph-widths sf) glyph 0))
(define (advances-for-glyphs sf glyphs)
(if (empty? glyphs)
(for/list ([left (in-list glyphs)]
[right (in-list (append (cdr glyphs) (list #\nul)))])
(+ (glyph-width sf left) (get-kern-pair sf left right)))))
(define (get-kern-pair sf left right)
(hash-ref (sfont-kern-pairs sf) (make-kern-table-key left right) 0))
(define encoding-cache (make-hash))
(define (sfont-encode sf str [options #f])
(hash-ref encoding-cache str
(λ ()
(define encoded
(for/vector ([c (in-string str)])
(define cint (char->integer c))
(number->string (hash-ref win-ansi-table cint cint) 16)))
(define glyphs (glyphs-for-string str))
(define positions
(for/vector ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]
[advance (in-list (advances-for-glyphs sf glyphs))])
(+glyph-position advance 0 0 0 (glyph-width sf glyph))))
(list encoded positions))))
(define (sfont-measure-string sf str size [options #f])
(match-define (list _ posns) (sfont-encode sf str options))
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector posns)]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
(define scale (/ size 1000.0))
(* width scale))
(define standard-fonts
(map symbol->string '(Courier-Bold
(define (standard-font-name? name) (and (string? name) (member name standard-fonts) #t))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-true (standard-font-name? "Helvetica"))
(check-true (standard-font-name? "Courier"))
(check-true (standard-font-name? "ZapfDingbats"))
(check-false (standard-font-name? "Not A Font Name"))
(define stdfont (make-standard-font "Helvetica" #f)))
(define (make-kern-table-key left right)
(cons left right))
(define (parse-afm input-file)
(parameterize ([*current-cache-keys* (list (λ () (file-or-directory-modify-seconds (path->string (object-name input-file)))))])
(with-cache (path-replace-extension (object-name input-file) #".rktd")
(λ ()
(define @attributes (make-hasheq))
(define @glyph-widths (make-hash))
(define @kern-pairs (make-hash))
(for/fold ([last-section #f]
#:result (list (hash->list @attributes)
(hash->list @glyph-widths)
(hash->list @kern-pairs)))
([line (in-lines input-file)])
(define current-section (cond
[(regexp-match #px"(?<=^Start)\\w+" line) => car]
[(regexp-match #px"(?<=^End)\\w+" line) #f]
[else last-section]))
(case current-section
;; line looks like this:
;; FontName Helvetica
;; `key space value`. Possibly multiple lines with same key.
(match-define (list _ key value) (regexp-match #px"^(\\w+)\\s+(.*)" line))
(hash-update! @attributes (string->symbol key)
(λ (v) (if (eq? v 'init-val)
(append (if (pair? v) v (list v)) (list value))))
;; line looks like this:
;; C 33 ; WX 278 ; N exclam ; B 90 0 187 718 ;
;; need to retrieve N and WX fields
(when (regexp-match #px"^CH?\\s" line)
(define assocs (for/list ([field (in-list (string-split line #px"\\s*;\\s*"))])
(string-split field " ")))
(define name (second (assoc "N" assocs)))
(define width (string->number (second (assoc "WX" assocs))))
(hash-set! @glyph-widths name width))]
(when (string-prefix? line "KPX")
(match-define (list _ left right val) (string-split line))
(hash-set! @kern-pairs (make-kern-table-key left right) (string->number val)))])
(define win-ansi-table
(hasheqv 402 131
8211 150
8212 151
8216 145
8217 146
8218 130
8220 147
8221 148
8222 132
8224 134
8225 135
8226 149
8230 133
8364 128
8240 137
8249 139
8250 155
710 136
8482 153
338 140
339 156
732 152
352 138
353 154
376 159
381 142
382 158))
(define characters
(map symbol->string
'(.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
space exclam quotedbl numbersign
dollar percent ampersand quotesingle
parenleft parenright asterisk plus
comma hyphen period slash
zero one two three
four five six seven
eight nine colon semicolon
less equal greater question
at A B C
X Y Z bracketleft
backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore
grave a b c
d e f g
h i j k
l m n o
p q r s
t u v w
x y z braceleft
bar braceright asciitilde .notdef
Euro .notdef quotesinglbase florin
quotedblbase ellipsis dagger daggerdbl
circumflex perthousand Scaron guilsinglleft
OE .notdef Zcaron .notdef
.notdef quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft
quotedblright bullet endash emdash
tilde trademark scaron guilsinglright
oe .notdef zcaron ydieresis
space exclamdown cent sterling
currency yen brokenbar section
dieresis copyright ordfeminine guillemotleft
logicalnot hyphen registered macron
degree plusminus twosuperior threesuperior
acute mu paragraph periodcentered
cedilla onesuperior ordmasculine guillemotright
onequarter onehalf threequarters questiondown
Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde
Adieresis Aring AE Ccedilla
Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis
Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis
Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute
Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis multiply
Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex
Udieresis Yacute Thorn germandbls
agrave aacute acircumflex atilde
adieresis aring ae ccedilla
egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis
igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis
eth ntilde ograve oacute
ocircumflex otilde odieresis divide
oslash ugrave uacute ucircumflex
udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis))))

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-font-ref f)
(or (pdf-font-ref f)
(and (set-pdf-font-ref! f (make-ref)) (pdf-font-ref f))))
(define (embed f)
(define embed-proc (pdf-font-embed f))
(embed-proc f))
(define (encode f str [options #f])
(define encode-proc (pdf-font-encode f))
(encode-proc f str options))
(define (measure-string f str size [options #f])
(define measure-proc (pdf-font-measure-string f))
(measure-proc f str size options))
(define (font-end f)
(unless (or (pdf-font-embedded f) (not (pdf-font-ref f)))
(embed f)
(set-pdf-font-embedded! f #t)))
(define (line-height f size [include-gap #f])
(define gap (if include-gap (pdf-font-line-gap f) 0))
(* (/ (+ (pdf-font-ascender f) gap (- (pdf-font-descender f))) #;(pdf-font-upm f) 1000.0) size))
(define (open-pdf-font name id)
((if (standard-font-name? name) make-standard-font make-embedded-font) name id))
(define (current-line-height doc [include-gap #f])
(line-height (pdf-current-font doc) (pdf-current-font-size doc) include-gap))
(define (font doc src [size #f])
;; check registered fonts if src is a string
(define cache-key
(match src
[(? string?) #:when (hash-has-key? (pdf-registered-fonts doc) src)
(define ck src)
(set! src (hash-ref (hash-ref (pdf-registered-fonts doc) ck) 'src))
[(? string?) src]
[_ #false]))
(when size (font-size doc size))
(match (hash-ref (pdf-font-families doc) cache-key #f) ; check if the font is already in the PDF
[(? values val) (set-pdf-current-font! doc val)]
[_ ; if not, load the font
(define font-index (add1 (pdf-font-count doc)))
(set-pdf-font-count! doc font-index)
(define id (string->symbol (format "F~a" font-index)))
(set-pdf-current-font! doc (open-pdf-font src id))
;; check for existing font families with the same name already in the PDF
(match (hash-ref (pdf-font-families doc) (pdf-font-name (pdf-current-font doc)) #f)
[(? values font) (set-pdf-current-font! doc font)]
[_ ;; save the font for reuse later
(when cache-key (hash-set! (pdf-font-families doc) cache-key (pdf-current-font doc)))
(hash-set! (pdf-font-families doc) (pdf-font-name (pdf-current-font doc)) (pdf-current-font doc))])])
(define (font-size doc size)
(unless (and (number? size) (not (negative? size)))
(raise-argument-error 'font-size "non-negative number" size))
(set-pdf-current-font-size! doc size)
(define (net-features feats)
;; filter out pairs of features with opposing (0 and 1) values
(let loop ([feats (remove-duplicates feats)]
[acc null])
[(empty? feats) acc]
[(empty? (cdr feats)) (loop empty (cons (car feats) acc))]
[else (define first-feat (car feats))
(match (cdr feats)
[(list head ... (? (λ (f) (bytes=? (car f) (car first-feat)))) tail ...)
(loop (append head tail) acc)]
[rest (loop rest (cons first-feat acc))])])))
(define (font-features doc [features-on null] [features-off null])
(unless (and (list? features-on) (andmap bytes? features-on))
(raise-argument-error 'font-features "list of feature byte strings" features-on))
(unless (and (list? features-off) (andmap bytes? features-off))
(raise-argument-error 'font-features "list of feature byte strings" 'features-off))
(define (make-feat-pairs feats val)
(for/list ([f (in-list feats)])
(match f
[(cons (? bytes?) (? exact-nonnegative-integer?)) f]
[(? bytes?) (cons f val)]
(raise-argument-error 'font-features
"byte string or byte string + integer pair" f)])))
(define new-features (append (make-feat-pairs features-on 1)
(make-feat-pairs features-off 0)))
doc (net-features (append (pdf-current-font-features doc) new-features)))
(define (register-font doc name src)
(hash-set! (pdf-registered-fonts doc) name (make-hasheq (list (cons 'src src))))

