@ -113,25 +113,23 @@
[else ""])))
(define/typed+provide (gather-common-attrs qs)
((Listof Quad) . -> . (U False HashableList))
(: check-cap (QuadAttrPair . -> . Boolean))
(define (check-cap cap)
(equal? (quad-attr-ref (car qs) (car cap) attr-missing) (cdr cap)))
((Listof Quad) . -> . (Option HashableList))
(: check-cap (Quad QuadAttrPair . -> . Boolean))
(define (check-cap q cap) ; cap = candidate-attr-pair
(equal? (quad-attr-ref q (car cap) attr-missing) (cdr cap)))
(let loop
([qs qs]
[common-attr-pairs : (Listof QuadAttrPair) (if (quad-attrs (car qs))
;; start with the set of pairs in the first quad, then filter it down
[candidate-attr-pairs : (Listof QuadAttrPair) (if (quad-attrs (car qs))
(for/list ([kv-pair (in-hash-pairs (quad-attrs (car qs)))]
#:unless (member (car kv-pair) cannot-be-common-attrs))
[(null? common-attr-pairs) #f]
[(null? qs) (cast (flatten common-attr-pairs) HashableList)] ;; flatten + cast needed because this output gets used by quadattrs
[(null? candidate-attr-pairs) #f] ; ran out of possible pairs, so return #f
[(null? qs) (cast (flatten candidate-attr-pairs) HashableList)] ; ran out of quads, so return common-attr-pairs
;; todo: reconsider type interface between output of this function and input to quadattrs
[else (loop (cdr qs) (filter check-cap common-attr-pairs))])))
[else (loop (cdr qs) (filter (λ([cap : QuadAttrPair]) (check-cap (car qs) cap)) candidate-attr-pairs))])))
(: quadattrs ((Listof Any) . -> . QuadAttrs))
(define (quadattrs xs)