still works

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 34e6f38e84
commit 80815b90f1

@ -69,12 +69,16 @@
(define subset-idx (to-hex gid))
(vector-set! subset-idxs idx subset-idx)
(hash-ref! (efont-widths ef) gid (λ () (* (glyph-advance-width glyph) (efont-scale ef))))
(hash-ref! (efont-unicode ef) gid (λ () (glyph-codepoints glyph)))
;; set the advance width of the posn
(set-glyph-position-advance-width! posn (glyph-advance-width glyph))
;; scale all values in posn (incl advance width)
(scale-glyph-position! posn (efont-scale ef))
(set-glyph-position-advance-width! posn (* (glyph-advance-width glyph) (efont-scale ef)))
(vector-set! new-positions idx posn))
;; update the return value
(vector-set! new-positions idx posn)
;; put the scaled width in the width cache (by fetching it out of posn)
(hash-ref! (efont-widths ef) gid (λ () (glyph-position-advance-width posn)))
(hash-ref! (efont-unicode ef) gid (λ () (glyph-codepoints glyph))))
(list subset-idxs new-positions))))
@ -83,9 +87,12 @@
;; use `encode` because it's cached.
;; we assume that the side effects of `encode`
;; (e.g., appending to `widths` and `unicode`)
;; are ok because every string that gets measured is going to be encoded eventually
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector (glyphrun-positions (layout (efont-font ef) str #:features features)))]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
(define scale (/ size (+ (font-units-per-em (efont-font ef)) 0.0)))
;; are ok because every string that gets measured is going to be encoded eventually
(match-define (list _ posns) (efont-encode ef str features))
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector posns)]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
;; however, encode cache is already normalized to 1000 em
;; so here, instead of scaling to font's upm, we scale to 1000
(define scale (/ size 1000.0))
(* width scale))
(define (efont-embedded ef)