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (open-pdf-image src label)
(define data (cond
[(bytes? src) (open-input-bytes src)]
[(regexp-match #rx"^data:.+;base64,(.*)$" src) (void)] ;; base64 ; todo
[else (open-input-file src)]))
(define img-constructor
[(equal? (peek-bytes 2 0 data) (bytes #xff #xd8)) make-jpeg]
[(equal? (peek-bytes 4 0 data) (apply bytes (map char->integer '(#\u0089 #\P #\N #\G)))) make-png]
[else (raise-argument-error 'open-pdf-image "valid image format" src)]))
(img-constructor data label))
(define (image doc src [x-arg #f] [y-arg #f]
#:x [x-kwarg #f]
#:y [y-kwarg #f]
#:width [width #f]
#:height [height #f]
#:scale [scale #f]
#:fit [fit #f]
#:cover [cover #f]
#:align [align #f]
#:valign [valign #f]
(define x (or x-arg x-kwarg (pdf-x doc)))
(define y (or y-arg y-kwarg (pdf-y doc)))
(define image (cond
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref (pdf-image-registry doc) src #f))]
[(and ($img? src) ($img-width src) ($img-height src)) src]
[else (open-image doc src)]))
(unless ($img-ref image) (($img-embed-proc image) image))
(hash-ref! (page-xobjects (current-page doc)) ($img-label image) ($img-ref image))
(define image-width ($img-width image))
(define image-height ($img-height image))
(define w (or width image-width))
(define h (or height image-height))
(define wp #f)
(define hp #f)
(define bp #f)
(define ip #f)
(define bw #f)
(define bh #f)
[(and width (not height))
(set! wp (/ w image-width))
(set! w (* image-width wp))
(set! h (* image-height wp))]
[(and height (not width))
(set! hp (/ h image-width))
(set! w (* image-width hp))
(set! h (* image-height hp))]
=> (λ (scale-val)
(set! w (* image-width scale-val))
(set! h (* image-height scale-val)))]
=> (λ (fit-val)
(match-define (list bw bh) fit-val)
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ image-width image-height))
[(> ip bp)
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))]
(set! w (* bh ip))
(set! h bh)]))]
=> (λ (cover-val)
(match-define (list bw bh) cover-val)
(set! bp (/ bw bh))
(set! ip (/ image-width image-height))
[(> ip bp)
(set! w (* bh ip))
(set! h bh)]
(set! w bw)
(set! h (/ bw ip))]))])
(when (or fit cover)
(case align
[("center") (set! x (+ x (/ bw 2) (- (/ w 2))))]
[("right") (set! x (+ x bw - w))])
(case valign
[("center") (set! y (+ y (/ bh 2) (- (/ h 2))))]
[("bottom") (set! y (+ y bh - h))]))
;; Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
(when (= (pdf-y doc) y) (set! y (+ y h)))
(save doc)
(transform doc w 0 0 (- h) x (+ y h))
(add-content doc (format "/~a Do" ($img-label image)))
(restore doc)
(define (open-image doc src)
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref (pdf-image-registry doc) src #f))]
(define image-idx (add1 (length (hash-keys (pdf-image-registry doc)))))
(define image-id (string->symbol (format "I~a" image-idx)))
(define new-image (open-pdf-image src image-id))
(when (string? src) (hash-set! (pdf-image-registry doc) src new-image))

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide make-jpeg (struct-out $jpeg))
(define MARKERS '(#xffc0 #xffc1 #xffc2 #xffc3
#xffc5 #xffc6 #xffc7
#xffc8 #xffc9 #xffca #xffcb
#xffcc #xffcd #xffce #xffcf))
(struct $jpeg $img (bits channels colorSpace) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (make-jpeg data [label #f])
(define jpeg-ip (if (input-port? data) data (open-input-bytes data)))
(unless (= (read-16bit-integer jpeg-ip) #xffd8)
(error 'JPEG "Start of input marker byte not found"))
(define marker (let loop ([skip 0])
(read-bytes skip jpeg-ip)
(define m (read-16bit-integer jpeg-ip))
(if (memv m MARKERS)
(loop (read-16bit-integer (peek-bytes 2 0 jpeg-ip))))))
(read-16bit-integer jpeg-ip)
(define bits (read-byte jpeg-ip))
(define height (read-16bit-integer jpeg-ip))
(define width (read-16bit-integer jpeg-ip))
(define channels (read-byte jpeg-ip))
(define colorSpace (case channels
[(1) 'DeviceGray]
[(3) 'DeviceRGB]
[(4) 'DeviceCMYK]))
(define obj #f)
($jpeg data label width height obj jpeg-embed bits channels colorSpace))
(define (jpeg-embed jpeg)
(unless ($img-ref jpeg)
(set-$img-ref! jpeg
'Type 'XObject
'Subtype 'Image
'BitsPerComponent ($jpeg-bits jpeg)
'Width ($img-width jpeg)
'Height ($img-height jpeg)
'ColorSpace ($jpeg-colorSpace jpeg)
'Filter 'DCTDecode)))
;; add extra decode params for CMYK images. By swapping the
;; min and max values from the default, we invert the colors. See
;; section 4.8.4 of the spec.
(when (eq? ($jpeg-colorSpace jpeg) 'DeviceCMYK)
(dict-set! ($img-ref jpeg) 'Decode '(1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0)))
(file-position ($img-data jpeg) 0)
(ref-write ($img-ref jpeg) ($img-data jpeg))
(ref-end ($img-ref jpeg))))
(define (read-16bit-integer ip-or-bytes)
(define signed #f) (define big-endian #t)
(integer-bytes->integer (read-bytes 2 (match ip-or-bytes
[(? bytes? bs) (open-input-bytes bs)]
[ip ip])) signed big-endian))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (number->string (read-16bit-integer (bytes #x12 #x34 #x56)) 16) "1234")
(define my-jpeg (make-jpeg (open-input-file "../ptest/assets/test.jpeg")))
(check-equal? ($img-height my-jpeg) 533)
(check-equal? ($img-width my-jpeg) 400)
(check-equal? ($jpeg-channels my-jpeg) 3)
(check-equal? ($jpeg-colorSpace my-jpeg) 'DeviceRGB))

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt"
(provide (all-from-out "core.rkt"

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide convert)
(define escaped-chars '(#\newline #\return #\tab #\backspace #\page #\( #\) #\\))
(define escaped-char-strings '("\\n" "\\r" "\\t" "\\b" "\\f" "\\(" "\\)" "\\\\"))
;; note: unlike nodejs, escapableRe does not have `g` option built in
;; so use it with regexp-replace* not regexp-replace
(define escapableRe (regexp (format "[~a]" (regexp-quote (list->string escaped-chars)))))
(define escapable (for/hash ([k (in-list escaped-chars)]
[v (in-list escaped-char-strings)])
(values (string k) v)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (regexp-replace* escapableRe "foo\nba\nr" "x") "fooxbaxr")
(check-equal? (regexp-replace* escapableRe "foo\fba\tr" "x") "fooxbaxr")
(check-equal? (regexp-replace* escapableRe "foo\nba\tr" (λ (c) (hash-ref escapable c))) "foo\\nba\\tr"))
;; Convert little endian UTF-16 to big endian
;; endianness of `bytes-open-converter` is relative to platform, so little endian on all x86
;; can detect with `system-big-endian?`
(define (utf8->utf16 bytes)
(define-values (bs bslen bsresult)
(bytes-convert (bytes-open-converter "platform-UTF-8" "platform-UTF-16") bytes))
(define (swap-bytes buff)
(define bufflen (bytes-length buff))
(when (odd? bufflen)
(raise-argument-error 'swapBytes "even number of bytes" bufflen))
(for/fold ([newbuff (make-bytes bufflen)])
([bidx (in-range bufflen)] #:when (even? bidx))
(bytes-set! newbuff bidx (bytes-ref buff (add1 bidx)))
(bytes-set! newbuff (add1 bidx) (bytes-ref buff bidx))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (swap-bytes #"foobar") #"ofbora"))
(define (convert object)
(let loop ([x object])
;; symbols are converted to the PDF dictionary key type
[(symbol? x) (string-append "/" (symbol->string x))]
;; String objects (structs) and string literals are converted to PDF strings (UTF-16)
[(string? x)
;; Escape characters as required by the spec
(define string (regexp-replace* escapableRe x (λ (c) (hash-ref escapable c))))
;; Detect if this is a unicode string (= contains non-ascii chars)
(define contains-non-ascii? (for/or ([c (in-string string)])
(char>? c (integer->char 127))))
;; If so, encode it as big endian UTF-16
(format "(~a)" (if contains-non-ascii?
(bytes->string/latin-1 (swap-bytes (utf8->utf16 (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append "\ufeff" string)))))
;; Buffers (= byte strings) are converted to PDF hex strings
[(bytes? x) (format "<~a>" (string-append*
(for/list ([b (in-bytes x)])
(number->string b 16))))]
[($ref? x) (format "~a 0 R" ($ref-id x))]
[(object? x) (send x to-string)]
;; for date format, see p.160 of PDF Reference 1.7
;; replacing : with ' in the UTC offset is a PDF peculiarity
[(moment? x) (format "(D:~a)" (regexp-replace #px"([+|-])(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d)$" (~t x "YYYYMMddHHmmssXXX") "\\1\\2'\\3'"))]
[(list? x) (format "[~a]" (string-join (map loop x) " "))]
[(hash? x) (string-join (append (list "<<")
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash x)])
(format "~a ~a" (loop k) (loop v)))
(list ">>"))
(string #\newline))]
[(number? x) (format "~a" (numberizer x))]
[else (format "~a" x)])))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (convert 'foobar) "/foobar")
(check-equal? (convert "foobar") "(foobar)")
(check-equal? (convert "öéÿ") "(þÿ\u0000ö\u0000é\u0000ÿ)")
(check-equal? (convert "fôobár") "(þÿ\u0000f\u0000ô\u0000o\u0000b\u0000á\u0000r)")
(check-equal? (convert #"foobar") "<666f6f626172>")
(check-equal? (convert (moment 2017 5 11 6 15 37 #:tz "UTC")) "(D:20170511061537Z)")
(check-equal? (convert (list 'foobar "öéÿ" #"foobar")) "[/foobar (þÿ\u0000ö\u0000é\u0000ÿ) <666f6f626172>]")
(check-true (let ([res (convert (hash 'foo 42 'bar 'fly))])
(or (equal? res "<<\n/foo 42\n/bar /fly\n>>")
(equal? res "<<\n/bar /fly\n/foo 42\n>>"))))
(check-equal? (convert 1234.56789) "1234.56789"))

