@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
(for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 items)]
;; suppress these keys so we can compare pdfkit & pitfall output
#:unless (member (car kv) excluded-keys))
(apply cons kv))
(apply cons kv))
#:key car))
(cond ;; might have a stream
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
(define (parse-pdf-bytes bs)
(for/list ([tok (in-port parse-1 (open-input-bytes bs))])
(define (pdf->dict pdf)
(define pdf-bs (if (bytes? pdf) pdf (file->bytes pdf)))
@ -118,17 +118,17 @@
(sort ; sort by byte offset
(cdr ; drop zeroth record: there is no zeroth object
(for/list ([i (in-range ref-count)])
(cons i (read (open-input-bytes (car (regexp-match #px"\\d{10}" xref-ip)))))))
(cons i (read (open-input-bytes (car (regexp-match #px"\\d{10}" xref-ip)))))))
< #:key cdr)
(list (cons #f xoff))))
(sort ; sort by index
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes pdf-bs)])
(for/list ([(idx start) (in-dict obj-locations)]
[(_ end) (in-dict (cdr obj-locations))])
(cons idx (car (parse-pdf-bytes (peek-bytes (- end start) start))))))
(cons idx (car (parse-pdf-bytes (peek-bytes (- end start) start))))))
< #:key car))
(define (dict-compare arg1 arg2)
(define (dict-compare arg1 arg2 [obj-idx #f])
(define d1 (if (dict? arg1) arg1 (pdf->dict arg1)))
(define d2 (if (dict? arg2) arg2 (pdf->dict arg2)))
(unless (dict? d1)
@ -139,13 +139,14 @@
(error (format "dict lengths different in d1 (~a) and d2 (~a)" (length d1) (length d2))))
(for/and ([(k1 v1) (in-dict d1)]
[(k2 v2) (in-dict d2)])
(unless (equal? k1 k2)
(error (format "keys unequal in ~e and ~e: ~a ≠ ~a" arg1 arg2 k1 k2)))
(unless (equal? v1 v2)
(error (format "values unequal in ~e and ~e: ~e ≠ ~e" arg1 arg2 v1 v2)))
(when (dict? v1)
(dict-compare v1 v2))
(define current-object-idx (or obj-idx k1))
[(dict? v1) (dict-compare v1 v2 current-object-idx)]
[(not (equal? k1 k2))
(error (format "keys unequal in object ~a: ~a ≠ ~a" current-object-idx k1 k2))]
[(not (equal? v1 v2))
(error (format "values unequal in object ~a for key ~e: ~e ≠ ~e" current-object-idx k1 v1 v2))]
[else #true])))
(define-simple-check (check-headers-equal? ps1 ps2)
(equal? (peek-bytes 14 0 (open-input-file ps1))
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@
[(vector? val) (dump (vector->list val))]
[(dict? val)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-dict (sort (dict->list val) #:key car symbol<?))])
(list k (dump v)))]
(list k (dump v)))]
[(list? val) (map dump val)]
[else val]))
@ -174,8 +175,8 @@
(= (length v1) (length v2))
(for/and ([x1 (in-list v1)]
[x2 (in-list v2)])
(unless (cmp x1 x2)
(set! misses (cons (list v1 x1 v2 x2) misses)))))]
(unless (cmp x1 x2)
(set! misses (cons (list v1 x1 v2 x2) misses)))))]
[else (equal? v1 v2)]))
(define ibs1 (dict-ref (dict-ref (pdf->dict f1) 8) 'stream))
@ -189,5 +190,5 @@
#;(module+ main
(for ([p (in-directory)]
#:when (path-has-extension? p #"pdf"))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) (println (format "~a failed" p)))])
(pdf->dict p))))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) (println (format "~a failed" p)))])
(pdf->dict p))))