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class
(define p (make-page))
(check-equal? ($page-height p) 792.0)
(check-equal? ($page-width p) 612.0)
(check-equal? (dict-ref ($page-resources p) 'ProcSet) '(PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI))
(check-equal? (dict-ref ($page-ref p) 'Type) 'Page)
(check-equal? (dict-ref ($page-ref p) 'MediaBox) '(0 0 612.0 792.0))
(check-true ($ref? (dict-ref ($page-ref p) 'Contents)))
(check-true ($ref? (dict-ref ($page-ref p) 'Resources)))

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (current-page doc)
(match (pdf-pages doc)
[(? pair? ps) (car ps)]
[_ (raise-argument-error 'current-page "pdf with pages in it" doc)]))
(define (add-content doc data)
(page-write (current-page doc) data))
(struct $page (page-parent width height content resources ref)
#:transparent #:mutable)
(define (make-page #:parent [page-parent #false]
#:width [width 612.0]
#:height [height 792.0])
(define content (make-ref))
(define resources (make-ref (mhash 'ProcSet '(PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI))))
(define page-ref
(make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Page
'Parent page-parent
'MediaBox (list 0 0 width height)
'Contents content
'Resources resources)))
($page page-parent width height content resources page-ref))
(define (page-fonts p)
(dict-ref! ($page-resources p) 'Font (make-hasheq)))
(define (page-xobjects p)
(dict-ref! ($page-resources p) 'XObject (make-hasheq)))
(define (page-ext_gstates p)
(dict-ref! ($page-resources p) 'ExtGState (make-hasheq)))
(define (page-patterns p)
(dict-ref! ($page-resources p) 'Pattern (make-hasheq)))
(define (page-annotations p [annot #f])
(if annot
(dict-update! ($page-ref p) 'Annots (λ (val) (cons annot val)) null)
(dict-ref! ($page-ref p) 'Annots null)))
(define (page-write p chunk)
(ref-write ($page-content p) chunk))
(define (page-end p)
(ref-end ($page-ref p))
(ref-end ($page-resources p))
(ref-end ($page-content p)))
(define page-sizes
(hash "4A0" '(4767.87 6740.79)
"2A0" '(3370.39 4767.87)
"A0" '(2383.94 3370.39)
"A1" '(1683.78 2383.94)
"A2" '(1190.55 1683.78)
"A3" '(841.89 1190.55)
"A4" '(595.28 841.89)
"A5" '(419.53 595.28)
"A6" '(297.64 419.53)
"A7" '(209.76 297.64)
"A8" '(147.40 209.76)
"A9" '(104.88 147.40)
"A10" '(73.70 104.88)
"B0" '(2834.65 4008.19)
"B1" '(2004.09 2834.65)
"B2" '(1417.32 2004.09)
"B3" '(1000.63 1417.32)
"B4" '(708.66 1000.63)
"B5" '(498.90 708.66)
"B6" '(354.33 498.90)
"B7" '(249.45 354.33)
"B8" '(175.75 249.45)
"B9" '(124.72 175.75)
"B10" '(87.87 124.72)
"C0" '(2599.37 3676.54)
"C1" '(1836.85 2599.37)
"C2" '(1298.27 1836.85)
"C3" '(918.43 1298.27)
"C4" '(649.13 918.43)
"C5" '(459.21 649.13)
"C6" '(323.15 459.21)
"C7" '(229.61 323.15)
"C8" '(161.57 229.61)
"C9" '(113.39 161.57)
"C10" '(79.37 113.39)
"RA0" '(2437.80 3458.27)
"RA1" '(1729.13 2437.80)
"RA2" '(1218.90 1729.13)
"RA3" '(864.57 1218.90)
"RA4" '(609.45 864.57)
"SRA0" '(2551.18 3628.35)
"SRA1" '(1814.17 2551.18)
"SRA2" '(1275.59 1814.17)
"SRA3" '(907.09 1275.59)
"SRA4" '(637.80 907.09)
"EXECUTIVE" '(521.86 756.00)
"FOLIO" '(612.00 936.00)
"LEGAL" '(612.00 1008.00)
"LETTER" '(612.00 792.00)
"TABLOID" '(792.00 1224.00)))

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (store-ref doc ref)
(set-pdf-refs! doc (cons ref (pdf-refs doc))))
(define (resolve-page-size width height size orientation)
(match-define (list parsed-width parsed-height)
(hash-ref page-sizes (string-upcase size) (λ () (hash-ref page-sizes "LETTER")))
;; for portrait, shorter edge is width
(if (member orientation '("portrait" "tall")) < >)))
(list (or width parsed-width) (or height parsed-height)))
(define (make-pdf #:output-path [output-path #f]
#:compress [compress? (current-compress-streams)]
#:auto-first-page [auto-first-page? (current-auto-first-page)])
;; initial values
(define pages null)
(define refs null)
(define now (now/moment))
(define producer (format "Racket ~a [Pitfall library]" (version)))
(define info (mhasheq 'Producer producer
'Creator producer ; or application program using Pitfall
'CreationDate now
'ModDate now))
(define opacity-registry (make-hash))
(define current-fill-color '("black" 1))
(define ctm default-ctm-value)
(define ctm-stack null)
(define font-families (make-hash))
(define current-font-features null)
(define current-font-size 12)
(define current-font #false)
(define registered-fonts (make-hash))
(define font-count 0)
(define line-gap 0)
(define x 0)
(define y 0)
(define image-registry (make-hash))
(define new-doc (pdf pages
(set-current-ref-id! 1)
(register-ref-listener (λ (ref) (store-ref new-doc ref)))
(set-pdf-root! new-doc (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Catalog
'Pages (make-ref (mhasheq 'Type 'Pages)))))
;; initialize params
(current-compress-streams compress?)
(current-auto-first-page auto-first-page?)
(when (current-auto-first-page)
(add-page new-doc))
(when (current-auto-helvetica) (font new-doc "Helvetica"))
(define (add-page doc [width-arg #f] [height-arg #f]
#:size [size "letter"]
#:orientation [orientation "portrait"])
;; create a page object
(define page-parent (dict-ref (pdf-root doc) 'Pages))
(match-define (list width height) (resolve-page-size width-arg height-arg size orientation))
(set-pdf-pages! doc (cons (make-page #:parent page-parent #:width width #:height height) (pdf-pages doc)))
(when (test-mode)
;; default values for tests
(set-pdf-x! doc 72)
(set-pdf-y! doc 72))
;; flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in
;; the top left rather than the bottom left
(set-pdf-ctm! doc default-ctm-value)
(transform doc 1 0 0 -1 0 ($page-height (current-page doc)))
(define last-output-port #f)
(define (start-doc doc)
(define output-port (match (pdf-output-path doc)
[(? path-string? ps) (open-output-file ps #:exists 'replace)]
[(? output-port? op) op]
[#false (current-output-port)]))
(set! last-output-port (current-output-port))
(current-output-port output-port)
(write-bytes-out (format "%PDF-~a" (current-pdf-version)))
(write-bytes-out "%ÿÿÿÿ"))
(define (end-doc doc)
(for-each page-end (pdf-pages doc))
(define doc-info (make-ref (pdf-info doc)))
(ref-end doc-info)
(for-each font-end (sort (hash-values (pdf-font-families doc)) string<? #:key pdf-font-name))
(define pages-ref (dict-ref (pdf-root doc) 'Pages))
(dict-set! pages-ref 'Count (length (pdf-pages doc)))
(dict-set! pages-ref 'Kids (map $page-ref (reverse (pdf-pages doc))))
(ref-end pages-ref)
(ref-end (pdf-root doc))
(define xref-offset (file-position (current-output-port)))
(write-bytes-out "xref")
(define xref-count (add1 (length (pdf-refs doc))))
(write-bytes-out (format "0 ~a" xref-count))
(write-bytes-out "0000000000 65535 f ")
(for ([ref (in-list (reverse (pdf-refs doc)))])
(string-append (~r ($ref-offset ref) #:min-width 10 #:pad-string "0") " 00000 n ")))
(write-bytes-out "trailer")
(write-bytes-out (convert (mhasheq 'Size xref-count
'Root (pdf-root doc)
'Info doc-info)))
(write-bytes-out "startxref")
(write-bytes-out (numberizer xref-offset))
(write-bytes-out "%%EOF")
(close-output-port (current-output-port))
(current-output-port last-output-port))
(module+ test
(define d (make-pdf)))

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#lang racket/base
(for-syntax racket/base)
(provide check-copy-equal? check-pdfkit? make-doc check-font-subsets-equal?)
(test-mode #t)
(require rackunit pitfall/pdf pitfall/vector pitfall/color pitfall/text pitfall/font pitfall/image racket/runtime-path racket/class)
(provide (all-from-out rackunit racket/runtime-path pitfall/pdf pitfall/vector pitfall/text pitfall/color pitfall/font pitfall/image racket/class))
(define (this->control this) (path-add-extension this #"" #" copy."))
(define (this->pdfkit-control this)
(string->path (string-replace ((if (string? this) values path->string) this) "rkt." ".")))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (this->pdfkit-control (string->path "test1crkt.pdf")) (string->path "test1c.pdf")))
(define-macro (check-copy-equal? THIS)
(syntax/loc caller-stx (check-true (for/and ([b1 (in-input-port-bytes (open-input-file THIS))]
[b2 (in-input-port-bytes (open-input-file (this->control THIS)))])
(equal? b1 b2)))))
(define-syntax-rule (check-pdfkit? this)
(check-equal? (file-size this) (file-size (this->pdfkit-control this))))
(define (make-doc ps [compress? #false] [proc (λ (doc) doc)] #:test [test? #t] #:pdfkit [pdfkit? #t])
(define doc (make-pdf #:compress compress? #:output-path ps))
(start-doc doc)
(proc doc)
(end-doc doc))
(when test?
(check-headers-equal? ps (this->control ps))
(check-pdfs-equal? ps (this->control ps))
(when pdfkit?
(check-headers-equal? ps (this->pdfkit-control ps))
(check-pdfs-equal? ps (this->pdfkit-control ps)))))

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct $png $img (image pixel-bit-length img-data alpha-channel)
#:transparent #:mutable)
(define (make-png data [label #f])
(define image (read-png data))
(define pixel-bit-length (hash-ref image 'pixelBitlength))
(define width (hash-ref image 'width))
(define height (hash-ref image 'height))
(define img-data (hash-ref image 'imgData))
(define alpha-channel #f)
(define obj #f)
($png data label width height obj png-embed image pixel-bit-length img-data alpha-channel))
(define (png-embed png)
(unless ($img-ref png)
(set-$img-ref! png
(mhash 'Type 'XObject
'Subtype 'Image
'BitsPerComponent (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'bits)
'Width ($img-width png)
'Height ($img-height png)
'Filter 'FlateDecode)))
(unless (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'hasAlphaChannel #f)
(define params (make-ref
(mhash 'Predictor 15
'Colors (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'colors)
'BitsPerComponent (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'bits)
'Columns ($img-width png))))
(dict-set! ($img-ref png) 'DecodeParms params)
(ref-end params))
[(hash-has-key? ($png-image png) 'palette)
;; embed the color palette in the PDF as an object stream
(define palette-ref (make-ref))
(ref-write palette-ref (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'palette))
(ref-end palette-ref)
;; build the color space array for the image
(dict-set! ($img-ref png) 'Colorspace
(list 'Indexed 'DeviceRGB (sub1 (/ (bytes-length (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'palette)) 3)) palette-ref))]
[else (dict-set! ($img-ref png) 'ColorSpace 'DeviceRGB)])
[(hash-ref ($png-image png) 'transparency #f)
[(hash-ref (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'transparency) 'grayscale #f)
(error 'transparency-grayscale-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'transparency) 'rgb #f)
(error 'transparency-rgb-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref ($png-image png) 'transparency) 'indexed #f)
(error 'transparency-indexed-not-implemented)])]
[(hash-ref ($png-image png) 'hasAlphaChannel #f)
;; For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
;; channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an
;; SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.]
(define-values (img-bytes alpha-bytes) (split-alpha-channel png))
(set-$png-img-data! png (deflate img-bytes))
(set-$png-alpha-channel! png (deflate alpha-bytes))]))
(when ($png-alpha-channel png)
(define sMask-ref
(mhash 'Type 'XObject
'Subtype 'Image
'Height ($img-height png)
'Width ($img-width png)
'BitsPerComponent 8
'Filter 'FlateDecode
'ColorSpace 'DeviceGray
'Decode '(0 1))))
(ref-write sMask-ref ($png-alpha-channel png))
(ref-end sMask-ref)
(dict-set! ($img-ref png) 'SMask sMask-ref))
;; embed the actual image data
(ref-write ($img-ref png) ($png-img-data png))
(ref-end ($img-ref png)))
(define (split-alpha-channel png)
(define ip ($img-data png))
(file-position ip 0)
(define bmap (read-bitmap ip 'png/alpha))
(define pixels (make-bytes (* 4 ($img-width png) ($img-height png))))
(send bmap get-argb-pixels 0 0 ($img-width png) ($img-height png) pixels)
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes pixels)])
(define argb-len (/ (bytes-length pixels) 4))
(define img-bytes (make-bytes (* argb-len 3)))
(define alpha-bytes (make-bytes argb-len))
(for ([argb-bytes (in-port (λ (p) (read-bytes 4 p)))]
[i (in-range argb-len)])
(bytes-copy! alpha-bytes i argb-bytes 0 1)
(bytes-copy! img-bytes (* i 3) argb-bytes 1 4))
(values img-bytes alpha-bytes)))
;; test files
(module+ test
(define pic (make-png (open-input-file "../ptest/assets/death-alpha.png")))
(define-values (img alpha) (split-alpha-channel pic)))
Grab key chunks from PNG. Doesn't require heavy lifting from libpng.
(define (read-png ip-or-bytes)
(define png (make-hasheq))
(parameterize ([current-input-port (if (input-port? ip-or-bytes)
(open-input-bytes ip-or-bytes))])
(define header (read-bytes 8))
(let loop ()
[(eof-object? (peek-byte)) png]
(define chunk-size (read-32bit-integer))
(define chunk-name (read-bytes 4))
(case chunk-name
[(#"IHDR") (hash-set*! png
'width (read-32bit-integer)
'height (read-32bit-integer)
'bits (read-byte)
'colorType (read-byte)
'compressionMethod (read-byte)
'filterMethod (read-byte)
'interlaceMethod (read-byte))]
[(#"PLTE") (hash-set*! png 'palette (read-bytes chunk-size))]
[(#"IDAT") (hash-set*! png 'imgData (read-bytes chunk-size))]
;; This chunk can only occur once and it must occur after the
;; PLTE chunk and before the IDAT chunk.
(define transparency (mhash))
(case (hash-ref png 'colorType (λ () (error 'read-png "PNG file is loco")))
;; Indexed color, RGB. Each byte in this chunk is an alpha for
;; the palette index in the PLTE ("palette") chunk up until the
;; last non-opaque entry. Set up an array, stretching over all
;; palette entries which will be 0 (opaque) or 1 (transparent).
(hash-set! transparency 'indexed
(append (read-bytes chunk-size)
(make-list (min 0 (- 255 chunk-size)) 255)))]
;; Greyscale. Corresponding to entries in the PLTE chunk.
;; Grey is two bytes, range 0 .. (2 ^ bit-depth) - 1]
(hash-set! transparency 'grayscale (bytes-ref (read-bytes chunk-size) 0))]
;; True color with proper alpha channel.
(hash-set! transparency 'rgb (read-bytes chunk-size))])
(hash-set! png 'transparency transparency)]
(define text (read-bytes chunk-size))
text = @read(chunkSize)
index = text.indexOf(0)
key = String.fromCharCode text.slice(0, index)...
@text[key] = String.fromCharCode text.slice(index + 1)...
[(#"IEND") (define color-value (case (hash-ref png 'colorType)
[(0 3 4) 1]
[(2 6) 3]))
(define alpha-value (and (member (hash-ref png 'colorType) '(4 6)) (hash-ref png 'colorType)))
(hash-set*! png
'colors color-value
'hasAlphaChannel alpha-value
'pixelBitlength (* (hash-ref png 'bits) (+ color-value (if alpha-value 1 0)))
'colorSpace (case color-value
[(1) "DeviceGray"]
[(3) "DeviceRGB"]))]
[else (read-bytes chunk-size)])
(read-bytes 4) ; skip crc
(define (read-32bit-integer)
(define signed #f) (define big-endian #t)
(integer-bytes->integer (read-bytes 4) signed big-endian))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(read-png (open-input-file "../ptest/assets/test.png"))
(read-png (file->bytes "../ptest/assets/test.png"))))

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require "core.rkt"
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define ref-listeners null)
(define (register-ref-listener proc)
(set! ref-listeners (cons proc ref-listeners)))
(define current-id 0)
(define (set-current-ref-id! val)
(set! current-id val))
(define (make-ref [payload (make-hasheq)])
(define new-ref ($ref current-id payload #f (open-output-bytes)))
(for-each (λ (listener-proc) (listener-proc new-ref)) ref-listeners)
(set! current-id (add1 current-id))))
(define (ref-write ref chunk)
(write-bytes (to-bytes chunk) ($ref-port ref)))
(define (ref-end ref)
(set-$ref-offset! ref (file-position (current-output-port)))
(write-bytes-out (format "~a 0 obj" ($ref-id ref)))
(define bstr
(let ([bstr (get-output-bytes ($ref-port ref))])
[(zero? (bytes-length bstr)) #false]
[(and (current-compress-streams) (not (hash-ref ($ref-payload ref) 'Filter #f)))
(hash-set! ($ref-payload ref) 'Filter 'FlateDecode)
(deflate bstr)]
[else bstr])))
(when bstr
(hash-set! ($ref-payload ref) 'Length (bytes-length bstr)))
(write-bytes-out (convert ($ref-payload ref)))
(when bstr
(write-bytes-out (bytes-append #"stream\n" bstr #"\nendstream")))
(write-bytes-out "\nendobj"))

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#lang scribble/manual
Package Description Here

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#lang racket
(require ptest/all)

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(provide text string-width)
(define (do-horiz-line doc x y width [underline? #f])
(define (scale-to-em x) (* (pdf-current-font-size doc) (/ x 1000.0)))
(save doc)
(when underline?
(apply stroke-color doc (pdf-current-fill-color doc)))
(define stroke-width
[(or (not underline?) (test-mode)) (max 0.5 (floor (/ (pdf-current-font-size doc) 10)))]
(scale-to-em (pdf-font-underline-thickness (pdf-current-font doc)))]))
(line-width doc stroke-width)
(define vert-em-adjustment (if underline? 1 0.6))
(define vert-line-adj
(+ y
(* (current-line-height doc) vert-em-adjustment)
(- (cond
[(test-mode) stroke-width]
;; underline-position field is negative, by convention, so we change the sign
(scale-to-em (- (pdf-font-underline-position (pdf-current-font doc))))]
[else 0]))))
(move-to doc x vert-line-adj)
(line-to doc (+ x width) vert-line-adj)
(stroke doc)
(restore doc))
(define (do-bgcolor doc x y width bgcolor)
(save doc)
(rect doc x y width (current-line-height doc))
(fill-color doc bgcolor)
(fill doc)
(restore doc))
(define (do-underline doc x y width) (do-horiz-line doc x y width 'underline))
(define (add-text doc x y str features)
(match-define (list encoded-char-strs positions) (encode (pdf-current-font doc) str features))
(define scale (/ (pdf-current-font-size doc) 1000.0))
(define commands empty)
;; Adds a segment of text to the TJ command buffer
(define last-segment 0)
(define (add-segment cur)
(when (< last-segment cur)
(define hex (string-append* (for/list ([str (in-vector encoded-char-strs last-segment cur)]) str)))
(define posn (vector-ref positions (sub1 cur)))
(define advance (- (glyph-position-x-advance posn) (glyph-position-advance-width posn)))
(set! commands (cons (format "<~a> ~a" hex (numberizer (- advance))) commands)))
(set! last-segment cur))
;; Flushes the current TJ commands to the output stream
(define (flush idx)
(add-segment idx)
(when (positive? (length commands))
(add-content doc (format "[~a] TJ" (string-join (reverse commands) " ")))
(set! commands empty)))
(for/fold ([previous-had-offset #f] [x x])
([(posn idx) (in-indexed positions)])
(define has-offset
;; If we have an x or y offset, we have to break out of the current TJ command
;; so we can move the text position.
[(or (not (zero? (glyph-position-x-offset posn))) (not (zero? (glyph-position-y-offset posn))))
(flush idx)
(add-content doc ; Move the text position and flush just the current character
(format "1 0 0 1 ~a ~a Tm"
(numberizer (+ x (* (glyph-position-x-offset posn) scale)))
(numberizer (+ y (* (glyph-position-y-offset posn) scale)))))
(flush (add1 idx))
;; If the last character had an offset, reset the text position
(when previous-had-offset
(add-content doc (format "1 0 0 1 ~a ~a Tm" (numberizer x) (numberizer y))))
;; Group segments that don't have any advance adjustments
(unless (zero? (- (glyph-position-x-advance posn) (glyph-position-advance-width posn)))
(add-segment (add1 idx)))
(values has-offset (+ x (* (glyph-position-x-advance posn) scale))))
(flush (vector-length positions)))
(define (text doc str [x-in #f] [y-in #f]
#:features [features (pdf-current-font-features doc)]
#:fill [fill? #t]
#:stroke [stroke? #f]
#:tracking [character-tracking-arg #f]
#:underline [underline? #f]
#:link [link-url #f]
#:strike [strike? #f]
#:bg [bgcolor #f])
(when x-in (set-pdf-x! doc x-in))
(when y-in (set-pdf-y! doc y-in))
(define x (pdf-x doc))
(define y (pdf-y doc))
(define character-tracking (or character-tracking-arg 0))
;; calculate the actual rendered width of the string after word and character spacing
(define rendered-width
;; wrap this in delay so it's only calculated if needed
(+ (string-width doc str
#:tracking character-tracking
#:features features)
(* character-tracking (sub1 (string-length str))))))
;; create link annotations if the link option is given
(when link-url
(link doc x y (force rendered-width) (current-line-height doc) link-url))
;; create underline or strikethrough line
(when underline? (do-underline doc x y (force rendered-width)))
(when strike? (do-horiz-line doc x y (force rendered-width)))
(when bgcolor (do-bgcolor doc x y (force rendered-width) bgcolor))
;; flip coordinate system
(save doc)
(define page-height ($page-height (current-page doc)))
(transform doc 1 0 0 -1 0 page-height)
(define next-y (- page-height
(* (/ (pdf-font-ascender (pdf-current-font doc)) 1000)
(pdf-current-font-size doc))))
;; add current font to page if necessary
(define current-font-id (pdf-font-id (pdf-current-font doc)))
(hash-ref! (page-fonts (current-page doc)) current-font-id (λ () (make-font-ref (pdf-current-font doc))))
;; begin the text object
(add-content doc "BT")
;; text position
(add-content doc (format "1 0 0 1 ~a ~a Tm" (numberizer x) (numberizer next-y)))
;; font and font size
(add-content doc (format "/~a ~a Tf" current-font-id
(numberizer (pdf-current-font-size doc))))
;; rendering mode
(when stroke?
;; default Tr mode (fill) is 0
;; stroke only = 1; fill + stroke = 2
(add-content doc (format "~a Tr" (+ 1 (if fill? 1 0)))))
;; Character spacing
(unless (zero? character-tracking)
(add-content doc (format "~a Tc" character-tracking)))
;; Add the actual text
(add-text doc x next-y str features)
;; end the text object
(add-content doc "ET")
;; restore flipped coordinate system
(restore doc)
;; 181224 unsuppress size tracking in test mode to preserve test 04
;; otherwise we'll be doing our own line measurement
(when (test-mode) (set-pdf-x! doc (+ (pdf-x doc) (string-width doc str))))
(define (string-width doc str
#:tracking [character-tracking 0]
#:features [features #false])
(+ (measure-string (pdf-current-font doc) str (pdf-current-font-size doc) (or features (pdf-current-font-features doc)))
(* character-tracking (sub1 (string-length str)))))

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define default-ctm-value '(1 0 0 1 0 0))
(define (save doc)
(set-pdf-ctm-stack! doc (cons (pdf-ctm doc) (pdf-ctm-stack doc)))
(add-content doc "q"))
(define (restore doc)
(set-pdf-ctm! doc
(if (pair? (pdf-ctm-stack doc))
(car (pdf-ctm-stack doc))
(set-pdf-ctm-stack! doc (cdr (pdf-ctm-stack doc))))
(add-content doc "Q"))
(define (bezier-curve-to doc cp1x cp1y cp2x cp2y x y)
(add-content doc (format "~a c" (string-join (map numberizer (list cp1x cp1y cp2x cp2y x y)) " "))))
(define (circle doc x y radius)
(ellipse doc x y radius))
(define (clip doc [rule #f])
(add-content doc (string-append "W" (winding-rule rule) " n")))
(define (close-path doc)
(add-content doc "h"))
(define (dash doc length [options (mhash)])
[(list? length)
(add-content doc
(format "[~a] ~a d"
(string-join (map numberizer length) " ")
(hash-ref options 'phase 0)))]
(define space (hash-ref options 'space length))
(define phase (hash-ref options 'phase 0))
(add-content doc (format "[~a ~a] ~a d" (numberizer length) (numberizer space) (numberizer phase)))]
[else doc]))
(define (ellipse doc x y r1 [r2 r1])
;; based on
;; This constant is used to approximate a symmetrical arc using a cubic Bezier curve.
(define kappa (* 4 (/ (- (sqrt 2) 1) 3.0)))
(-= x r1)
(-= y r2)
(define ox (* r1 kappa)) ; control point offset horizontal
(define oy (* r2 kappa)) ; control point offset vertical
(define xe (+ x (* r1 2))) ; x-end
(define ye (+ y (* r2 2))) ; y-end
(define xm (+ x r1)) ; x-middle
(define ym (+ y r2)) ; y-middle
(move-to doc x ym)
(bezier-curve-to doc x (- ym oy) (- xm ox) y xm y)
(bezier-curve-to doc (+ xm ox) y xe (- ym oy) xe ym)
(bezier-curve-to doc xe (+ ym oy) (+ xm ox) ye xm ye)
(bezier-curve-to doc (- xm ox) ye x (+ ym oy) x ym)
(close-path doc))
(define (fill doc [color #f] #:rule [rule #f])
(when color (fill-color doc color)) ;; fill-color method is from color mixin
(add-content doc (format "f~a" (winding-rule rule))))
(define (fill-and-stroke doc [fill #f] [stroke fill] #:rule [rule #f])
(when fill (fill-color doc fill) (stroke-color doc stroke))
(add-content doc (format "B~a" (winding-rule rule))))
(define (line-cap doc [c #f])
(define cap-styles (hasheq 'butt 0 'round 1 'square 2))
(add-content doc
(format "~a J" (if (symbol? c)
(hash-ref cap-styles c)
(define (line-join doc [j #f])
(define cap-styles (hasheq 'miter 0 'round 1 'bevel 2))
(add-content doc
(format "~a j" (if (symbol? j)
(hash-ref cap-styles j)
(define (line-to doc x y)
(add-content doc (format "~a ~a l" x y)))
(define (line-width doc w)
(add-content doc (format "~a w" (numberizer w))))
(define (move-to doc x y)
(add-content doc (format "~a ~a m" x y)))
(define (path doc path-data)
(parse-svg-path doc path-data)
(define (polygon doc . points)
(match points
[(cons (list x y) other-points)
(move-to doc x y)
(for ([pt (in-list other-points)])
(match pt
[(list x y)
(line-to doc x y)]))
(close-path doc)]
[else doc]))
(define (quadratic-curve-to doc cpx cpy x y)
(add-content doc (format "~a v" (string-join (map numberizer (list cpx cpy x y)) " "))))
(define (rect doc x y w [h w])
(add-content doc (format "~a re" (string-join (map numberizer (list x y w h)) " "))))
(define (rect-centered doc x y w [h w])
(rect doc (- x (/ w 2)) (- y (/ h 2)) w h))
(define scale
[(list (? pdf? doc) (? number? x-factor)) (scale doc x-factor (mhash))]
[(list (? pdf? doc) (? number? xFactor) (? hash? options)) (scale doc xFactor xFactor options)]
[(list (? pdf? doc) (? number? xFactor) (? number? yFactor)) (scale doc xFactor yFactor (mhash))]
[(list (? pdf? doc) (? number? xFactor) (? number? yFactor) (? hash? options))
(match-define (list x y)
(match-let ([(list xo yo) (hash-ref options 'origin '(0 0))])
(list (* xo (- 1 xFactor)) (* yo (- 1 yFactor)))))
(transform doc xFactor 0 0 yFactor x y)]))
(define (shear doc x y)
(transform doc 1 y x 1 0 0))
(define (stroke doc [color #f] [width #f])
(when width (line-width doc width))
(when color (stroke-color doc color))
(add-content doc "S"))
(define (transform doc scaleX shearY shearX scaleY mdx mdy)
(define new-ctm (list scaleX shearY shearX scaleY mdx mdy))
(set-pdf-ctm! doc (combine-transforms (pdf-ctm doc) new-ctm))
(add-content doc (make-transform-string new-ctm)))
(define (translate doc x y)
(transform doc 1 0 0 1 x y))
(define (winding-rule rule)
(if (and (string? rule) (regexp-match #rx"^even-?odd$" rule)) "*" ""))
(define (combine-transforms m new-ctm)
(match-define (list m0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5) m)
(match-define (list m11 m12 m21 m22 dx dy) new-ctm)
(list (+ (* m0 m11) (* m2 m12))
(+ (* m1 m11) (* m3 m12))
(+ (* m0 m21) (* m2 m22))
(+ (* m1 m21) (* m3 m22))
(+ (* m0 dx) (* m2 dy) m4)
(+ (* m1 dx) (* m3 dy) m5)))
(define (make-transform-string ctm)
(format "~a cm" (string-join (map numberizer ctm) " ")))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define ctm default-ctm-value)
(define ctm2 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
(set! ctm (combine-transforms ctm ctm2))
(check-equal? ctm '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
(set! ctm (combine-transforms ctm ctm2))
(check-equal? ctm '(7 10 15 22 28 40))
(set! ctm (combine-transforms ctm ctm2))
(check-equal? ctm '(37 54 81 118 153 222))
(check-equal? (combine-transforms '(1 0 0 -1 0 792.0) '(1 0 0 1 50 50))
'(1 0 0 -1 50 742.0))
(check-equal? (combine-transforms '(1 0 0 -1 50 742.0) '(1 0 0 -1 0 792))
'(1 0 0 1 50 -50.0)))
(define (parse-svg-path doc path)
(define commands (parse path))
(apply-commands commands doc))
(define (parse path)
(define lex-1
[(eof) eof]
[alphabetic (string->symbol lexeme)]
[(:: (:? "-") (:* numeric) (:? ".") (:+ numeric)) (string->number lexeme)]
[(:or whitespace ",") (lex-1 input-port)]))
(slicef-at (for/list ([tok (in-port lex-1 (open-input-string path))])
tok) symbol?))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(parse "M 0,20 L 100,160 Q 130,200 150,120 C 190,-40 200,200 300,150 L 400,90")
'((M 0 20)
(L 100 160)
(Q 130 200 150 120)
(C 190 -40 200 200 300 150)
(L 400 90)))
(parse "M-122.304 84.285C-122.304 84.285 -122.203 86.179 -123.027 86.16C-123.851 86.141 -140.305 38.066 -160.833 40.309C-160.833 40.309 -143.05 32.956 -122.304 84.285z")
'((M -122.304 84.285)
(C -122.304 84.285 -122.203 86.179 -123.027 86.16)
(C -123.851 86.141 -140.305 38.066 -160.833 40.309)
(C -160.833 40.309 -143.05 32.956 -122.304 84.285)
(check-equal? (parse "L100-160") '((L 100 -160))))
(define (apply-commands commands doc)
(for/fold ([cx 0][cy 0][px 0][py 0][sx 0][sy 0])
([cmd (in-list commands)])
(match-define (cons cmd-name cmd-args) cmd)
(let loop ([cmd-name cmd-name][cmd-args cmd-args])
(match-define (list a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
(append cmd-args (make-list (- 6 (length cmd-args)) #f)))
(case cmd-name
[(M) (apply move-to doc cmd-args)
(values a0 a1 #f #f a0 a1)]
[(m) (loop 'M (list (+ cx a0) (+ cy a1)))]
[(C) (apply bezier-curve-to doc cmd-args)
(values a4 a5 a2 a3 sx sy)]
[(c) (loop 'C (list (+ cx a0) (+ cy a1)
(+ cx a2) (+ cy a3)
(+ cx a4) (+ cy a5)))]
[(S) (match-let ([(list px py) (if (not px)
(list cx cy)
(list px py))])
(apply bezier-curve-to doc (- cx (- px cx)) (- cy (- py cy)) a0 a1 a2 a3)
(values a2 a3 a0 a1 sx sy))]
[(s) (loop 'S (list (+ cx a0) (+ cy a1)
(+ cx a2) (+ cy a3)))]
[(L) (apply line-to doc cmd-args)
(values a0 a1 #f #f sx sy)]
[(l) (loop 'L (list (+ cx a0) (+ cy a1)))]
[(H) (loop 'L (list a0 cy))]
[(h) (loop 'L (list (+ cx a0) cy))]
[(V) (loop 'L (list cx a0))]
[(v) (loop 'L (list cx (+ cy a0)))]
[(Q) (apply quadratic-curve-to doc cmd-args)
(values a2 a3 a0 a1 sx sy)]
[(q) (loop 'Q (list (+ cx a0) (+ cy a1)
(+ cx a2) (+ cy a3)))]
[(T) (match-define (list px py)
(if (not px)
(list cx py)
(list (- cx (- px cx) (- cy (- py cy))))))
(apply quadratic-curve-to doc cmd-args)]
;; todo other path ops
[(z) (apply close-path doc cmd-args)
(values sx sy px py sx sy)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'apply-commands "valid command name" cmd-name)]))))

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#lang racket
(for ([i (in-range 25)])
(define which (string->symbol (format "ptest/test~a" i)))
(println which)
(dynamic-require which #f))

@ -0,0 +1 @@
This is a copy of the Charter fonts which Bitstream contributed to the X consortium, arranged for use in the MacOS. Here is the copyright notice: (c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA. You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter Type 1 fonts. BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
Copyright (c) 2014, Mozilla Foundation
with Reserved Font Name Fira Sans.
Copyright (c) 2014, Mozilla Foundation
with Reserved Font Name Fira Mono.
Copyright (c) 2014, Telefonica S.A.
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created
using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font
creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to
provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and
improved in partnership with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to
any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software
components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to,
deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the
components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting
the Font Software to a new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed,
modify, redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the
Font Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in
Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the
corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the
primary font name as presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created using
the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
This package is part of the noto project. Visit for more information.
Built on 2017-10-24 from the following noto repository:
Repo: noto-emoji
Tag: v2017-09-13-design-refresh
Date: 2017-09-20 10:08:23 GMT
Commit: d5ac67b140cc63aa512bbb3d164e15737dd97564
Update color emoji font and assets for new design.
This design is the one used in Android O.
The blobs are dead. Long live the blobs.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 340 KiB

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang info
(define compile-omit-paths 'all)
(define test-omit-paths 'all)
(define raco-commands '(("ptest" ptest/raco "ptests" #f)))

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/logging)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-logger ptest)

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
1 0 obj
<< /Type /Catalog
/Pages 2 0 R
2 0 obj
<< /Type /Pages
/Kids [3 0 R]
/Count 1
/MediaBox [0 0 300 144]
3 0 obj
<< /Type /Page
/Parent 2 0 R
<< /Font
<< /F1
<< /Type /Font
/Subtype /Type1
/BaseFont /Times-Roman
/Contents 4 0 R
4 0 obj
<< /Length 55 >>
/F1 18 Tf
0 0 Td
(Hello World) Tj
0 5
0000000000 65535 f
0000000018 00000 n
0000000077 00000 n
0000000178 00000 n
0000000457 00000 n
<< /Root 1 0 R
/Size 5

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
fs = require 'fs'
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
doc.registerFont('the-font', '/Library/Fonts/MinionPro-Regular.OTF')
.text('Minion Pro Regular OTF', 50, 50, {width: false})

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
'glyph-ids = '(450 480)
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'numr
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 1
feature = 'numr
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'dnom
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 1
feature = 'dnom
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 1
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 1
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 1
feature = 'frac
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #f
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 2
'gids-top = '(450 480)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'liga
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark liga curs rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt rlig ltra mkmk rvrn)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #t
'start-lookup-branch================= = 'start-lookup-branch=================
(for/list ((g glyphs)) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphIterator glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(· this glyphIterator cur id) = 450
(· this glyphIterator peekIndex) = 1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 4
'--------------------------- = '---------------------------
'ligature-substitution = 'ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
(· table coverage glyphs) = '(450)
'forker = 0
'starting-index = 0
(send (· table ligatureSets) get (report index 'starting-index)) = '(((compCount . 2) (components 480) (glyph . 731)) ((compCount . 2) (components 514) (glyph . 732)))
(· ligature components) = '(480)
'in-match-loop = 'in-match-loop
idx = 0
(· glyph id) = 480
matched = '(1)
index = 1
characters = '(102 105)
(· ligatureGlyph id) = 731
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom = 'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom
(· this glyphIterator cur) = #f
(· this glyphIterator index) = 1
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 1
'gids-top = '(731)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'calt
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark rlig curs rvrn rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt liga ltra mkmk)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #t
'start-lookup-branch================= = 'start-lookup-branch=================
(for/list ((g glyphs)) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphIterator glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(· this glyphIterator cur id) = 731
(· this glyphIterator peekIndex) = 1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 4
'--------------------------- = '---------------------------
'ligature-substitution = 'ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
(· table coverage glyphs) = '(373 393 450 532 538 598 609 616 625 640 718 2127)
'forker = -1
'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom = 'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom
(· this glyphIterator cur) = #f
(· this glyphIterator index) = 1
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 1
'gids-top = '(731)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'calt
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark rlig curs rvrn rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt liga ltra mkmk)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #t
'start-lookup-branch================= = 'start-lookup-branch=================
(for/list ((g glyphs)) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphIterator glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(· this glyphIterator cur id) = 731
(· this glyphIterator peekIndex) = 1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom = 'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom
(· this glyphIterator cur) = #f
(· this glyphIterator index) = 1
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 1
'gids-top = '(731)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'calt
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark rlig curs rvrn rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt liga ltra mkmk)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #t
'start-lookup-branch================= = 'start-lookup-branch=================
(for/list ((g glyphs)) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphIterator glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(· this glyphIterator cur id) = 731
(· this glyphIterator peekIndex) = 1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom = 'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom
(· this glyphIterator cur) = #f
(· this glyphIterator index) = 1
'resetting-iterator = 'resetting-iterator
'start-while++++++++++++++++++ = 'start-while++++++++++++++++++ on line 113 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/ot-processor.rkt"
'glyphs-length-top = 1
'gids-top = '(731)
giterator-idx-top = 0
feature = 'calt
(dict-keys (· this glyphIterator cur features)) = '(clig mark rlig curs rvrn rclt ccmp locl ltrm kern calt liga ltra mkmk)
(dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature) = #t
'start-lookup-branch================= = 'start-lookup-branch=================
(for/list ((g glyphs)) (· g id)) = '(450 480)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(for/list ((g (· this glyphIterator glyphs))) (· g id)) = '(731)
(· this glyphIterator index) = 0
(· this glyphIterator cur id) = 731
(· this glyphIterator peekIndex) = 1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup = 6
'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom = 'incrementing-iterator-at-bottom
(· this glyphIterator cur) = #f
(· this glyphIterator index) = 1
'end-sub = 'end-sub on line 56 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/layout-engine.rkt"
glyphs = (list (object:TTFGlyph ...) (object:TTFGlyph ...)) on line 56 in "/Users/MB/git/pitfall/fontkit/layout-engine.rkt"
. error: stop

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
in match loop
idx = 0 = 480
matched = 1
index = 1
characters = 102,105 = 731
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
matched = false
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 514
in match loop
idx = 0 = 514
matched = 2
index = 2
characters = 102,108 = 732
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
in match loop
idx = 0 = 480
matched = 1
index = 1
characters = 102,105 = 731
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
matched = false
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 514
in match loop
idx = 0 = 514
matched = 2
index = 2
characters = 102,108 = 732
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
in match loop
idx = 0 = 480
matched = 1
index = 1
characters = 102,105 = 731
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 450
forker = 0
table.ligatureSets.get(_index3) = [object Object],[object Object]
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 480
matched = false
starting index = 0
ligature.components = 514
in match loop
idx = 0 = 514
matched = 2
index = 2
characters = 102,108 = 732
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 4
start ligature-substitution
lookupType = 4
table.coverage.glyphs = 373,393,450,532,538,598,609,616,625,640,718,2127
forker = -1
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6
'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup 6

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/logging
(λ ()
(match (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) #f)])
(vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0))
["test" (dynamic-require 'ptest/all #f)]
[_ (displayln "no cmd given")]))
#:logger ptest-logger

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 FiraSansOT;}
\f0\fs200 \cf0 x}

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
tiger = require './assets/tiger'
fs = require 'fs'
# Create a new PDFDocument
doc = new PDFDocument
doc.pipe fs.createWriteStream('test.pdf')
# Set some meta data['Title'] = 'Test Document'['Author'] = 'Devon Govett'
# Register a font name for use later
doc.registerFont('Charter', 'assets/charter.ttf')
# Set the font, draw some text, and embed an image
.text('Some text with an embedded font!', 100, 100)
.text('PNG and JPEG images:')
.image('assets/test.png', 100, 160, width: 412)
.image('assets/test.jpeg', 190, 400, height: 300)
# Add another page
.text 'Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 100
# Draw a triangle and a circle
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
.fill("#FF3300"), 200, 50)
.translate(470, -380)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z') # render an SVG path
.fill('red', 'even-odd') # fill using the even-odd winding rule
loremIpsum = '''
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Mauris at ante tellus. Vestibulum a metus lectus. Praesent tempor purus a lacus blandit eget gravida ante hendrerit. Cras et eros metus. Sed commodo malesuada eros, vitae interdum augue semper quis. Fusce id magna nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin placerat semper. Cras et mi neque, a dignissim risus. Nulla venenatis porta lacus, vel rhoncus lectus tempor vitae. Duis sagittis venenatis rutrum. Curabitur tempor massa tortor.
# Draw some text wrapped to 412 points wide
doc.text('And here is some wrapped text...', 100, 300)
.font('Charter', 13)
.moveDown() # move down 1 line
.text(loremIpsum, width: 412, align: 'justify', indent: 30, paragraphGap: 5)
# Add another page, and set the font back
.font('Charter', 25)
.text('Rendering some SVG paths...', 100, 100)
.translate(220, 300)
# Render each path that makes up the tiger image
for part in tiger
doc.path(part.path) # render an SVG path
if part['stroke-width']
doc.lineWidth part['stroke-width']
if part.fill isnt 'none' and part.stroke isnt 'none'
doc.fillAndStroke(part.fill, part.stroke)
unless part.fill is 'none'
unless part.stroke is 'none'
# Add some text with annotations
.text('Here is a link!', 100, 100, { link: '', underline: true })

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
fs = require 'fs'
# Create a new PDFDocument
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes})

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
5 0 obj
/Type /Page
/Parent 1 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Contents 3 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
3 0 obj
/Length 18
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
6 0 obj
/Producer (PDFKit)
/Creator (PDFKit)
/CreationDate (D:20181126220022Z)
2 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 1 0 R
1 0 obj
/Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [5 0 R]
0 7
0000000000 65535 f
0000000395 00000 n
0000000346 00000 n
0000000186 00000 n
0000000119 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000254 00000 n
/Size 7
/Root 2 0 R
/Info 6 0 R

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#lang racket/base
(require pitfall/pdftest)
(define-runtime-path pdf "test0rkt.pdf")
(make-doc pdf #f)
(define-runtime-path pdfc "test0crkt.pdf")
(make-doc pdfc #t)

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
5 0 obj
/Type /Page
/Parent 1 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Contents 3 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
6 0 obj
/Producer (PDFKit)
/Creator (PDFKit)
/CreationDate (D:20181120225935Z)
2 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 1 0 R
1 0 obj
/Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [5 0 R]
3 0 obj
/Length 81
/Filter /FlateDecode
­LA€0 ºó
>`R¶©Ù;|®îêû¥êLi¡ †giï…c"XŠ ¶à Õ”|­†½ ꎴWMÔÏhÞz†èiNΗoL Ð
0 7
0000000000 65535 f
0000000327 00000 n
0000000278 00000 n
0000000384 00000 n
0000000119 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000186 00000 n
/Size 7
/Root 2 0 R
/Info 6 0 R

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
5 0 obj
/Parent 1 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
/Contents 3 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Type /Page
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
3 0 obj
/Length 18
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
6 0 obj
/CreationDate (D:19700101000000Z)
/Creator (PITKIT)
/Producer (PITKIT)
2 0 obj
/Pages 1 0 R
/Type /Catalog
1 0 obj
/Kids [5 0 R]
/Count 1
/Type /Pages
0 7
0000000000 65535 f
0000000395 00000 n
0000000346 00000 n
0000000186 00000 n
0000000119 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000254 00000 n
/Info 6 0 R
/Root 2 0 R
/Size 7

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
fs = require 'fs'
make = (doc) ->
# Draw a triangle and a circle
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
.fill("#FF3300"), 200, 50)
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
make doc
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes})
make doc

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
6 0 obj
/Type /ExtGState
/ca 1
5 0 obj
/Type /Page
/Parent 1 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Contents 3 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
/ExtGState <<
/Gs1 6 0 R
3 0 obj
/Length 294
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
100 150 m
100 250 l
200 250 l
/DeviceRGB cs
1 0.2 0 scn
/Gs1 gs
230 200 m
230 172.385763 252.385763 150 280 150 c
307.614237 150 330 172.385763 330 200 c
330 227.614237 307.614237 250 280 250 c
252.385763 250 230 227.614237 230 200 c
/DeviceRGB cs
0.4 0 1 scn
/Gs1 gs
7 0 obj
/Producer (PDFKit)
/Creator (PDFKit)
/CreationDate (D:20181120215403Z)
2 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 1 0 R
1 0 obj
/Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [5 0 R]
0 8
0000000000 65535 f
0000000744 00000 n
0000000695 00000 n
0000000258 00000 n
0000000163 00000 n
0000000059 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000603 00000 n
/Size 8
/Root 2 0 R
/Info 7 0 R

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#lang racket/base
(require pitfall/pdftest)
(define (proc doc)
;; Draw a triangle and a circle
[save doc]
[move-to doc 100 150]
[line-to doc 100 250]
[line-to doc 200 250]
[fill doc "#FF3300"]
[circle doc 280 200 50]
[fill doc "#6600FF"])
(define-runtime-path this "test1rkt.pdf")
(make-doc this #f proc)
(define-runtime-path that "test1crkt.pdf")
(make-doc that #t proc)

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
tiger = require './assets/tiger'
fs = require 'fs'
make = (doc) ->
doc.translate(220, 300)
# Render each path that makes up the tiger image
for part in tiger
doc.path(part.path) # render an SVG path
if part['stroke-width']
doc.lineWidth part['stroke-width']
if part.fill isnt 'none' and part.stroke isnt 'none'
doc.fillAndStroke(part.fill, part.stroke)
unless part.fill is 'none'
unless part.stroke is 'none'
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes})
make doc
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
make doc

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#lang racket/base
(require pitfall/pdftest racket/file racket/string)
(define-runtime-path tiger "assets/tiger.json")
(define (proc doc)
(translate doc 220 300)
(for* ([datum (in-list (read (open-input-string (string-replace (file->string tiger) #rx"[,:]" " "))))]
[part (in-value (apply hash datum))])
(path doc (hash-ref part 'path))
(when (hash-has-key? part "stroke-width")
(line-width doc (string->number (hash-ref part "stroke-width"))))
(if (and (not (string=? (hash-ref part 'fill "none") "none"))
(not (string=? (hash-ref part 'stroke "none") "none")))
(fill-and-stroke doc (hash-ref part 'fill) (hash-ref part 'stroke))
(unless (string=? (hash-ref part 'fill "none") "none")
(fill doc (hash-ref part 'fill)))
(unless (string=? (hash-ref part 'stroke "none") "none")
(fill doc (hash-ref part 'stroke)))))))
(define-runtime-path this "test10rkt.pdf")
(make-doc this #f proc)
(define-runtime-path that "test10crkt.pdf")
(make-doc that #t proc)

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
fs = require 'fs'
make = (doc) ->
# Add some text with annotations
.font('Helvetica', 30)
.text('Here is a link!', 100, 100, { link: '', underline: true, width: false})
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
make doc
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes})
make doc

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
6 0 obj
/Type /ExtGState
/ca 1
7 0 obj
/URI (
8 0 obj
/Subtype /Link
/A 7 0 R
/Type /Annot
/Rect [150 614.25 331.71 642]
/Border [0 0 0]
9 0 obj
/Type /ExtGState
/CA 1
5 0 obj
/Type /Page
/Parent 1 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Contents 3 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
/Annots [8 0 R]
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
/ExtGState <<
/Gs1 6 0 R
/Gs2 9 0 R
/Font <<
/F1 10 0 R
3 0 obj
/Length 238
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
/DeviceRGB cs
0 0 1 scn
/Gs1 gs
1 0 0 1 50 50 cm
/DeviceRGB CS
0 0 1 SCN
/Gs2 gs
3 w
100 124.75 m
281.71 124.75 l
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
1 0 0 1 100 670.46 Tm
/F1 30 Tf
[<486572652069732061206c696e6b21> 0] TJ
11 0 obj
/Producer (PDFKit)
/Creator (PDFKit)
/CreationDate (D:20181120230211Z)
10 0 obj
/Type /Font
/BaseFont /Helvetica
/Subtype /Type1
/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding
2 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 1 0 R
1 0 obj
/Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [5 0 R]
0 12
0000000000 65535 f
0000001040 00000 n
0000000991 00000 n
0000000511 00000 n
0000000382 00000 n
0000000262 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000059 00000 n
0000000114 00000 n
0000000218 00000 n
0000000893 00000 n
0000000800 00000 n
/Size 12
/Root 2 0 R
/Info 11 0 R

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#lang racket/base
(require pitfall/pdftest)
(define (proc doc)
[fill-color doc "blue"]
[font doc "Helvetica" 30]
[translate doc 50 50]
[text doc "Here is a link!" 100 100
#:link ""
#:underline #t])
(define-runtime-path this "test11rkt.pdf")
(make-doc this #f proc)
(define-runtime-path that "test11crkt.pdf")
(make-doc that #t proc)

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
6 0 obj
/Type /ExtGState
/ca 1
7 0 obj
/URI (
8 0 obj
/Subtype /Link
/A 7 0 R
/Type /Annot
/Rect [150 614.25 331.71 642]
/Border [0 0 0]
9 0 obj
/Type /ExtGState
/CA 1
5 0 obj
/Type /Page
/Parent 1 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Contents 3 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
/Annots [8 0 R]
4 0 obj
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
/ExtGState <<
/Gs1 6 0 R
/Gs2 9 0 R
/Font <<
/F1 10 0 R
11 0 obj
/Producer (PDFKit)
/Creator (PDFKit)
/CreationDate (D:20181120230211Z)
10 0 obj
/Type /Font
/BaseFont /Helvetica
/Subtype /Type1
/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding
2 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 1 0 R
1 0 obj
/Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [5 0 R]
3 0 obj
/Length 167
/Filter /FlateDecode
Â@ E÷ùŠü€m2ídZ­Zp!hg'nªV<>ý}3ø@<40>< 7œä2Æ„µ¹Ú`÷s¶]ƒ!BÚ2Æp…¼Œ§Œ/ÍRJn¿HÛ¿¾]'Ä$¤À0©jÊÌYÁTœ9þÌèa£gøÏKã¿ï/Ž²RЫÉ%cAè<41>°•XgÄ’ÚÚY+H-ƒ Ï<>öèW°ðúã Ÿ 3v
0 12
0000000000 65535 f
0000000751 00000 n
0000000702 00000 n
0000000808 00000 n
0000000382 00000 n
0000000262 00000 n
0000000015 00000 n
0000000059 00000 n
0000000114 00000 n
0000000218 00000 n
0000000604 00000 n
0000000511 00000 n
/Size 12
/Root 2 0 R
/Info 11 0 R

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
6 0 obj
/ca 1
/Type /ExtGState
7 0 obj
/URI (
8 0 obj
/A 7 0 R
/Border [0 0 0]
/Subtype /Link
/Rect [150 614.25 331.71 642]
/Type /Annot
9 0 obj
/CA 1
/Type /ExtGState
5 0 obj
/Parent 1 0 R
/Resources 4 0 R
/Contents 3 0 R
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
/Annots [8 0 R]
/Type /Page
4 0 obj
/Font <<
/F1 10 0 R
/ExtGState <<
/Gs2 9 0 R
/Gs1 6 0 R
/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]
3 0 obj
/Length 167
/Filter /FlateDecode
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PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
fs = require 'fs'
make = (doc) ->
# Register a font name for use later
doc.registerFont('Charter', 'assets/charter.ttf')
# Set the font, draw some text
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doc = new PDFDocument({compress: no})
make doc
doc = new PDFDocument({compress: yes})
make doc

Binary file not shown.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
